IBM Banking51

Q1: What is the future of #mobilepayments?
Allison Baller
The future of mobile payments differs between emerging markets and mature markets ...

John Furrier
loaded question there is issues up and down the stack but for User Experience it's seamless usage anywhere
Allison Baller
with the rise of smartphones in the emerging markets and other factors i believe that convergence will occur ... we will start to see similarities across both developed and emerging markets in this space

Alberto Jimenez
The future of mobile payments will be one where consumers, merchants, brands and others in the commerce ecosystem engage with which other throught low-friction payments
David Mangini
So in Emerging Markets, is Mobile Payments still a financial inclusion story? or moving beyond that?

John Furrier
I think that what Uber has done in disrupting taxi market; mobile will enable a similar dynamic for end to end payment infra/sw

Alberto Jimenez
I think slowly moving from that to the digital economy
Mariano Plaza
Allison, I agree, we should not only think on smartphones, mobile payments can be really important for countries where most people has featurephones.
Perry Myers
There is definitely a huge financial inclusion story 2bn people with mobile phones but no bank accounts...
Priyo Jatmiko
frictionless yet secure
Keith Thomas
Will a provider be expected to support many different payment apps? There are so many out there. Which will prevail?
Bill McCrosky
I know it's an open ended question, but what is the future of mobile in mature banking environments?

Montserrat Batalla
what's the IBM offer and what are the differentiators from other providers

Kulbir Singh
The inclusion curve will surely roll upwards on this, however pulling together the trust, scale and security of payments with the solution will determine adoption of mobile payments
Allison Baller
In Emerging Markets the use-cases are starting to move beyond financial inclusion - there is strong interest in the B2B space whereby corporates can start to leverage mobile payments in the supply chain - especially for SMEs
Perry Myers
In Nairobi we are starting to see overlap of the unbanked sector (simple feature phones) and the middle class with Smart phones... however it will be some time yet before the unbanked masses can afford mobile data connections let alone smart phones

Kulbir Singh
Japan & hongKong had Octopus card since 97 and Kenya has M-PESA, however in mature markets the transaction security & experience will separate the winners from the losers
Mariano Plaza
As it happened with Internet, security can be stopper for a while
Richard G Brown
@furrier Uber is an interesting case-study: the payment is effectively *invisible*. Supports @AlbertoJ25 point about it needing to be friction-free

Kulbir Singh
its also about the merchants unlearning the stickiness around current infrastructure hosted on the payments environment

Alberto Jimenez
@mbatalla Right now IBM helps clients across remote payments (mobile money and cards on file), proximity payments (cloud based payments), security and value added services

Bruce Baron
Future of #mobilepayments is integrated, frictionless, analytical, and well designed. It will add value to consumers lives, help them trade-off and understand opportunity cost.
Stephanie Davis Deitzer
@furrier Agreed!
Virginia Wongso, MBA
In emerging market such as Indonesia, Thailand, China, and others, they are huge crowd for social media, tech/mobile savy users compare to some mature markets. So, I think they have the wants and growth def., but need to overcome security and regulation

Zhizhong Gu
security is always a concern. However, convenience drives adoption significantly, especially payment of small amount.
Allison Baller
2 factor authentication enabled by mobile payments can help address the security challenges ... biometrics, voice ID, pw etc.

Montserrat Batalla
@AlbertoJ25 thanks, any link to the info will help to present the IBM offer to customers at ICC for Banking in Barcelona

IBM Banking
@mbatalla @AlbertoJ25 will connect with you on this!

Montserrat Batalla
looking forward to you info, thanks