
AWS and Better Backup
Join our panelists live for a Q&A as they spell out the ABCs - AWS, better backup and cloud. Log in here (top right) on Sep. 9 with your Twitter or LinkedIn account to participate.
Veeam UK
We are coming to the end of the live part of the Crowdchat! To our hosts and everyone here: What are your key takeaways?

Geoff Burke
You are responsible for backing up your data in AWS.
David Hill
Key takeaways are always consider the shared responsibility model of the cloud provider. Always remember that data security is your responsibility not the providers. Veeam products help provide guidance around this so you always know where you stand
Andrew Zhelezko
Don't hesitate to learn more about options for data protection in the cloud (including AWS)
Dustin Albertson
Use a product that is using best practices. Veeam goes thru a Well architected review with AWS to ensure that both Veeam and AWS customers are geting the best and most cost effective solutions.
Veeam UK
In fact, if you would like to find out more, please head to
AWS Backup Software - Veeam Backup for AWS
AWS Backup Software - Veeam Backup for AWS
Try now our Veeam Backup for AWS native cloud backup solution. Get fast full and file-level recovery, greater security and much more!
Geoff Burke
Important to have more than one copy of your backed up data
Dustin Albertson
Dont belive me, then check it out on AWS too.

Using Veeam with AWS Storage services to store offsite backups | Amazon Web Services
Using Veeam with AWS Storage services to store offsite backups | Amazon Web Services
Many customers are using Veeam Backup & Replication to protect their on-premises infrastructure and want to reduce the amount of physical backup infrastructure that they need to purchase and maintain. They also want to ensure that their backups resid...
Veeam UK
Please also check out our AWS customer references:
AWS Customer Reference Book
AWS Customer Reference Book
Customer stories show how the combination of Veeam and AWS protects critical data and applications and saves significant time and money
Veeam UK
That's all great. I would like to thank our hosts and participants for a lively and insightful discussion today! Please do come back, log in to ask a question and we'll answer. The chat will remain live for the next 24 hours.
Shana F Brewer
Thanks for hosting and thanks to all the panelists! This was a great discussion on the importance of protecting AWS workloads!
Veeam UK
Need a 90 second summary of WHY you need #Veeam for #AWS? Here we go:
Veeam UK
In this video, @davidhill_co shows you how to deploy and configure AWS-native backup and recovery with Veeam Backup & Replication v11. Thanks again for chatting with us today David!
AWS-native backup and recovery with Veeam Backup & Replication v11
AWS-native backup and recovery with Veeam Backup & Replication v11
In this video, David Hill, Veeam's Technologist, shows how to deploying and configure AWS-native backup and recovery with Veeam Backup & Replication v11.Lear...
Veeam UK
Ok, that’s all great. Q3: But what are customers saying? What benefits are they seeing?

Veeam UK
Why is #Veeam for AWS so popular with our customers? Go!
Dustin Albertson
I say it before but I will say it again...ease of management. We have customers with thousands of instances across hundreds of accounts and they can protect all of this with ONE product
Andrew Zhelezko
They enjoy flexibility and control Veeam provides, at least this is what I hear the most
Geoff Burke
Veeam helps customers avoid being locked in to a particular Service
Geoff Burke
Veeam can also be used as a migration tool
Dustin Albertson
I work with customers that have left other products because they feel that the approach veeam takes with our policies and data portability allows them to easily manage their data protection and migration much more efficiently.
Veeam UK
@CloudRestore Can you elaborate on that?
Dustin Albertson
#multicloud ;) If a customer is leveraging multiple clouds they can use our product to restore or migrate data from one cloud to another.
Geoff Burke
Sure. Veeam allows you to create backup copy jobs of your data out of the cloud storage, you can then restore your backups locally or to certain other providers.
Andrew Zhelezko
You'd be amazed how many people want to have a copy of AWS data somewhere in Azure/GCP too :)
Geoff Burke
For speed purposes you can even do instant recovery of your backups and have them back up and running in minutes.
Veeam UK
We have great customer stories that show how the combination of Veeam and AWS protects critical data and applications, ensures business operations, improves disaster recovery and business continuity, and saves significant time and money.
Veeam UK
Let’s look at Azzurri Group, a big Italian food business in the UK. They used Veeam Backup & Replication, VMware vSphere, and Amazon S3.
Dustin Albertson
Customers love the multiple options for File level recovery. Being able to chose from providing a recovery portal or restoring directly to the instance is another loved feature.
Veeam UK
A major win for Azzurri Group was that Veeam reduced data recovery time from days to minutes. Key outcomes: Veeam protects data required for BI analytics, Provides data recovery in minutes, minimizes downtime, automates and orchestrates BC and DR testing.
Dustin Albertson
@veeam_uki @clouddizzle How about Cross-Account protection? Customers love the fact that they can use a dedicated backup account to protect their data outside their production account
Veeam UK
Another example is Maritz, who also saw a stunning reduction in recovery time.They used Veeam for AWS for Amazon S3 and other solutions. They backed up several PB of data across more than 1,000 VMs.
David Hill
@clouddizzle It also follows the security best practices recommendations from AWS
Dustin Albertson
@bestfriends was another customer who was able to save alot of money by using Veeam and AWS to protect their data. In fact you can see me present with them here
Best Friends Animal Society Protects VMware Data & Applications to Protect Animals Nationwide
Best Friends Animal Society Protects VMware Data & Applications to Protect Animals Nationwide
Learn more about AWS Partner Webinars at – Watch our webinar to hear how the Veeam Availability Suite, including Veeam Cloud Tier, an...
Veeam UK
What about data accessibility and protection by Veeam and AWS? Why is Veeam so key to AWS customers?
Veeam UK
Indeed @clouddizzle, for this pet sanctuary, budgets are so crucial, too. Veeam for AWS manages to save them money that can be used elsewhere: The $42,000 saved by eliminating the colocation facility was used to purchase another data lake in Amazon S3.
Dustin Albertson
Customers want the best in cloud and backup software. :) But i may be a bit biased
Veeam UK
By the way, what's the pandemic effect here? What are your customers doing differently this year?
Geoff Burke
It has created a much bigger awareness of online everything.
David Hill
More and more customers are moving to the cloud due to the pandemic due to the national lockdowns and the inability to get access to physical resources. As a consequence ransomware attacks are increasing due to the misconfiguration of security policies
Dustin Albertson
wearing masks. ;) But seriously there has been a huge shift in the industry and more and more people are using cloud and getting out of their offices and datacenters. So being able to protect data in the cloud natively is key.
Geoff Burke
The pandemic also has created more awareness of protection in every aspect of life including your data.


Veeam UK
100% true! Now is a good time to re-evaluate your backup solutions.
Andrew Zhelezko
@cloudrestore tell us more, must be interesting from the service provider POV
Dustin Albertson
@cloudrestore Also more Work from home means more and more data is being accessed remotely. So having that data protected and secured is very important.
Geoff Burke
We have had to become more flexible in our daily lives dealing with this pandemic, so we expect more flexibility in our Backup solutions. Veeam provides that flexibility
Veeam UK
A little fact from our recent study: Modern data management can help unleash this data, driving business goals faster. Backup can no longer be just backup.
Veeam UK
Indeed, ultimately, upgrading means more than just a new backup solution — you will be driving innovation. This is also key for AWS customers.

Veeam UK
Let’s get started with a big question! Q1: Why should organisations consider protecting their AWS workloads?

Dustin Albertson
because of the AWS Shared Responsibility Model, it is the responsibility of the consumer to ensure their data is secured and protected, whether it is IaaS, PaaS or SaaS.
Shared Responsibility Model - Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Shared Responsibility Model - Amazon Web Services (AWS)
While AWS manages security of the cloud, security in the cloud is the responsibility of the customer. Learn more about the Shared Responsibility Model.
Geoff Burke
AWS is a great platorm but it does not provide Enterprise backups and equally important support for Backups and Restoration which is crucial in times when you really need it like after a disaster.
Dustin Albertson
And another reason would be multi-cloud. With each platform having its own tools and interfaces requiring operators and administrators to learn different interfaces to achieve data protection objectives. Veeam provides a familiar approach at them all.
David Hill
Data is your responsibility regardless of the platform you use. You must always protect your data, it is the crown jewel of any business today
Geoff Burke
Ransomware unfortunately can strike anywhere
Andrew Zhelezko
AWS defines a fine line between what they offer (and responsible for), clearly focused on data centers' durabilty and services' availability, not the customer data itself.
Dustin Albertson
to put it even more simply, the cloud isnt protecting your data so you must.
Veeam UK
Just like on-premises, your applications and data need to be protected to overcome any kind of data loss such as accidental deletion, #cybersecurity threats, ransomware, outages and more.
David Hill
With all the issues around ransomware and malware attacks, ensuring your data is safe today, tomorrow and yesterday has never been more important. You cannot rely on a vendor to provide this security for you
Veeam UK
Veeam is, of course, a member of the AWS Partner Network (APN).
Dustin Albertson
Mobility is another reason, being able to move your data outside of the cloud when you want is vital.
Andrew Zhelezko
Dustin, should we also mention compliance?
Dustin Albertson
@AndrewZhelezko For sure, being able to store data for long periods of time in more cost effective storage is key. Perfect example
Geoff Burke
I can't also stress enough the Mobility aspect
Veeam UK
Great, all great reasons to go beyond basic backup and recovery! Thanks all.
David Hill
Ensuring compliance for your industry is key to a successful cloud deployment. Data retention but also security requirements must be adhered too. It all comes back to the shared responsibility model
Dustin Albertson
@CloudRestore It reminds me of those JD wentworth commercials but with data. ITs my data and I need it now