
Real AI with Dell and Intel
Learn how Intel and Dell Technologies are making AI Real for customers
   5 years ago
#MakeAIRealEnabling Real AI with DellLearn how Dell Technologies is making AI Real for customers through partnerships with VMware
   5 years ago
#MakeAIRealEnabling Real AI Learn how Dell Technologies is making AI real for customers and how it helps you solve complex problems faster than ever.
Stuart Miniman
Final fun questions: Name your favorite AI tooling - framework, language, etc.
Shawna Meyer-Ravelli
Check this reference architecture for a Data Science Platform using Kubeflow: #iamintel #MakeAIReal
Reference Architecture for Data Science Platform Using Kubeflow
Reference Architecture for Data Science Platform Using Kubeflow
This white paper assembles the experience of Canonical, Dell, SUSE, Intel, and Grid Dynamics in designing, building, and supporting machine learning and data science platforms.
Natalie Patterson
Recommendation engines are something I experience daily and has improved my overall user experience
Stuart Miniman
Would you prefer to run AI in the public cloud and/or on-premises? How are you deploying (or thinking about it)?

Shawna Meyer-Ravelli
We've seen customers using AI across the datacenter, public cloud and now it's reaching into edge computing as well as IOT. #iamintel #MakeAIReal
Esther Baldwin
@CTOAdvisor I agree Keith the new norm is many data sources especially for edge to enterprise or cloud uses. More than one of the solutions Jeremy mentioned include that capability.
Natalie Patterson
@CTOAdvisor Yes! Customer need solutions to run AI anywhere
Shawna Meyer-Ravelli
@CTOAdvisor Is this a have your cake and eat it too response? #iamintel #MakeAIReal
Stuart Miniman
train in the cloud, process at the edge - see David Floyer's
Matrix Workloads Power Real-time Compute - Wikibon Research
Matrix Workloads Power Real-time Compute - Wikibon Research
End-to-end data architectures & Heterogeneous Compute Architectures will power Matrix workloads to extract all the value from huge amounts of parallel data.
Preethi Venkatesh
Additionally we have seen container/Kubernetes usage around development and even deployment, whether data center/cloud
Esther Baldwin
@Lucas_A.Wilson - and what I like about the transformation for medical imaging is that it supports the doctors making the diagnosis, helps them see things they might not have seen before AI
Natalie Patterson
This is a great transformation for good that stems from the massive amount of data we have


Esther Baldwin
to answer your on cloud or on prem question.Speaking personally for all the usages already mentioned for health I would prefer my data was on prem. #iamintel #MakeAIReal
Lucas A. Wilson
.@EstherBaldwin AI is an ideal instant second opinion! And by providing the physician with object boundary detection and confidence levels, it can help make sure subtle but important features are not missed.
Paul Calleja
By working with Dell and Intel we were able to create a world leading I/O solution from open standards hardware and open source software, This removed I/O bottlenecks from our workflow
Natalie Patterson
Truly and impressive solution!
Stuart Miniman
While we are hearing some customer stories, would welcome commentary from Dell and Intel on the biggest hurdle faced by customers looking to adopt AI.
Natalie Patterson
A big challenge we are seeing is the lack of AI skills in house, there is also a large gap between POC and full scale production
Natalie Patterson
Are others seeing this challenge too?
Shawna Meyer-Ravelli
Challenges for Deep learning include security, especially for cases like the video shows where they involve massive proprietary datasets. Peoples personal information and it is highly regulated in the USA and Europe and elsewhere. #iamintel #makeaireal


Shawna Meyer-Ravelli
Other challenges include the tendency for IT managers to "Silo" their compute for deep learning which doesn't allow them to take advantage of all of their compute resources and can cause a bottleneck getting the data in and out of that silo. #iamintel #MakeAIreal
Lucas A. Wilson
Not just AI skills. Getting AI to full production means having the AI/data science skills, software engineering and deployment skills, and IT skills to make sure that those different groups have the hardware and software they need to #makeAIreal
Chad Martin
Other key challenges are data pre-processing, model development, and scaling from development to production. Each of these can derail a project. #MakeAIReal #IamIntel
Janet Morss
We can't do it alone! Thanks Paul Calleja and team for partnering with us on the Data Accelerator!
Stuart Miniman
Paul shared some great data in yesterday's chat - he also won "CrowdCaptain" 😁
[LIVE CHAT] Enabling Real AI with Dell
[LIVE CHAT] Enabling Real AI with Dell
Learn how Dell Technologies is making AI Real for customers through partnerships with VMware
Natalie Patterson
This is such a great story of performance and really being able to #MakeAIReal
Janet Morss
This team of researchers is so inspiring! So cool!
Lucas A. Wilson
such a fun project! So glad the Dell Technologies HPC & AI Innovation Lab was able to be a part of this research!
Stuart Miniman
This next question builds on what @CTOAdvisor said about having a dashboard for #CIOs. How would you like to be able to use AI ideally?

Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
This combines a couple of topics. First, there's the ongoing development and operations of AI. Enterprises don't have the talent. Solutions need to look similar in maturity to modern content management platforms. They need to be extensible and focused on displaying outcomes.
Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
@CTOAdvisor End users need to be able to serve multiple business units with the same underlying data. As infrastructure professionals, that's the goal of AI platforms. A platform to create applications and insights across multiple domains.
Shawna Meyer-Ravelli
With Dell Ready Made Solutions for AI powered by Intel, you can bridge the gap in skills and accelerate AI deployments with automated functions and feature engineering using opensource tools and libraries. #iamintel #MakeAIReal
Paul Calleja
The Data Accelerator is able to completely remove I/O Slowdown from an application, meaning engineers and scientist can now imagen completely new data intensive workflows in both AI and simulation
Stuart Miniman
@shawnamr mentioned that #AI is impacting every industry. What applications are you using with AI or thinking of using? I've seen many customers making impactful solutions in healthcare, food production, and community services leveraging AI.

Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
In my experience Pharma organizations use AI/ML to match patients to nurses. Nurses are a limited resource and ideally they'd like every patient taking a drug to talk to a nurse. San the availability or nurses, they use AI to target the must appropriate patients.
Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
Another healthcare application I've run into is on the payer side. AI/ML is used to determine payment eligibility. There is a huge need for maturity in this space.
Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
Going back to my space the obvious use for AI/ML is in Ops or AIOPs. Using ML to reduce the number of false negatives for security and operational alerts helps to increase application availability.
Shawna Meyer-Ravelli
@CTOAdvisor With built-in AI acceleration with Intel Deep Learning Boost, Dell Technologies is positioned to support healthcare services for such items at natural language processing, critical in patient care. #iamintel #MakeAIReal
Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
Where I'd like to see improvement is the ability to tie operational alerts to business outcomes. A dash board CIO's could use to talk to their peers.
Shawna Meyer-Ravelli
@CTOAdvisor How's your datacenter build going? Will you be using AI to create an autonmous datacenter? #iamintel #MakeAIReal
Janet Morss
Thank you to Maurizio Davini and the team at the University of Pisa for their work with Dell Technologies and Intel to prove out new code, new technologies and solutions!