Jack Narcotta19

Cloud is incredibly important to the long-term strategies of HP's clients - and to HP, as well. Hybrid cloud infrastructure is the best of both worlds for HP

John Furrier
HP can lead in #hybridcloud they need to show it now just say it

John Furrier
I'm confused by how #cloudfoundy plays in this

HPE Cloud
@furrier Customers are looking for #PaaS solutions for their #IaaS play and we are engaging with #cloudfoundry

Jack Narcotta
That's one of the challenges we (here at TBR) see for HP - the messaging re: hybrid cloud is coming together, but it's not there - yet. There's still a healthy amount of sales messaging that puts the "speeds and feeds" in front, instead of the solutions.

Jack Narcotta
That said, HP has come a loooong way since 2013's analyst summit. The rails have been laid, now it's up to HP to get the train started down the tracks.

Crowd Captain
i agree @JackN_TBR Can hp drive this into the enterprise..