Antonio F.19
My key question on big data is whether the most important asset is the data in itself or the conclusions you draw out of it. This leads me to some concerns regarding the cost managing that data and whether it would kill the business case.
Christoph Streubert
great question!!! Its the iinsight of big data not the data in itself that provides the value of big data
Mike Harding on HANA
Bringing in old school architectural elements, the Technology is there, but the People and Process need to drive it!
John Furrier
cart before the horse.. data is the new asset ..all kinds of data..that is why the #industrialinternet from #GE and #Pivotal are interesting to me - all devices connected throw off data #iot
Christoph Streubert True - but the value is what you can do with it - no the data itself
Jeff Kelly
cost implications of storing data in HDFS are low, meaning data storage is no longer a barrier to #bigdata biz case in most cases. but there are still questions around governance, high availability and security.
Antonio F. that is the point. the reality i see in most enterprises is that they are not that good in governance, and that leads to enormous amounts of "garbage" data being stored. Is this a part of the discussion in existing big data projects?
Antonio F.
so, considering life cycle management right from the start is a critical part of considering a big data strategy, right?
Chris Ritter
the insight from the data is the key. Making technology work in concert with the data sets or a "data lake" keeps the costs down. @EMCSAP building platforms that deliver enterprise scale for analytics.
Christoph Streubert
Two things are important about your question - the right architecture to facilitate federated access and the right skills/tools to gain insight
Christoph Streubert
a lot of bad data really fast - is still bad data - data governance, cleansing and master data will become even more important
Antonio F. i do believe that governance, and basic IT operations management processes will be a key aspect in sustaining the business cases around big data