
New-Gen Health Care IT
JOIN US: This is a chat-based conversation about trends we're seeing in online and application-based health care IT. With the current coronavirus problem spreading at a fast rate worldwide, this is very timely. We'll have expert guest hosts!
   5 years ago
#eweekchatTrends in Data OrchestrationJOIN US: This is a chat-based conversation about what we're seeing in the organization of all that data we're collecting. Data orchestration--using Kubernetes or other platforms--is a key topic right about now. We'll have expert guest hosts!
   5 years ago
#eweekchatTrends in Collaboration ToolsJOIN US: This is a chat-based conversation about what tools we're using in working from home and in teams and whether we're more (or less) efficient. We'll have expert guest hosts!
Christopher Logan
A3. I see a lot of new tech coming to challenge the "old guard". EMR technology was never built to actually treat patients, they are glorified accounting systems which is why we are seeing physician burnout because of the required documentation to create a bill.
Eric Kavanagh on #DMRadio
Wow, what a great, and candid answer! "Glorified accounting systems" sounds about right!
Greg Horne
my point too, EMRs are often expensive paper with little benefit, Drs didnt go to med school to be data entry clerks
Suzanne Clough, M.D.
Amen! And their resistance to change is nuts. And there's the fact that many health systems are millions of dollars in so they feel stuck. Blow up those legacy EMRs and let's get patient data to work for physicians so it can work for patients! . #eWEEKChat


Jim Hammer
@HarmonyHIT, we develop a medical record storage platform called @HlthDataArchive that includes single sign-on from the active EHR to make historical medical record lookup quick and easy for doctors. This helps relieve some of the frustrations
@suzanneclough Blow up is right. Too much risk lingering in legacy EMRs. Prime targets for data breach.
Sanjeev Agrawal
If Amazon can pretty much predict what I want or Netflix what I should watch and Pandora what music I should hear and be right 80% of the time why can't we get there in healthcare? :) Don't answer that.
Greg Horne
have a look at Healthy Nevada, it might give you some encouragement
Jim Hammer
-So true, the fact I get a ad for something in 2.2 seconds that is dead on vs current state and where healthcare will be driven with IT - the sky is the limit!
I'll answer with a question: Do we need more consumer data feeds so there's more data to predict what a person would do? I take 10,000+ steps in a day, I buy more whole foods than processed, I meditate for 20+ minutes.... Then we know more about the person to predict
Sanjeev Agrawal
Lots to talk about going back to laws of biology (highly stochastic) vs physics and math. But there is a way to do more.. lots more!
“Take 2 Aspirin which will be delivered by 9pm tonight & call Dr. Chris in the morning between your 11 am and Noon meetings when the temperature will be 78F & I’ll play ‘Fever’ on the audio system.” #Cortana #Alexa #Siri composite. 😄
Jim Hammer
A4 Security. A patient’s entire identity is wrapped up in a medical record – date of birth, social security #, insurance information, procedures and diagnoses…
Dr Saif Abed
Risks to these records at scale or only increasing as our digital threat surface area continues to expand.
Jim Hammer
@Saif_Abed Great point! An article from @SecurityHIT said that @CorvusInsurance reported a 350% increase in ransomware attacks on healthcare providers in Q42019 compared to Q42018.
Greg Horne
A6 Personalised medicine, the role of genetics and wellness in improving outcomes. Data, data, data!
Jim Hammer
- #PrecisionMedicine requires large data sets to accurately predict which prevention strategies might work for a particular disease in certain populations. Historic data is important to feed such tooling
Suzanne Clough, M.D.
A4. #HIT companies need to be more thoughtful in building tools that will leverage a health system's, physician practice's, payor's exisiting health IT assets, infrastructures Physicians/systems won't use #digitalhealth tools that don't fit w workflow #eWEEKChat


Dr Saif Abed
The global issue I find is to often vendors develop a solution for one systems workflows while thinking all clinicians globally practice the same way - not the case!
Jim Hammer
@Saif_Abed - true, always a careful balance of providing best practice workflows vs the ability to customize deeply
Chris Preimesberger
This has been a wonderful discussion. Outstanding interaction and engagement. Want to thank each of you who brought a perspective, opinion or data point to our community round table today.
Jim Hammer
- Thank you so much for the opportunity!
Dr Saif Abed
Epilogue, gathering good quality data at scale is not enough if we can't share it securely so it can used for research and disease surveillance effectively. Security isn't an excuse to slow this down but simply part of the equation to solve.
Christopher Logan
security needs to be ingrained in technology and the culture. It is not a detractor but is a differentiator!
Jim Hammer
A6 The new frontier of personalized precision medicine holds bright promise for improving many aspects of health and healthcare.
Chris Preimesberger
So IT will lead the way to this new-gen personalized medicine. It has to!
Jim Hammer
A3: There is a substantial movement forward in the AI space to quickly find patterns and research that once took months to years. This information coupled with the expertise of medical providers has been simply amazing.
Jim Hammer
A2 Cont'd. Just look at how data has informed NY on how to isolate the 1 mile circle to contain the spread... Such data allows for unique solutions to be developed and shared.
Dr Saif Abed
I know they've done interesting work in NY previously for flu outbreaks.