IBM Social Business55
Q9: What if your company does not foster social collaboration? What can you do to change this?
Brian Fanzo
Start small and screenshot the small wins to show value and build a portfolio of awesomeness.. #ScreenshotAwesomeness
Daniel Davis
Look for a new job? That company is going down! :)
Mark Babbitt
A9; Update your resume.
Keith Brooks
A9 Just do it on your own, Look at how Comcast did it or scoble, be the first, take initiative @IBMSocialBiz
Ted Coiné
Do what you can, where you are. Do it now. Don't study it, or think about it, or kick it upstairs. Just act.
Brian Fanzo
Invest in your personal brand and digital footprint as that's the new resume! RT @MarkSBabbitt: A9; Update your resume.
Keith Brooks
A9 been there done that as well @JimCanto and yes, move on to someone that gets it
Jim Canto
@MarkSBabbitt Exactly.
Ted Coiné
My coauthor's point, "Update your resume?" I hope employers are listening in. The top talent has the most options. They leave first.
Mark Babbitt
Your personal brand depends on your willingness to embrace the Social Age. Lead by example. Start a trend.
Maria Garcia
A9 will initiate the change and see what happens
Jim Canto
@MarkSBabbitt Wait...what?!? What's a resume?? I fell right in that little trap. Ha.
Calli Ensor
Educate your leadership. Define the ROI and provide case studies that support your goals. See what your competitors are doing.
Mark Babbitt
If change was easy, anyone could do it. Lead the way.
Brian Fanzo
Not working for a social brand.. Start with these tips: http://www.slideshar...
Viking Funding Group
Take the initiative to change by using your own skills to improve the companies social collaboration
Ted Coiné
Often by showing the big wigs what social is capable of, how it can help the company by helping your team, ears perk up.
Keith Brooks
A9 one problem is social shows your true personality. What, as bill cosby said, you are an Ahole? Work with it, there are people that like that in their teams. @IBMSocialBiz
Jim Canto
@calliensor If I have to "sell" them the value of social... I'm with the wrong company. IMO
Daniel Davis
Do it yourself! If your company isn't on board with #socbiz, they're probably not savvy enough to stop you from adopting your own sociz tools!
Wayne Hendry
A9: Try to get buy-in for social by showing the ROI and be a catalyst for the change. If rebuffed repeatedly it is time to move on as life is too short.
Lindsay Malloy
Any company that will not collaborate is looking to shun innovation... Not cool.
Jim Claussen
Maria Garcia
@MarkSBabbitt Good point Mark I'm listening
Mark Babbitt
Do NOT wait for permission. Go social. Track your progress. Show quantified results.
Paul Slater
Sometimes just starting to do the right thing yourself and with colleagues is enough - eventually they'll get the message. If not, it's your choice as to what you do next.
Brian Fanzo
RT @jill_rowley: We're living in the Age of the Customer; no longer Age of the Seller. Customers have choice & voice #SellerBeware
Brian Fanzo
RT @jcufaude: This. RT @skap5: Collaboration isn't reaching across silos 4 something U need, its recombining capabilities to create new value. #SocBizChat
Maria Winans
Collaboration creates an opportunity for employees to share their ideas, good and bad. Some of those bad ideas could turn into great ones using collaboration.
Demonstrate the business value to offset the perception by some that social is trivial and frivolous.
Keith Brooks
I disagree @LindsaySkarda thet are not shunning innovation, just not being receptive to outside information. Different items. And it is not black and white. Look at Apple, no one blogs, tweets, tec.. @IBMSocialBiz
Brian Fanzo
@MariaWinans Love that Maria... The good and bad ideas being shared have so much value in building teams!
Nicole Gerentine
Show them how it can be effective with qualitative results based on what other people are doing
Wayne Hendry
@iSocialFanz Totally agree that is why a great and easy customer experience is huge!
Tamara McCleary
A9 As @iSocialFanz @calliensor and @tedcoine said, demonstrate ROI to show executives why #social is important
@LotusEvangelist Interesting. would like to hear more about Apple behavior...
Lindsay Malloy
@LotusEvangelist That may be true. But does that mean that they are not socially collaborating internally?
Phylicia Teymer
@MariaWinans The greatest inventions were created by leveraging old or bad ideas, and adding that additional "idea/concept" that made it take off! Social collaboration allows innovation like this to happen much faster!
Keith Brooks
You can look it up, try to find anything beyond videos ever posted by Apple anyone @Korenlis
Keith Brooks
Also once upon a time, RIM was VERY against it all. May have helped killed them too. @Korenlis
Keith Brooks
Maybe they are, maybe they are not. I don't think they do it as much as people would think @LindsaySkarda
Lindsay Malloy
@LotusEvangelist Agree to Disagree. :)
Keith Brooks
@LindsaySkarda that's fine. Remember if Jobs didn't like it, nothing was green lighted. Not very collaborative