
Scaling DevOps
We will explore-unlearn-relearnDiscuss consideration of DevOps Maturity,Compliance & Evolution
Canada DevOps Community of Practice
***What are the first 3 steps towards DevOps at scale?***
Gunjan Syal
Start with small teams
encourage skill development with a culture of fail fast fail often - then fix it
Support from leadership
As you approach scaled part: clarity across organization on what they want to achieve from DevOps
Pilot Team, start small, technical practice first.
William Szepesi
automation is required for any DevOps implementation and more is needed when scaling
Peter Maddison
Remember the basics: Clarify your outcomes and define your indicators. Start small. Celebrate your wins.
William Szepesi
@pgmaddison Good approach Peter - and this would include starting with initial, achievable goals, so that there will be wins to build on
Garima Bajpai
Create a north star - Value , Assess the Challenge , Enact Change
Vishnu Vasudevan
adopt and adapt to cultural change, empower the team with the tools they need and managing risks at the individual level.
Canada DevOps Community of Practice
***When do you think is the right time to scale DevOps or optimize DevOps?***
Garima Bajpai
Right time to scale, don’t get caught up in complexity before the value
Gunjan Syal
To understand that we need to talk about what does a successful devOps project look like and then consider conditions for scaling it up- To me it’s not so much the right time but
knowing what conditions are needed for success and then,
what you need to get there
Peter Maddison
DevOps as a transformation of how your organization delivers value will scale naturally as the organization begins to understand and adopt new ways of working.
Vishnu Vasudevan
There is no such thing as right time. Optimization is a continuous process and scaling is done via feedback loops within the organization on what is working and what is not. when there is continuous feedback scaling becomes organic.
Peter Maddison
Start small and use those initial wins to drive communication across the organization. It is not just an "IT" change. How the organization organizes around technology delivery needs to change too.
You need to tall enough to implement some of the DevOps practice.
Vishnu Vasudevan
optimization is otherwise fail fast, take smart risks.
Garima Bajpai
@vishnube continuous optimization
William Szepesi
Scaling DevOps should happen when there is potential for it to pay off, providing value that other solutions can not
Peter Maddison
Optimizing DevOps is intrinsic to the practices. Continuous learning and optimization is a part of growing your DevOps practices.
Canada DevOps Community of Practice
***Are there any #strategic gaps to look at before scaling #DevOps - Governance, Compliance or Maturity?***
Gunjan Syal
1) A lot of times organizations are taking on DevOps and Agile journeys at the same time but they’re not always aligned - they need to be (so governance needs to align them)
Vishnu Vasudevan
i see huge gaps at big enterprises, Governance, compliance, risk management teams are always outside the devops organization and it is very difficult to bring them to an alignment and they cannot work in silos when it comes digital transformation.


Gunjan Syal
2) alignment on the #businesscase (the ultimate reason for how DevOps will help the org) - this provides clear guardrails and enables autonomy for the team to develop a concrete governance
Peter Maddison
If senior leadership is identified as needing to change, will they?
Gunjan Syal
another one: starting devops at the side of desk for most people, and then not being able to scale due to lack of focus
Peter Maddison
Investing solely in technology and underestimating the investment needed in people.
Another interesting question: Which roles will disappear if companies implement DevOps?
Gunjan Syal
this is a very interesting question. I think it depends on the industry and the org. Mainly, roles whose work is being automated, any technology specific roles for tech stack that is replaced. Example, manual QA execution.
Vishnu Vasudevan
Project manager, Service desk.
@vishnube PM will shift to PO
William Szepesi
How will the continuing pandemic affect the evolution of DevOps?
Gunjan Syal
great item for discussion! This can be general or specific to each industry. It also depends on a company's #maturity level. To me, #DevOps will become #DevSecOps and then #DevSecDataOps etc through evolution of #nimble orgs
Vishnu Vasudevan
I don't think it will affect the evolution, I see this will help the business leaders to think strategically and move towards the next gen devops . it will be like 5G of DevOps in next 2 years. Thats how i see it.
William Szepesi
This factor keeps popping up in many aspects of our chat - maybe it deserves it's own Crowd Chat!?
the pandemic period will be the dark age for the "traditional" software platform and a test to team who call themselves "DevOps" team. At the end of the day, some best practice of DevOps will come to the industry.
Because of the "remote working".
William Szepesi
@SteveZhengCA Yes I agree this will be a defining period for DevOps
Canada DevOps Community of Practice
Good Morning Everyone!

Hope you brought your DevOps Game!
Here is the first question.

What do you refer to as DevOps?
Garima Bajpai
DevOps is a collective journey towards evolution of software practices
Gunjan Syal
Agreed with Garima. This is especially important during the pandemic because customer needs and regulations have been changing quickly and the businesses must be nimble to pivot and serve those needs.
Vishnu Vasudevan
it's a combination of cultural philosophies, practices,process governance, automations, tools that increases the ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity and better software and at the same empower the development and operations teams
Garima Bajpai
Its not to tool/job title or a specification .. from the grass root journey perspective
Peter Maddison
Generic answer: People, processes and tools working
together to enable rapid and continuous
delivery of value to customers.
The tools chain and practice which can ensure the delivery.
William Szepesi
Good question! Agreement has not been found so I go Wikipedia:.
DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). It aims to shorten the systems development life cycle & provide continuous delivery with high SW quality
Canada DevOps Community of Practice
***#Define your north star when it comes to Scaling #DevOps.***
Gunjan Syal
North star meaning the ultimate modus operandi which #DevOps will enable #continuousdelivery but also includes the customer in the devops lifecycle
So, delighting the customer incrementally by delivery of the right thing, faster, with feedback loop
Garima Bajpai
From Scaling DevOps to DevOps at Scale - Rapid , Decentralized , flexible , grass root
Align the "method" and "goal" with the client. Goal is faster delivery; Method is DevOps. Many companies upset the factors.
Peter Maddison
Define clear outcomes and identify first steps. Identify capability gaps and determine how to close them. It's a journey.
Canada DevOps Community of Practice
***What do you think are the top challenges in scaling #DevOps?***
Gunjan Syal
culture, communication and change management aspects, especially if org is new to #Agile as well - acceptance of failure is a tough one for most traditional orgs. Often this leads to lack of expectations management at all levels -> signal: employees exiting
Garima Bajpai
Scaling the value not outcome. Distribute accountability & Long term vision for Value
Should not start from a "big plan" and implement much practice at the same time.


Peter Maddison
Change management outside of technology to create the needed common understanding. Lack of capability and skills. Insufficient top-level buy-in to make the changes to financial management and personal incentives.