
Future of Storage
Software defined storage at petabyte scale - how will storage change in the next five years?
Stuart Miniman
At #vmworld the storage discussion is flash-centric, what is the balance of flash/capacity today and going forward?
John Furrier
the balance is about latency, throughput, and cost per gig and knowing the workload
Chris M Evans
I think at least 25% of the show showed flash related products
Leo Leung
75% in booth square footage
Chris M Evans
We had flash as a feature (caching), we had flash as a product (SolidFire etc). Then of course we've all flash versions of of hyperconverged.
Leo Leung
but that doesn't mean usage
Rob Peglar
it will be variable. enough flash to enable latency-sensitive apps, enough capacity to enable the biz competitive advantage
Stuart Miniman
@chrismevans it's at least 50% of the buzz, along with hyperconverged and SDS. Flash is important, but has it gone too far?
Jérôme Lecat
according to IDC 1.8% of Storage Systems capacity is flash.
Chris M Evans
It's a feature!! Until the next greatest thing comes along.
Leo Leung
@peglarr - agree - flash is an enabling technology... only
Leo Leung
- big buzz, low actual capacity shipped, let's move on ;)
Chris M Evans
Jerome, that's a fair point - lots of hype/noise around flash; not necessarily the area with the most sales.
Rob Peglar
there is also the biz choices between ephemeral store and persistent store. this is a biz decision that tech will (always) evolve and enable the choice
Andrew Reichman
flash accelerates perf, but is expensive- most data sits idle and doesn't need it- accelerating with the smallest amount of flash, or shrinking footprint w/ all flash remains a challenge
Jérôme Lecat
Scaity deployments typically have 1% of capacity in flash, for a 10x increase of performance
Jérôme Lecat
@reichmanIT indeed expensive, the 1.8% of capacity is 20% of the cost, again according IDC
Rob Peglar
CIOs must stop thinking cost/TB and start thinking investment/biz outcome. Data and its analysis enable biz outcomes to be optimal
Leo Leung
Our hypothesis - 20% flash / 80% SDS capacity oriented going forward
Andrew Reichman
@jlecat as with any expensive accelerating technology, the key is analytics that allows you to use it where it wld add the biggest benefit and archive the rest
Rob Peglar
ratio will vary wildly depending on vertical and use cases. Difficult to generalize.
Rob Peglar
@lleung 100 PB is small in some cases. I have had several 1EB conversations over the past 12-18 months
Andrew Reichman
for my $$, the analytics described by datagravity has more transformative potential than noise around flash, SDS & hyperconverged, but is a harder problem as indexengines & Kazeon showed
Leo Leung
@peglarr indeed - exabyte is the new petabyte
Rob Peglar
@lleung it's the Double Olympic phenomenon. Every 8 years the capacity of a single system rises 1,000x.
Leo Leung
@peglarr - point is - too much conversation about flash, not enough about the bigger shift in storage
Rob Peglar
@lleung in 2000 the industry was designing 1TB systems. In 2008, 1 PB. In 2016 it will be 1EB
Rob Peglar
Not true. _Some_ storage - depends on architecture - suffers from OP/UU. Others do not. Not having to pre-allocate has been around for decades, not a new idea.
Storage Godfather (HPEStorageGuy)
With dedupe ratios, efficiency, etc, cost of flash is at less than 15K drives (at least with HP 3PAR it is). Hearing customers switching from HDD to SDD because of this.
Chris M Evans
@HPStorageGuy Then we will have tiered flash within the same array and start the cycle again.
Storage Godfather (HPEStorageGuy)
Do you mean we'll tier flash using different ($/GB) flash drives? I can see that coming.
Chris M Evans
@HPStorageGuy I think we will; it's a natural extension of where we went with disk.
Rob Peglar
@chrismevans @HPStorageGuy agree. If there are different $/metric levels of any technology, we will find a way to tier it
Chris M Evans
@peglarr If things weren't dictated by price/cost, we'd all drive to work in Ferraris... :-)
Leo Leung
https://www.crowdcha... - with all this talk about businesses going to cloud, how big will the storage market be in 10 years?

Chris M Evans
How do you define "the storage market"?
Leo Leung
@shd_9 @storageDiva - this question is for you ^ ;)
Chris M Evans
...bearing mind storage is now dispersing back to the infrastructure.
Stuart Miniman
sounds like the changing hw, sw and service mix will be painful for the current big players $EMC $NTAP
John Furrier
I think that mkt research firms are having a hard time sizing the unified or converged market TAM imho; it's not shrinking that thesis is crazy
Leo Leung
@chrismevans - you mean like x86 volume and optimized servers? ;)
Jérôme Lecat
@chrismevans anything deployed on prem (storage systems, DAS, storage software, storage professional services).... *not* cloud not IaaS, not SaaS, not Box...
Scott Davis
Which question was for me? ;-)
Chris M Evans
I was thinking of new flash players, NVDIMM tech, disk industry, array vendors, hyperconverged players etc, all are selling "storage".
Leo Leung
@furrier - crazy is as crazy does - 3 points: consolidation, commoditization, culling the fat
Stuart Miniman
here's the Wikibon forecast on shifting share from traditional storage to non-array solutions (Server SAN) http://wikibon.org/w...
Jérôme Lecat
@furrier Why crazy ? When there is a value chain disruption industries often shrink: look VOIP vs PSTN, look Amazon vs Barnes and Nobles.
John Furrier
look how Cisco calc share for their UCS they count other non server tech to capture the true architecture but not apples to apples
Leo Leung
@shd_9 - what size is the storage market in 10 years, with Infinio in the world
Jérôme Lecat
@furrier There are no less phone calls, there are no less books being sold, but there is less margin for Voice at Telcos, or for selling books (ask Barnes & nobles)
John Furrier
@jlecat totally agree margin shifts to other value creation tech and innovations
Leo Leung
@furrier - margins erosion, margin dispersion. that is all.
Storage Godfather (HPEStorageGuy)
@furrier Agree - I know are server team is asking those that measure revenue to make the numbers apples to apples.
Scott Davis
storage is being disrupted on multiple fronts, its the aggregate of the disruptions and the myriad of solutions growing from it that is the key trend
Jérôme Lecat
@stu Wikibon's graph is convincing. Take out public cloud (Hyperscale in green on their 2nd graph), and it is flat.
Stuart Miniman
@HPStorageGuy @furrier funny, HP has been playing this for years with the mix of internal storage vs external. Slice that apple and find an orange inside ;)
Jérôme Lecat
@stu Scality thinks it is actually decreasing because in SDS architecture there is more pressure on margin throughout the value chain. Some of our customers do reverse auction on servers and HDD and buy the cheapest. The intelligence is in the software.
Scott Davis
disruptive ingredients: new medium - flash and memory DIMMS, Separate buying capacity and performance, scale out arch, colocation of app and storage, partitioning, object storage, availability/coherence as app responsibility
Storage Godfather (HPEStorageGuy)
@stu True but IDC breaks out internal vs external vs total. So, really not the same.
Chris M Evans
@shd_9 Some of these disruptions are just features though, not new paradigms or technology. What do you see as the real shifts?
Chris M Evans
@HPStorageGuy So how about some new categories? Can we really lump hyper-converged in with "internal"?
Scott Davis
@chrismevans I think the real shifts are: 1) decentralized storage, 2) massive scale and datasets, 3) separation of capacity from performance and 4) application-centric high availability.
Rob Peglar
@shd_9 well said, i would add app-centric D/R as well (as opposed to HA)
Scott Davis
@chrismevans My opinion on Hyper-converged as a category - http://talkingtechwi...
Software-Defined Storage & Hyper-Converged Infrastructure; Two Sides of the Same Coin?
When I talk to customers about Infinio, it often helps to explain the landscape of storage – where the industry is today.  Shortly after I joined Infinio I quickly formulated a 5 category taxonomy for the emerging storage landscape: Hybrid arrays, Al...
Storage Godfather (HPEStorageGuy)
@chrismevans Now that's getting complex. Glad I don't have to define and measure revenue. Technically, hyperconverged is shared internal. A new category?
Jay Cuthrell jay@cuthrell.com +1-415-763-8343
ask any analyst or pundit what % of their practitioner contacts can _accurately_ provide total spindle counts (then ask if they actually 'care')
Jérôme Lecat
@shd_9 Yes, and I would add 5) decoupling of HW and SW and 6) application-centric provisinning