
VDI and Enabling Hybrid Work
JOIN US: Key trends in Virtual Desktop Infrastructure, focusing on how VDI enables hybrid work.
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#eweekchatDevOps & Agile DevelopmentJOIN US: Discuss all things DevOps & Agile Development, focusing on key trends, best practices, and predictions.
James Maguire
Q1. How do you see end user computing evolving in a post-pandemic world?
James Maguire
@clearly the "central office" is fading...
The evolution is well under way, and orgs have realized they need to right-size their EUC strategies to meet the needs of their people. For example, during the pandemic it became very clear that technologies like VDI & VPNs do not scale for many orgs.
The pandemic pushed EUC industry into the spotlight. Companies had to enable remote work to keep things running, so many invested in EUC and VDI solutions and technology for the first time. After seeing the value of EUC, most companies are likely to stick with it post-pandemic


Brad Peterson
A1. Desktops and data are going to the cloud and will require a true #cloud-native architecture delivering an SLA on the full desktops, not just a cloud broker.
@JamesMaguire As more company leaders realize the benefits of VDI and remote application delivery solutions, they’re reviewing their IT solutions & infrastructure to determine if it can enable long-term remote work in case of future disruptions and making changes and new invest


#HybridWork is more of a long-term solution than ever before. End-user computing is key to enabling business continuity and it's critical to providing a UX similar to a physical PC.
- I think it's clear to see that 2-3 year roadmaps were accelerated to 6-12 months for most - people quickly realised that simplicity is key, leading to announcements like windows 365
I expect to see a high level of remote work continuing across businesses, requiring additional investment in EUC technology/solutions. There’s a big opportunity for smaller companies to capitalize on this demand by developing more flexible, affordable, easier to manage solutio


James Maguire
@so true on acceleration!
Monica Kumar
Finally we are seeing the notion of "work from anywhere, any time, any device" come to life! It was a lot of talk before the pandemic!
A2: When we talk about "right-sizing" EUC, if you only have a handful of power users who need access to a full virtual desktop, VDI is fine - but most people don’t want or need a full virtual desktop. They just need access to their biz-critical apps on any device.
@mbkumar Absolutely, couldn't agree more. Anywhere, anytime, any device is finally a reality!
@ParallelsRAS Agreed. This review of infrastructure and what is truly needed to enable your people to be secure and productive from anywhere is a critical step, which was accelerated by the pandemic.
Monica Kumar
Clearly End-user computing is now strongly associated with business continuity and as we continue with hybrid workforce, seamless on-prem and off-prem experience, and security will be key factors.
@cameyoco Yes, and what was implemented in a rush during the pandemic is not necessarily what is best going forward.
@johnfanelli Good point on business continuity. Even post-pandemic, the ability to ensure a seamless experience for people regardless of where they're located that day is key.
@ParallelsRAS Agreed. Many orgs deployed band-aid fixes during the pandemic that simply won't work long term, whether it's due to cost, complexity, poor user experience, or a combo. Simplicity and security are key for long-term viability.
Monica Kumar
Also we are seeing a number of organizations scale existing VDI deployments on-prem as well as extend them to cloud for elastic capacity or DR, and in other cases go with a pure cloud DaaS solution. One size does not fit all so we are seeing a need for Hybrid EUC solutions
James Maguire
Q2. What does the future of work look like? Will we go back to the office? Will remote work expand? Will we see a hybrid?
Brad Peterson
A2. We’ve now tested and proven that remote work can increase productivity and employee satisfaction. Companies need to have a hybrid / remote work strategy because #remotework is here to stay.
James Maguire
@seems like companies are (finally) starting to accept remote
Brad Peterson
A2. Instituting a hybrid work policy should now be a corporate priority. If they’re happier and more productive working remotely, they can. And when in-person collaboration is required, they can go into the office. Just don’t make at-work or remote work mandatory.
Workforces are heading towards #HybridWork schedules with many in the workforce remaining as remote employees. Organizations that allow flexibility for their employees also benefit from happier, more productive employees.
I would envisage hybrid for most, and employees will be looking for flexibility as a standard benchmark from now on
I think that employees will appreciate the flexibility. It used to be that working from home 1 or 2 days a week was a treat -- now I think the treat will be to go into the office 1 or 2 days a week when it suits the employee's schedule and work needs.
David J Wing
A2: the meer memory of the hour and a half commute to and from the office daily makes me shudder. Hybrid work has been the future for so long and it's a relief to see it as company policies across the globe.
David J Wing
@kirk__ryan Gen Z is demanding it and many of us older Gens have been pleading for it for the majority of their careers
The future is bright for orgs who are embracing the lessons learned during the pandemic and putting the systems in place to enable their people to be more productive and flexible long term. Sure, many will go back to the office - but most won’t go back full time.
Most orgs are embracing hybrid, but many are fully embracing remote work on an ongoing basis, too. The pandemic was a stress test for a lot of new technologies, and as a result, we’ve seen clearly what works and what doesn’t for keeping people productive & secure.
Stu Downes
"55% of employees are high performers when provided radical flexibility over where, when and with whom they work vs. 36% of those working 9-5 in the office." #Gartner yet expect conflict between employees and organizations where flexibility not offered in my view
Since most orgs are unlikely to return to 100% in-office operations, a corporate culture and mindset shift is needed. Hybrid workplaces (a mix of remote and in-office employees) will likely become the norm. VDI solutions like @ParallelsRAS will be crucial to support hybrid work
Hybrid workforces can offer many benefits to orgs, including much larger talent pools, reduced real estate and maintenance costs and lower hardware costs due to an increase in BYOD policies.
Another key trend emerging is that employees are increasingly seeking roles at companies that offer work from home/remote work options, or else they’re willing to pick up and go elsewhere.
@swdownes Hear hear. Flexibility is key, and the orgs that don't enable it are going to face significant productivity issues.
James Maguire
Q8. Last question - How can VDI support a hybrid work model?
VDI is able to provide the same level of access and experience irrespective of employee location. Users can easily move from once device to another without productivity loss.
IT teams can set different security standards if users are in or out of the office (e.g., If you’re in the office you have greater access to apps and don’t need to use MFA, but once you leave, access is limited and MFA is required).
@ParallelsRAS provides tailored access to the apps, data, tools, etc. users need to do their jobs effectively, without it being a clunky, complex solution that’s hard to navigate.
Brad Peterson
A8. Cloud-native DaaS solutions keep the desktop, data and other resources centralized and secure in the cloud region nearest the user. They can work on any device, connect from anywhere, and get a great, fast, secure experience.
With @ParallelsRAS, it’s more than just being able to access resources from any device. We look at how we can improve user productivity across different platforms, including mobile devices.
With @ParallelsRAS, companies can have it all: It’s a long-term solution that meets employee preferences for remote/hybrid work while helping enhance productivity. It’s a simple and cost-effective yet powerful tool to empower today’s distributed workforces.
James Maguire
@kirk__ryan We're inviting you back, Kirk! :)
Stu Downes
A8. It is one tool in the armoury and is excellent for a whole set of use cases, for some the future of work will involve levels of mobility that require a PC experience - the important consideration is virtualization can augment that physical device experiences
VDI can support the hybrid work model when it delivers secure, high performing user experience to all users especially with the "new norm" of multiple monitors, multiple locations, video conferencing and AI accelerated workflows.
NVIDIA partners with all of my peers here today to ensure that VDI can support the hybrid workforce. You can learn more here: https://nvda.ws/3wxBzNK
Monica Kumar
A8: VDI technology becomes even more relevant as an enabling tech for hybrid work environment as it allows organizations to deliver consistent user experience, enhanced security, and business continuity.
Ultimately, it comes down to what your people truly need to be secure & productive from anywhere, on any device. For some, that's VDI. For many, that's secure Virtual App Delivery that reduces the cost & complexity while providing greater security.
⚔️⚔️⚔️ kyaaS⚔️⚔️⚔️
A8. A well architected VDI solution empowers any app/data on any device from anywhere. The workspace is no longer limited to a physical location/device. It is the foundation for a hybrid work model, workplace mobility, & unleashes potential of digital workspace/workplace.
It's important to ensure that your employees have the right tools, at the right time.You increase user productivity. Combine that wIth lower costs and intelligent security and your onto a winner @spot_by_netapp
And for orgs looking for vendor-neutral advice on how to evaluate which technologies meet their specific needs, the Digital Workspace Ecosystem Alliance was recently formed to help. You can learn more here: https://cameyo.com/dwea/
Digital Workspace Ecosystem Alliance - Download the White Paper - Cameyo
Digital Workspace Ecosystem Alliance - Download the White Paper - Cameyo
The Digital Workspace Ecosystem Alliance is committed to enabling people to securely and productively work from anywhere (WFx), on any device.