James Maguire19
Q4 - How do you recommend addressing these edge computing challenges?
Robert Blumofe
A4: By making edge computing more available, easier to use, and better integrated with cloud, it becomes more enticing to developers and more worth their time to learn about.
A4: As scalability, interop and connectivity are slowly figured out, the IT/OT divide aka “on-prem silos” needs to be solved with more upfront tooling to make buildings and infrastructure smart out-of-the-box. IT needs to take the lead on harmonizing the infrastructure for IT/OT
Origin AI
A4 - In order to address these challenges, it is important that companies interested in realizing the benefits of fully local edge computing look for partners whose solutions have been architected to work at the edge from the ground up.
BMC Software
A4: (1/2) Some of these are the natural outcome of the relative ‘newness’ of #edgecomputing & will resolve over-time. Establishing a longer-term strategy for edge, while allowing near-term ‘start small/pilot projects’ will also partially mitigate many of the challenges.
Bruce Kornfeld
A4: The edge needs onsite IT infrastructure that is low cost, easy, quick access to data and AI.
@RobertBlumofe Do you a problem with adoption if edge services lag behind cloud native services?
Jason Carolan
A4 - First understanding what you need to solve for in terns of latency, security, and reliability. Matching and pivoting your application stack and technologies to meet the needs. The space is maturing quickly.
BMC Software
A4: (2/2) Additionally, re-using components already in-place for #cloud, such as management & #orchestration tools, can simplify the complexity and help scale challenges.
Robert Blumofe
@BMCSoftware Yes, cloud and edge integration!
Jason Carolan
A4 -- AWS is pretty darn distributed now, it's not east and west coast US and limited to a few countries. Experiment?
Prasad Joshi
@brucekornfeld what about the skills to maintain it?
Robert Blumofe
@enlightedinc I don't think the problem is so much in lag as it is integration. Edge and cloud need to be integrated so they work together to solve a larger problem.
Jason Carolan
@nordmark_erik made a good point in another post -- portability, if edge infrastructure is heterogenous (it is) having common OS / app stack is key
Erik Nordmark
A4: I think companies need to try it out and learn by deploying something from the cloud at the edge.
Erik Nordmark
A4: But first they need to understand what is unique at their edge; retail might be very different than oil and gas due to different "remoteness".