
DevOps Institute
How will the role of DevOps engineer change over the next 3 to 5 years?
Marc Hornbeek, DevOps_the_Gray esq.
@DEVOPSINSTDevOps engineering encompasses a range of roles. Individual DevOps engineers may be required to perform different roles. Each DevOps engineer role is defined by a combination of specific set if skills that each role requires. As indicated in the DevOps Institute UPSKI
Garima Bajpai
DevOps engineering will transition from skill -base to knowledge base as it is baseline for scaling
Garima Bajpai
second and third way takes precedence
The more organizations adopt micro services the need for DevOps engineers will multiply. New technologies will emerge and they will need to be learned and mastered
AI will be integrated more and this will also feed automation practices
Garima Bajpai
journey towards dataops
as more Enterprises are jumping on the DevOps train compliance will need to be baked into the processes as well
Marc Hornbeek, DevOps_the_Gray esq.
@DEVOPSINSTThe future for the DevOps engineer for the next three to five years is one of technical challenge and growth. All these skills are heavily influenced by the technologies and trends affecting the future of DevOps Engineering that DevOps engineers must master. In additio
Marc Hornbeek, DevOps_the_Gray esq.
...In addition, the parallel evolution and increased adoption of new operating models for development and operations are influencing the future role for DevOps engineers such as DevSecOps and Site Reliability Engineering (SRE).
DevOps Institute
Next question: what are the most important performance measures for DevOps engineering appraisals?
Mitesh Soni
Adoption and Innovation in implementation approaches.
Marc Hornbeek, DevOps_the_Gray esq.
At the business level, DevOps performance can be evaluated using a set of five key metrics (lead-time, release-frequency, change-failure-rate, time-to -restore-service, and availability). However, performance management at the DevOps team level requires a more ...
Marc Hornbeek, DevOps_the_Gray esq.
@DEVOPSINST....granular set of metrics such as CALMS - Culture, Automation, Lean, Measurement and Sharing. Eventually, at the DevOps team member level, metrics adapted to specific roles must be used.
DORA4 metrics have been adopted as the industry standard:
Deployment frequency
Lead time for changes
Time to restore service
Change failure rate


Garima Bajpai
- measuring behaviour before results
it is hard to measure DevOps as financial metrics - but you could translate - improved velocity be saving developer times * salary or improved quality as # of customers not lost due to defects
Garima Bajpai
Not all DevOps people are coders :-)
DevOps Institute
What are key responsibilities that distinguish DevOps engineers from other jobs and roles (E.g. Developer, Sys Admin, SRE, Agile coach)?
Garima Bajpai
cross-functional & self-organization
Marc Hornbeek, DevOps_the_Gray esq.
There are some overlapping responsibilities between DevOps engineers and other roles, but some of the key differentiators are the degree to which the DevOps engineer is expected to be expert with version control, operating systems, frameworks that drive process change
Mitesh Soni
As I said, DevOps Engineer is expected to be Super HUMAN! She/He should be able to to everything and anything. Unexpected is expected and that's how you distinguish DevOps engineers from other jobs and roles.


they are enablers - when they do a good job - no one notices because stuff just works. When something goes wrong it is usually a disaster and has the entire company on their feet
Marc Hornbeek, DevOps_the_Gray esq.
....specific human skills such as collaboration, and the intense focus on optimizing operations that eliminate toil and automate around the root cause of issues that bottleneck continuous flow.
DevOps Institute
What are the primary factors that justify hiring and developing DevOps engineers?
Mitesh Soni
Hands-on experience of tools (open source), knowledge on end to end activities, design patterns, deployment approaches, awareness of latest trends and technology
Marc Hornbeek, DevOps_the_Gray esq.
DevOps engineer requirements defined in terms of skills and responsibilities drive hiring and UPSKILLING. Soft skills such as collaboration and cooperation continue to be must have skills for DevOps engineers and as capabilities mature, DevOps. DevOps engineer ...
Marc Hornbeek, DevOps_the_Gray esq.
....skill requirements are evolving. Standardizing technologies for infrastructures, automating delivery and self-service systems drive engineer skill requirements for more advanced DevOps.
shorten time to market, increase velocity and efficiency, repetitive and automated processes, scalability


Garima Bajpai
- apply theory of constraints -what is the limiting factor for the organization , assess how the individual fit in
DevOps Institute
Are there specific pitfalls/weaknesses that organizations should avoid when working to improve their DevOps engineering capabilities?
Marc Hornbeek, DevOps_the_Gray esq.
Avoid DevOps engineering projects that are not directly correlated to accomplishing business goals. Tactical projects that are not directed by a strategy that is aligned to business goals may accomplish a technical capability but fail to delivery real value....
Marc Hornbeek, DevOps_the_Gray esq.
...DevOps engineers must be highly skilled in multiple and constantly evolving dimensions, so it is important to avoid over-specialization of skills. DevOps engineering requires cultures that embrace learning from failure. DevOps engineering projects that do not ha
don't get attracted to every new shiny new technology. Trying to integrate all the latest cutting edge tools and technologies creates a whole new set of challenges and skills that need to be learned
Mitesh Soni
Big Bang Approach for DevOps implementation
DevOps Institute
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