Niels Lagerweij5
So What do you think of our Idea?
Jerry Overton
Really like it. What do you see as the biggest administrative challenge you'll have to overcome?
André van Cleeff
as a cyber person, I'd say Identity & Access Management
James Szczygiel
Its encouraging to see experts in one industry reach across to other industries in problem solving way, the synergy is contagious.
Niels Lagerweij
At this point we need to get time from csc's legal team and the research network to get involved finding the right channels to do so seem particularly challenging
Yogesh Khanna
Recommend connecting with Christoph Weisinger in NPS. He is a domain expert in ID and Access Management.
Anthony Hudson
I love the idea. I wonder would it be possible to encapsulate data collection and transmission via biometric access, for example Apple's Touch ID or something similar? No one would have access to the data without some high level access scheme.
Hans van der Graaf
That wasn't part of our idea but may be it is possible we will take a look into it
André van Cleeff
Yogesh, for IAM we will be in touch with Angelika Steinacker at the Aspire conference shortly, but we will reach out to Christoph as well.
Yogesh Khanna
Great. I spelled Christoph's last name incorrectly. It is Wiesinger.
Sorin Costea
@AndreVanCleeff what is the solution main differentiator(s)?
André van Cleeff
@sorincos There are many existing healthcare solutions but these are for a large part point solutions that do not scale or are only applicable to a particular region, the architecture we propose is globabally applicable, scalable and extendable.
Sorin Costea
@AndreVanCleeff If I'm a hospital, why would I care about scaling globally? I need something to better address my own needs.
Niels Lagerweij
Healthcare is a global practice not just regional new research and insights are done all over the world and are thus benificial for all
Hans van der Graaf
@sorincos Not only is Healthcare a global issue, you have the whole world as your market
André van Cleeff
@sorincos consider healthcare collaboratives, all around the world hospitals and doctors are working together to improve the quality of care and to find out "what works". The results are standards for care that can be used globally.
Sorin Costea
The aim to join global insights is a quite far reaching goal - unless the paying customer is a govt agency forcing it down to its subscribers. At the end, money talks...
Sorin Costea
so maybe I should ask this first; who's the buyer?
Niels Lagerweij
once you got the data providers engaged you can deliver on a global scale the only problem that remains is proper consent and that is key to our solution
Niels Lagerweij
all parties interested and in need of healthcare related information are potential providers and customers. as long as it is properly consented this becomes a posibillity.