
No- and Low-Code Development
Let's chat about citizen development as creating software and special features gets into the hands of those using it on the front lines.
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#eweekchatEdge Computing: IT's Newest GrJOIN US: This is a chat-based conversation about how IT is rapidly evolving into a new phase that may turn out to be as important as, if not more important than, the cloud itself.
Chris Preimesberger
Q2: What are some of the main advantages of using low- or no-code platforms and applications in new-gen IT? What do these practices replace?
Jan Sysmans
Q2/A1: biggest advantage of using low-code/no-code platforms for building and integrating apps is that the barrier to entry for developers is a lot lower. You don't have to be an expert in everything. You can focus building a great product for your customers.
Sumit Sarkar
There is a significant demand to deliver more apps, but many organizations aren't ready from a talent and infrastructure perspective. These platforms can help.
They enable fast time to market.
Jan Sysmans
@sumitsarkar Q2/A2 Sumit is correct. No-code platforms offer a tremendous help to organizations.
Anthony Abdulla
They give non-programmers - like business people and marketers - the ability to visually build out application specifications & work collaboratively with IT to design and modify applications
Sumit Sarkar
Q2/A2: What I see from my research is there are a number of classes of apps that different platforms deliver. Kinvey focuses on delivering enterprise apps faster using easy to find talent. Kinvey replaces the need for dedicated infrastructure and ops teams so pro devs can focus
Chris Preimesberger
This has been a wonderful discussion. Outstanding interaction and engagement, fast 30 minutes!
Sumit Sarkar
Thank you and nice to hear from other experts
Chris Preimesberger
Can no- and low-code development be handled through cloud apps, or is this a sort of IDE that is maintained on premises?
Jan Sysmans
The @appdome platform is a #SaaS based platform. Other solutions I've worked with are all SaaS based as well. I think it's almost a pre-requisite to be a SaaS based solution if you want it to be successful.
Chris Preimesberger
thanks, thought so, but I never want to assume anything!
Chris Preimesberger
How much do yoou need to know about actual code-writing?
Don't need to know anything about writing code. That's the beauty of a no code platform.
Chris Preimesberger
even for connectors, or APIs?
Sumit Sarkar
Based on the types of apps we see developed on Kinvey, a serverless architecture is critical to support the dynamic scale for modern apps which is more important for B2B, B2C vs B2E
Chris Preimesberger
(Jan, are you using the CrowdChat platform? I see your response on Twitter only.)
Chris Preimesberger
Ah, I see it now. thanks
Chris Preimesberger
Q3: Why should IT at an enterprise consider moving to a low- or no-code environment?
Anthony Abdulla
By bringing business users closer to the appdev process they can eliminate shadow IT and empower their teams to ensure innovation and scale take place in a compliant fashion
Chris Preimesberger
Thank you, Anthony!
Chris Preimesberger
Q1: Sumit, can you, Anne and Jan tell us a little about yourselves and your companies?
Jan Sysmans
Hi Chris, I've been in Silicon Valley for many years, working in product management, product marketing, marketing and business development for SaaS companies.
Jan Sysmans
Right now I'm on the marketing and business development side of Appdome
Sumit Sarkar
Sure, I run product research and marketing for Progress Kinvey, a modern low code platform that provides high productivity with developer control to deliver complex B2B/B2C apps faster
Jan Sysmans
I came to Appdome because having worked at Webex, SugarCRM and Saba, I understand first hand the value Appdome offers with it's no-code mobile integration platform.
Anne does marketing for Appdome creating GTM campaigns.
Appdome no code experts!
Chris Preimesberger
Who's here from Appdome?
Jan Sysmans and Anne Smith
Chris Preimesberger
Thank you ... appreciate you being here.
Jan Sysmans
@editingwhiz glad to be here. What question do you have for us?
Chris Preimesberger
Have a great week, everybody! Until next Second Wednesday, CP out!
Chris Preimesberger
Next month's topic: #eWEEKChat Dec. 12: "Predictions and Wild Guesses for IT in 2019." WE WILL USE THE FULL HOUR ... this is always our best-attended #eWEEKchat of the year!
Chris Preimesberger
We do these each month at eWEEKchat, Second Wednesday at 11am PT/2pm ET.