
VMworld Pregame
VMworld Pregame chat with tech fans & influencers
   11 years ago
#vmworldVMworld InfluencersEveryday at 9am PT during VMworld 2013 join us for live conversations with thought leaders all day
   10 years ago
#vmworldVMworld 2014VMworld 2104 Conversations
Steve Herrod
Which newer company do you think will make the biggest splash at #VMworld?
Ashok Bhojwani
Now thats a great question. I'd be curiuos to know as well.
Aaron Delp
It's officailly a crowd chat, Stephen's here! My vote has to be SolidFire of course (shameless plug and I'll stop after that)
John Furrier
I like DataGravity and Docker two favs
Ashok Bhojwani
My Vote will be for Docker !
Christopher Wells
@aarondelp I vote for @cohodata ... but alas I am biased too ;)
John Furrier
@aarondelp Solidfire might be on the wrong side of the street if the flash mkt shifts
John Furrier
I like @epowell101 new company stackstorm
Aaron Delp
@abhojwani Sorry... no way I couldn't take a swing at that one... Seriously, Best one I've seen lately is Platform9, VMW alumni
Coho Data
we like to think we will make an impact at VMworld but maybe we are biased :)
John Furrier
I think that there is a #bigdata company out there we haven't seen playing in the cloud that will be disruptive..I'm looking for that wave
Ashok Bhojwani
@aarondelp Platform9 concept is good, but imo, they are a little late to the game
Aaron Delp
@furrier Ah, but SolidFire is way more than flash... don't want to make this a product pitch so let's talk offline sometime. I do agree though that a market shift could put others in danger. Good point
Aaron Delp
@vsamurai_com For your sake (and mine) I hope @cohodata makes a good run of it! We need to catch up Chris!
John Furrier
@aarondelp i'll be at the their beer party to get the scoop. I think they are doing too much spreading to thin but i need the update
Christopher Wells
thinks there's too many SDS start-ups. I guess we're proving his point... LOL ;)
Aaron Delp
@abhojwani I think are hitting it at the right time. Few competitors in the space right now and evolving product right as OpenStack "buzz" is shifting to hosted management.
Aaron Delp
@furrier Beers on me Monday John!
Aaron Delp
Too many damn vExperts went to storage companies. There's your problem right there... oh, wait...
Shawn Cannon
@aarondelp HA! I am a vExpert that is just an average day to day user of VMware. Should I find a storage company to go work for? ;-)
Coho Data
In general companies that can show value to their customers quickly, identify customers paint points and show how they solve it all in a 45 sec pitch will make splashes :)
John Furrier
Not sure I call Nutanix a new company but they are disrupting with their approach
Gregg Holzrichter
Looking forward to introducing more folks to @Atlantis_USX - moved beyond just VDI workloads to accelerating any VM workload and reducing capacity by 90%. Nice value prop to work with...
Scott Davis
#VMworld turing into a storage conference this year with all the new players. @Infinio included! I'll be laying out the 5 new storage architectures in an unbiased manner @vbrownbag 1PM Monday. That said, I vote for #Docker as most disruptive.
@shd_9 Docker is winning the developers
Scott Davis
Of course the other way to determine most disruptive at #Vmworld is which new tech/Companies does #VMware respond to in their keynote! ;-)
Gabriel Chapman
@Crowdfather True, but will it win with the admin teams who have to manage it? Still see a technical disconnect for rank and file IT teams.
Question for the Crowd: What is the favorite beer of the ecosystem?
John Furrier
Very tough call to make - IPA is fav
got to go with Yuengling America's Oldest Brewery
John Furrier
ecosystem more like neighborhood
Hey @EMCSAP, I know a guy called #Whalen who like Yuengling - look out for him #VMworld
Kelsey Mulcahy
hmmm anchor steam!
@furrier Is IPA a west coast brew?
Jamie MacQuarrie
In SF, can't go wrong with Anchor Steam. Tons of local micros to choose from, too.
@JMacQuarrie Agreed. When in SF.....
Rick Scherer ☁
Briar Rose Talking Frog hefeweizen for me.. it's a local fav for me
Jeff Frick
Going to be Gordon Biersch after we take theCUBE crew down there in a few weeks.
Gordon Biersch
Company history; information about beers and restaurants. With locations throughout the United States.
Henrik Wagner
Stella Artois for Sure
Aaron Delp
I'm from PA before Yuengling went national. Yes, Yuengling all the way
Jamie MacQuarrie
@JeffFrick GB is good. For beer education in SF try Abbot's Cellar or Toronado. Very cool, very different places.
John Furrier
I'm been getting into 805 lately from SoCal I pick up cases when I go visit my son at UCSB
Vlad Nagornyi
Favorite beer - Whatever they have at Chieftain and ThirstyBear
Rob Steele
Sweetwater 420 Pale Ale out of Atlanta, GA is by far my favorite.
Kelsey Mulcahy
@furrier yes, 805 is awesome- wish i could find it around here. go gauchos!
Jeff Frick
Racer5 at the Nut House on Cal Ave. It's the whole package. #Solution
Oren Carmeli
@henrikwagner73 Stella was my first and still my favorite to this date
Mark Browne
The rather extensive range of craft beer available at Toronad www.tornado.com
Mark Browne
Dang my own exuberence. The venue is Toronado the website http://www.toronado.... apologies for typos