Dr. Tanvi Gautam51
Q5: What are the common mistakes while building a strong digital employer brand ? Pl reply under this to keep the thread together
Apurva Chamaria
A.5 1. Traditional org built on command & control restricted employees from transparent communication digitally (1/2) #ihrchat
Subramanian Kalpathi
Lack of execution skills to be able to showcase what you communicate through your EVP. That's the biggest challenge!
Apurva Chamaria
A.5 2. Not aligning the external brand positioning with the internal brand (2/2) #ihrchat
Dr. Tanvi Gautam
Apply non digital rules to a digital world !
Sarang Brahme
A5 Considering that brand is owned by company and people are just recipients of the brand.
Mahesh Devrani
Fear of negative sentiments spoiling your Reputation #Ihrchat
Sarang Brahme
A5 Ignoring the social chatter and comments. Only focusing on what company wants to say.
Subramanian Kalpathi
@Lopamudra great point that
Sarang Brahme
A5 Focusing too much on external brand building without understanding that it starts internally
Dr. Tanvi Gautam
Talk. Talk. Talk. No listening.
Harjot Dhawan
not customizing employer branding techniques
Debabrat/Debu Mishra
When you focus more on visibility and defocus on differentiation of EVP.
Sarang Brahme
A5 Considering that the employer brand measuring is yearly survey activity! #epicfail
Akhil Agarwal
Restricting it to only 1-2 channels and not really using the power of #digital to spread the word!
Shiva Kumar
A5 Not engaging enough with your audience
Karandeep Rajpal
Brands produce content for the sake of having content rather than offer relevant messaging that speaks to customers’ specific interests. #Ihrchat
Sarang Brahme
A5 Ignoring power of social media of your internal brand ambassadors. Use people's media than company owned :)
Apurva Chamaria
@Lopamudra #ihrchat yes EB is also owned by alumni although I would not stretch it to ownership :-)
Sarang Brahme
A5 Ignoring comments on Glassdoor, Vault and other social media channels.
Neeraj Sancheti
Ignoring an integrated social media approach for creating strong employer brand.
Dr. Tanvi Gautam
@poornviram says those who followed #coolestinterviewever, huge example of letting go.a brand enabling the millennials to connect
Dr. Tanvi Gautam
@a1purva why not ?
Sarang Brahme
A5 Also, digital branding is limited to FB/TW/LI. Go where your talent is talking about
Sarang Brahme
A5 Not having internal enterprise collaboration tool! Employer brand starts internally!
Dr. Tanvi Gautam
@gautamghosh says HR should know how the corp brand is impacting EB. If the corp brand is seen as "old" it impacts EB.
Sarang Brahme
on top of it, ignoring the difference between EB and Corporate brand.
Debabrat/Debu Mishra
A5. IMHO aligning external brand and internal brand is not a necessity. People don't come to work for you because they like your product. Some connect? Yes. Alignment. Nah!
Tanvi Bhatt
A5 ignoring the Leadership #Branding; especially on social media! (1/2)
Apurva Chamaria
#ihrchat expecting alumni to drive EB ownership might be too much as their loyalty will mostly (hopefully) lie with current employer who could be competition :)
Tanvi Bhatt
A5 (2/2) having obsolete #SocialMedia policies for rest of the employees!