We are coming to the end of the live part of the Crowdchat! To our hosts and everyone here: What are your key takeaways? What is your main piece of advice for companies building a data strategy for SAP? https://www.crowdchat.net/s/362ic
Lorra Moyer
Customers do not have to come up with ideas by themselves. They don't have to go through a transformation alone. SAP and Dell are willing to walk with them on that journey.
Suhela Dighe
We are thrilled to have real partners here on the chat @DellTech @SAP @Suse @PasaPasuk @CamelotITLab. Lots of collaboration.
How to best prepare for building a business outcome based data strategy - engage support. There are incredible partners on this chat that can support your journey.
Kurt Roedszus
We from Dell Technologies together with our partners SUSE & SAP can support you on your journey to the S/4HANA migration
Robert Holland
Customers should continue to be as informed as possible about what they are doing. Many are spending this time learning and preparing their business cases. Do their research, and look at what vendors are providing.
Lorra Moyer
Use your quarantine time for some "vision" meditation :-)
John von Voros
In-memory databases will be the only way to keep up with the torrents of data coming and extracting meaningful data.
Jim Whalen
Look for use case that helps the business see the outcome that can achieve.
Suhela Dighe
We would like to thank our hosts and participants for a lively and insightful discussion today! For more on #DellTech and #SAP, please check out: https://www.delltechnologies.com/sap
Dell EMC Solutions for SAP
Dell EMC delivers SAP solutions to meet customers wherever they are in their SAP journey.
Dell EMC delivers SAP solutions to meet customers wherever they are in their SAP journey.
Keep in mind, there are technology decisions, integration decisions with legacy systems, and process decisions that will impact your ability to deliver true business outcomes
Joakim Zetterblad
Data Strategies requires collaboration and integration. SAP, Dell, Suse and partners uniquely positioned to help clients transform. End-to-End. Reach out to us and we will tell you more.
Alan Clarke
I re-iterate, consult all the players/partners to help build/scope your transformation strategy...and let them all contribute. Then get them together.....regularly! Field-proven, simple but essential policy for success and best practice!
Brian McKenna
Great point, Robert, this has been a time to step back and think strategically for many customers. Been hearing about C-level executives effectively been war rooming, focusing for the post-pandemic business world.
Suhela Dighe
We will leave this chat open for 24 hours, so please come back, log back in, leave a comment or even ask a question.
Kurt Roedszus
Folks thank you for that great discussion - was really a pleasure with you chatting about the IntelligentEnterprise
Jim Whalen
Partnerships are important - - - - you have to plan you SAP roadmaps as you move from SAP ERP to S4/HANA AND IT needs to look at the infrastructure architecture to support these new systems and operating profiles.
As a final comment, especially if you are trying to transform your organization to focus more on business outcome data strat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5RkisbJKNw
0. Overview | Outcome-Driven Data Strategy Master Class by SAP
Download the FREE workbook at: https://www.sap.com/documents/2019/07/c0ed64b4-5b7d-0010-87a3-c30de2ffd8ff.html Contact us at: info@sap.com Join the conversat...
Download the FREE workbook at: https://www.sap.com/documents/2019/07/c0ed64b4-5b7d-0010-87a3-c30de2ffd8ff.html Contact us at: info@sap.com Join the conversat...
Jim Whalen
Dell EMC provides choices for SAP HANA. IT need to plan a path forward considering when they are today and where they are moving. For example, leverage what you have today, or if new project what about CI/HCI -- - https://www.delltechnologies.com/en-us/solutions/b...
Ready Solutions for SAP
Dell EMC Ready Solutions for SAP are designed to invigorate legacy SAP and power SAP Intelligent Applications with SAP S/4HANA and SAP Leonardo.
Dell EMC Ready Solutions for SAP are designed to invigorate legacy SAP and power SAP Intelligent Applications with SAP S/4HANA and SAP Leonardo.
Suhela Dighe
Important point @bmmck! Now is the time to invest and plan for the post-pandemic world. #DellTech are running a number of C-level roundtables with this in mind. In fact, next week, there's one for CFOs about embracing disruption and finding opportunity: https://meettheboss.com/dell-tune-in-tuesdays/even...
The finance leader of the future: embracing disruption and finding opportunity - Meet The Boss
This is the key question facing leaders at a tough time for everyone, when an unprecedented period of upheaval has brought immediate tactical challenges and cost pressures to companies everywhere.
This is the key question facing leaders at a tough time for everyone, when an unprecedented period of upheaval has brought immediate tactical challenges and cost pressures to companies everywhere.
Suhela Dighe
We all love real life examples, if you missed it earlier: Gerolsteiner (https://www.delltechnologies.com/en-us/solutions/b...), and Columbia Sportswear: https://www.delltechnologies.com/en-us/solutions/b...
Dell EMC Solutions for SAP
Dell EMC delivers SAP solutions to meet customers wherever they are in their SAP journey.
Dell EMC delivers SAP solutions to meet customers wherever they are in their SAP journey.