IBM to sponsor Cloud Foundry Foundation | Thoughts on Cloud Blog In my previous post on Cloud Foundry, I wrote about the growing positive response to Cloud Foundry and growth in the community, as well as our commitment to work with Pivotal in opening up the governance for Cloud Foundry. Everything since my last po...
IBM leads with Codename: BlueMix at Pulse 2014 | Thoughts on Cloud Blog IBM made two very important announcements today as part of IBM Pulse 2014: the launch of Codename: BlueMix and the formation of the Cloud Foundry Foundation. Together, these announcements are critically important to IBM’s cloud strategy, and understa...
“We are pleased to be a founding member of the Cloud Foundry Foundation as it will help to establish a single, common multi-cloud architecture. " Raghu Raghuram, Executive Vice President, Cloud and Infrastructure Management, VMware
“We’re pleased to support the Cloud Foundry Foundation as a Platinum member to help drive the creation of the world’s first open governance model for enterprise PaaS." Bill Hilf, Vice President, Cloud Products and Services, Hewlett Packard
“The establishment of the independent Cloud Foundry Foundation to develop and promote an open source platform-as-a-service project is an important step towards building an industry-wide open cloud architecture. Dr. Angel Diaz, IBM #ibmpulse