
IT Modernization
All enterprises seek to differentiate themselves or disrupt their industry. How are businesses using IT modernization to enhance customer experience, offer innovative products and services, and improve productivity and efficiency? Join the chat with our industry experts.
   5 years ago
#DXCTechTalkSecurity in the Digital WorldOrganizations on a digital transformation journey must make a parallel trip, one that integrates security and risk management into DevOps and Continuous Delivery (CD) processes. Join our security experts to discuss security in the digital world.
Dan Hushon
How do we metric IT Modernization... what are the critical measurements that enable the demonstration of progress? different at different stages e.g. Pioneer/Settler/CityPlanner?
Dan Hushon
@henderst what are you measuring? different metrics for different folks?
Tim Henderson
Dan, several things - Value of work removed is key. What can I automate, it's simple, but visable
Carsten Meinecke
I would recommend speed, how quickly you are from the business idea / innovation until the first MVP
Dan Hushon
do we benchmark old way / new way? to show contrast
Tim Henderson
This may sound odd, but we are also measuring meeting times, how to cut that down. More around operating model and any meeting (Must) help enable that. Again, back to empowerment
Bill Murray
Pioneer metric= number of new service experiments, Settler metric = number of new services scaled up, Town Planner metric = services switched off to be replaced by services bought in from the cloud
Dan Hushon
cycle time, wasted time... functions per sprint, red build day reduction...
Dan Hushon
@billmurray500 like pioneer, and settler, but town planner might incorporate "shared basis" = reuse in a utility like function?
Tim Henderson
@billmurray500 Agree, as you stated, critical to know your position on the field. Settler vs. Town Planner, etc.
Carsten Meinecke
yes we do, but in many times it helps our clients to compare it to the old way and measure progress over the time in the new way
Bill Murray
Town planner metric really is the number of internal services industrialised so far they just get replaced by utility services from a cloud vendor
Dan Hushon
for background...https://medium.com/org-hacking/pioneers-settlers-t... via @swardley
Pioneers, Settlers, Town Planners [Wardley]
Pioneers, Settlers, Town Planners [Wardley]
A couple of good pieces from Simon Wardley on the idea of:
Tim Henderson
We have also tracked employee satisfaction & attrition, it is significantly less with participants who are part of the change
Tim Henderson
Ditto, good chart
Bill Murray
a good Town planner measure is how many services/components they 'harvest' from 1) their own enterprise 2)their ecosystems. Amazon clearly do that but do others? google perhaps, Microsoft maybe, but some of the smarter investment banks may be doing it with Algos


Dan Hushon
Team rating/scoring is an important engagement metric... alongside EmployeePromoterScore? I too see the side effect of employee engagement up / attrition down
Dan Hushon
@billmurray500 love the harvest as it's the step before re-use which is the step before "shared service"
H Higgins
Interesting use of "old" terminology to discuss new tech.
Dan Hushon
@HHigginsDXC shared services should be "evolutionary" vs. design build... think frederick law Olmsted... pave the foot paths
Carsten Meinecke
another good measurement is to analyze how "embedded" IT / IT roles are part of the business, at many companies there is still "the" business and "the" IT function
Dan Hushon
"IT" might even be the wrong term... developer/operator/engineer?
Carsten Meinecke
Right, "IT" roles will disappear, there will be "business innovator" and "new service / product engineer"
H Higgins
Makes sense https://www.crowdchat.net/s/65wrn

Dan Hushon
So do we shift from "we have IT" to "IT is the business"?
Carsten Meinecke
"IT" and "Business" will disappear indeed, we will have more and more a melting of role, which started with "grey IT" already 15 years ago
Dan Hushon
note to self: don't schedule #crowdchat simultaneously with #reinvent... argh
Dan Hushon
distills into business representative, functional designer, engineer, product owner? more?
Dan Hushon
What are the most important pieces of "overdue homework" that unlock acceleration for #ITModernization ?
Bill Murray
freeing up data to move around - data fluidity


Dan Hushon
Agree... if i see another controlled spreadsheet moving in email, I'm going to cry...
Tim Henderson
Focus on the basics, anything that is a disruption to the business, get that solid footing.
Dan Hushon
what's basic? repetitive tasks that are error prone? development standards? team organization? @henderst
Bill Murray
Automating to remove decision chains i.e. removing friction to reduce cycle time
Ron DeMena
Infrastructure as code - if there was more tooling that enabled this in legacy and digital context as a blended hybrid the outcomes of takeover in legacy and transition to digital would be seamless
Tim Henderson
Repetitive tasks = stealing almost. They should be automated & driven to stds. It is actually a waste of human capital
Dan Hushon
it's not theft, it's re-use... raising the common denominator focusing on higher value work?
Bill Murray
@danhushon Theft is important - it shows demand :-/
Dan Hushon
what if we gave money to teams that re-used blatantly (operational cost avoidance) motion
H Higgins
@billmurray500 Does freeing up data mean more/easier access?
Bill Murray
Freeing up data to create 'data fluidity' means far better collaboration across the enterprise and, crucially, across your ecosystems. There's no such thing as orchestrating an ecosystem if there is no data fluidity.
Dan Hushon
@BillMurray500 - love "data genetics" and evolution... more on this?
Bill Murray
Data genetics characteristics...Variety, Parentage, Adaptions and Synthetics...these terms seem applicable to sets of data as that data evolves. What's really interesting is the growth of Data Synthetics..sparse data sets augmented with extrapolated/interpolated data
Bill Murray
So we have the Natural and Social Sciences of data..Data Mechanics, Data Kinetics, Data Genetics, Data Economics and last but very much not least...Data Ethics
Dan Hushon
agree biology, psychology, physics, chemistry.. "Data Science" ;)
Bill Murray
IMHO Data Science gives way to the Natural and Social Sciences of data. "We're gonna need a bigger boat" as they said in Jaws.


H Higgins
@billmurray500 Data ethics... who creates standards and guidelines?
Bill Murray
The IEE have produced some superb material - More on this from LEF before Xmas.
Bill Murray
Here is a good link for Ethical Digital guidelines https://ethicsinaction.ieee.org/#read
Ethically Aligned Design, First Edition | IEEE Standards Association
Ethically Aligned Design, First Edition | IEEE Standards Association
The IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems is launching the Ethically Aligned Design, First Edition.
Dan Hushon
Hey @aws #reinvent how can that new #A1 instance improve your #itmodernization journey ... hopefully like posting cat pictures!
Stuart Miniman
#reInvent keynote started with a framing of transformation, but feels we are down in the plumbing rather than explaining the business outcomes
Dan Hushon
@stu point them over hear... we can talk about 400% returns on invested capital, cross functional agile teams, and increased re-use + the all important data fluidity and gravity
Dan Hushon
How do we convince Business Leaders to Transform to become Product Owners?
Dan Hushon
@BillMurray500 on Platform Organizations... https://leadingedgeforum.com/research/liberating-p... should you be a platform organization?
Liberating platform organizations | Leading Edge Forum
Liberating platform organizations | Leading Edge Forum
Our report Liberating Platform Organizations aims to help brownfield organizations to create or transform themselves into platform organizations and to anticipate the moves of their digital-native competitors.  There is a potential platform right nex...
Ron DeMena
@BillMurray500 the material in the blog looks very much like the Business Model Canvas reinvented ... is there a specific view that believes the canvas is insufficient? Or is it complementary in view?
Dan Hushon
@rondemena wardley maps tend to show vectors vs. position both valuable, but much more situational awareness in @swardley maps IMHO
Bill Murray
Ron I see Business Canvases evolved every year now e.g. for Platforms - you could say it has gone open source