IBM Social Business115![](https://crowdspotsimages.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/profile-images/dXNlcjp0d2l0dGVyOjYwNDAxNzI.jpeg)
Q7: How can companies with limited resources leverage #bigdata and social business tools for competitive advantages?
Andrew Grill
A7 Any company can start listening on social networks at low cost - and then realise the benefits and upgrade
Mark Fidelman
A7 There are very inexpensive tools and growth hacks that all businesses should be using now
Maria Winans
First ask yourself what really matters. Then invest accordingly.
Michela Stribling
@MariaWinans Well said!
Athar Afzal
A7 that's the beauty of it - low barriers of entry on #socialmedia and some tools for #bigdata
Andrew Grill
A7 also look at what your competitors are doing and companies in similar industries - they started somewhere so can you
Elizabeth Kvedar
I think it's critical that each company develop a strategy that fits their desire, that will allow them to stay within budget, as well as grow when they are ready
I generally ask "how do they make money?" For example, a hotel rents rooms. To make more money, get more rooms at low cost. AirBNB.
Sarah Gibb
Can companies afford NOT to adopt #bigdata when their competitors are?
Daniel Davis
And even small efforts, e.g. in collaboration, can reap big returns in efficiency, innovation, etc.
Rick Eagle
Limited resources includes most companies. Important thing is to begin.
Mark Fidelman![](http://twtrland.com/images/icons/256Icon.png)
Twtrland - Social Media Analytics
Twtrland is a social intelligence platform that helps you build your online identity and become an influencer in fields you care about.
Twtrland is a social intelligence platform that helps you build your online identity and become an influencer in fields you care about.
Laurie Summers
A7 Look to industry best practices and find a good vendor or partner to help.
Athar Afzal
@AndrewGrill a great example of that is @garyvee on how he built is wine industry - just by #socialmedia & analyzing #bigdata himself!
Richard Douglass
A7: Leveraging the cloud seems like an obvious answer
Camille Brandon
A7: By teaming up with larger companies who have the time/ability to gather and analyze smaller companies' #bigdata
Hugo Pinto
@AndrewGrill at least learn what not to do and try something different - piece by piece - after a lot of pieces big change happens
Mark Fidelman
A7 I am still waiting on Watson for small business #gamechanger @IBMSocialBiz
@rick_eagle Agree....align to business priorities a get started.
Samantha Klein
A7: Adapt or die!!
Athar Afzal
@ElizabethKvedar so correct - first know what you want out of it, then plan accordingly!
Kate Haughton
Initially, companies just need to commit the manpower to social listening and #engagement in a meaningful dialogue. They can start small and expand with time. #socbiz is no longer optional though - even w/limited resources.
Athar Afzal
@KateHaughton4 great point - I think they need to also make sure that everybody is on same page on their #socialmedia startegy
Krissia Mora
Identify what's the core of your business and how #BigData can make if grow, that way you can choose the best ways to use it according to your possibilities.
Hugo Pinto
small companies can use partnerships to explore with reduced risk
Maria Winans
With limited resources, clarity of vision = paramount. True in biz & in life.
Richard Douglass
#bigdata is a relative term - it's ultimately about gaining new insights, so pick a high-value problem that's relatively easy to tackle
Athar Afzal
@markfidelman can't wait for that, but I think @ibmwatson is waiting to get into SMBs just like Tesla did w/ their revolutionary cars!
Mark Fidelman
A7: Wondering if job applicants will be able to use #bigdata and #personaldata to determine a fit for a job
Mei Burgin
@rmdouglass Yes cloud is a great way for companies of all sizes to get started
Samantha Klein
@markfidelman future of HR - love it, how cool would that be?
Melinda Kretz
small companies should consider on investing in analytics resources vs feet on the street. Good analytics can help your sellers be more effective with less effort.
Hugo Pinto
@markfidelman HR services will be a supply/demand platform for tasks and powered by data/social
Sarah Gibb
Using people power!
Kate Haughton
@MariaWinans So true, Maria! Focus on what will truly move the needle first. Prioritization is key.
Athar Afzal
@samjoyk yes - and a lot of 'incumbants' are dying unfortunately they don't realize how easy it is for a start-up to take over. Remember the Blackberry!? :)
Elizabeth Kvedar
@markfidelman, I like that idea, it would transform the job hunting process
Laurie Johnson
@KateHaughton4 Great point! Doing nothing is not an option anymore.
Richard Douglass
A7: part of the beauty of cloud is that you not only leverage technology resources offered by the provider, you can essentially pool data from other companies, extending your effective leverage
Samantha Klein
@atharafzal what's a Blackberry? ;)
Nicole Gerentine
everything is just moving too fast not to!
Sarah Davidson
@rick_eagle exactly, get started, track results, adjust, keep going
Hugo Pinto
@ElizabethKvedar imagine IBM having a pool of great talent able to access different projects and different areas being able to tap different skillsets
Kit Dotson
When it comes to #BigData pay-as-you go X-as-a-Service style holdings should be able to help smaller businesses, especially connecting cloud storage, machine learning, etc. for data collection/contextualization.
Jesus Chavez![](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/h1iMInLWlFc/maxresdefault.jpg)
everyone will tell you they have limited resources; it's not about the tool, it's about the business need and how #bigdata #socialbiz can help https://www.youtube....
CEMEX creates an atmosphere of innovation and collaboration with the help of IBM
Gilberto Garcia, Head of Innovation at CEMEX, describes how they implemented an internal collaboration platform called SHIFT, designed to foster innovation a...
Gilberto Garcia, Head of Innovation at CEMEX, describes how they implemented an internal collaboration platform called SHIFT, designed to foster innovation a...
Q7: Adopting a SaaS solution is a great option for companies w/limited resources. SaaS is easy to acquire and cost effective.
Kate Haughton
@LaurieJohnson2 It's true. Companies cannot afford to do nothing. #bigdata and #socialmedia are here to say. Early adopters gain the biggest #competitiveadvantage and have the happiest, most loyal customer and employee base.
Matt Denning
@Sarah_Gibb too right! people are the resource, #Trust them!
Rick Eagle
@markfidelman Got to think that is coming if not here already in some early form.
Sarah Davidson
@markfidelman it will transform HR for both employee and employer
Richard Douglass
@ngerentine The pace of change is such that companies will drown if they don't have an intelligent strategy for tackling big data
Mark Fidelman
@rick_eagle I have an oddball theory that it will come in the form of an online game that you play
Kate Haughton
is it 2pm already?