
Cloud enabled infrastructure
Businesses are looking to leverage the cloud to cut costs, simplify IT management, or gain virtually limitless storage capacity. Dell Technologies Cloud-enabled infrastructure from Dell EMC puts the cloud to work for you, adding value to your operations right away.
Dell Technologies India
So here we start #TheRightCloudInfra #crowdchat by asking the first question.

Q1 Given the digital shift, why is it crucial for businesses to adopt/move to cloud?
Amit Jaokar
The cloud allows businesses to leverage anything & everything over the Internet without needing to invest in many elements.
Amit Jaokar
These elements are applications, storage, network, virtual platforms etc. which are available as services on pay as you use model.
Amit Jaokar
Since the offerings of cloud technology are so widespread, it acts as an ideal foundation to build a digital enterprise.
Amit Jaokar
Digitization is becoming imperative for enterprises to board on their transformation journey, and the cloud is the leader that spearheads innovation and sets them on the right path.
Dharmesh Paul
@dellemcindia (1/ 4) In the fast-changing digital world, it will be very difficult for organizations to meet the immediate demands for scaling up resources due to unexpected growth and need for increased storage space and traffic.
Dharmesh Paul
(2/4) Businesses expanding geographically would need to setup multi-location infrastructure which is a big challenge due to the high Capex and maintenance involved.
Dharmesh Paul
(3/4) Needing a disaster recovery model for each location, building an enterprise wide security framework and having a backup process will lead to increase in operational cost and reduction in the efficiency of IT processes.
Dharmesh Paul
(4/4) With the movement to cloud organizations will find it much easier to implement concepts like 'work from home', increase collaboration & sharing between employees.
(1/2) In today’s fast changing technology era, it’s impossible for businesses to manage growing infrastructures demand keeping cost and time in hand.
(2/2) The cloud enables business to get required infra in no time, within less cost compared to on-premise infrastructure.
Sanjeev Jain
Due to growing demands from businesses and clients, it has become very critical for every organization to build a strong platform to host IT services.
Sanjeev Jain
Uptime is also one of the prime reasons for business to adopt cloud in order to remain competitive in the market.
Sanjeev Jain
Cloud Computing is an information technology model that enables global access to shared pools of configurable system resources and higher-level services that can be rapidly provisioned with minimal management effort, often over the Internet.
Sanjeev Jain
Cloud enables organizations to focus on their core business instead of expending resources on computer hardware infrastructures and maintenance
v.sendil kumar
(1/ 2) To reduce the TAT on deployment and wanted the resources to be used effectively and efficiently, business need not wait for getting resources to get allocated. We must align the technology to the business, so agility plays a major role.
To scale up the infrastructure to meet the business demands is going to be the most difficult challenge for organizations, cloud trims down that problem.
v.sendil kumar
(2/2) High availability/ BCP can be enabled on the day we provide the application on cloud. As currently most of the applications are available only on cloud, we need to enhance accordingly
Srikanth Katuri
(1/3) Digital Shift is pushing companies to re-evaluate their current business models, and with dramatic levels of disruption in media, entertainment, communications, and retail in recent years highlight the susceptibility of other sectors.
Srikanth Katuri
(2/3) These are healthcare, insurance, banking, energy, and automotive and so digital disruption is an existential question for organizations around the world.
Srikanth Katuri
(3/3) Cloud adoption is the first door of entry to digital transformation and is becoming inevitable with customers and businesses moving to an “on demand” model with cloud offering flexibility to use emerging technologies such as AI-ML.
Vibhakar Bhushan
CLOUD is commoditized to the extent that it should be considered as part of IT infrastructure along with other options, just like Digital Social Media is a crucial channel when devising marketing channel strategy
Vibhakar Bhushan
While Cloud adoption started as a tool to provide cost & flexibility advantage, but it has evolved to provide strategic business advantage, when built into core business plan.
Vibhakar Bhushan
As any business leader preaches to prospects - to let the experts do the job they are best at, it makes sense to let the IT specialists manage your Infrastructure, so that you can focus on your core competence
Amit Kapoor
In today’s fast changing technology era, it’s impossible for businesses to manage growing infrastructures demand keeping cost and time in hand.
The cloud enables business to get required infra in no time .
Kapil Bansal
As we are living in a world where nothing is impossible without internet, so our needs for data are also growing so it is very important for business to move to cloud.
Dell Technologies India
Question 3 is here now. #crowdchat
Q3. How does adoption of a cloud enabled infrastructure model accelerate digital transformation?
Amit Jaokar

(1/4) Cloud adoption makes it easy for businesses to scale up or down according to their operation, compute and storage requirements.
Amit Jaokar
(2/4) It eliminates the need to upgrade resources as these are provided by the hosting service, easing the process of scaling.
Amit Jaokar
(3/4) Cloud integration provides interoperability. As systems move to the cloud, they become far more compatible with other systems.
Amit Jaokar
(4/4) Tools such as data analytics and enterprise mobility are available as part of the cloud package and can be used to take a business to the next level.
Dharmesh Paul
(1/5) Adoption of cloud will enable businesses to reduce the operational expenses by offloading the infrastructure totally while paying only for the service.
Dharmesh Paul
(2/5) Scalability both upwards and downwards will help businesses in faster deployments and releases and building distributed development teams.
Dharmesh Paul
(3/5) Administrative and maintenance activities like periodic software upgrades, licenses renewals, data backup are no longer required to be handled by your in-house IT teams,
Dharmesh Paul
(4/5) enabling them to focus on designing and developing other critical projects and differentiating solutions which are business needs.
Dharmesh Paul
(5/5) The entire development, testing and implementation cycle can be executed more efficiently and quickly resulting in increased productivity due to the agility and collaborative work practices it provides.
(1/ 2) If we see, the digital transformation has many components in it like Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, IoT and ML, which requires dynamic compute, memory and other APIs.
Prateek Sinha
The ability to scale keeping in mind the data and costs, is I think one of the biggest advantages of cloud
(2/2) A cloud model helps us to move faster in this digital transformation journey.
Sanjeev Jain
(1/ 2) Cloud enabled infrastructure model can provide a fast, secure, reliable and future-proof path to digital transformation.
Sanjeev Jain
(2/2) The key is to choose a converged infrastructure platform that delivers maximum deployment, flexibility and lets us easily and quickly adopt new technology without having to re-architect.
@spokenatlast very true. there are many more benefits other than what you mentioned
v.sendil kumar
(1/ 4) When we bring a digital strategy there should be ease of doing business and customer requirement must be met instantly. So, for this transformation, cloud is an ideal option. Software applications and infrastructure are easily available on cloud.
v.sendil kumar
(2/2) When I need to test or do some R&D, I can use it temporarily and see how it is working and based on that I can take a call. I need not invest or buy and keep my software and resources idle if it does not suit
v.sendil kumar
(3/4) There are huge transformation of applications in recent period. As the configuration is increasing and changing, we need to spend more on CAPEX and keep monitoring the ROI instead use on OPEX so that we can pay based on the resource utilisation.
v.sendil kumar
(4/4) As resources are available easily on cloud I can increase or decrease accordingly. During month ends my resources can be highly provisioned and remaining days it can be reduced.
cloud enabled infra, reduces goto mkt time significantly. We are 100% on cloud currently
Vibhakar Bhushan
(1/3) Digital transformation is not just change of technology, it requires a mindset change, translate that into process change and to support it, change the underlying tech infra. The 1st 2nd must be done internally, since that is your core business
Vibhakar Bhushan
In order to do that well, letting the tech infra transformation can be entrusted to the cloud specialists. It is also convenient to make the technological jump onto current technology from possibly age-old setup…..
Vibhakar Bhushan
(3/3) As it allows you to stay current and activate new channels of communication, marketing, logistics without having to restructure the internal infrastructure
Srikanth Katuri
(1/4) Accessibility: Customers want access to decision making insights/channels from anywhere-anytime riding on cloud first/mobile first environment.
Srikanth Katuri
(2/4) Elasticity: to scale up and down your dev ops environment in the cloud is good at helping drive sandboxes for a “fail fast-innovate faster” agile practice.
Srikanth Katuri

(3/4) Automation: Automation of business IT processes can happen quicker using cloud in helping unclog your revenue stream.
Srikanth Katuri
(4/4) Use case: Maersk is using advanced analytics to streamline operations and a typical timeline to build such platform takes a year or so.
Amit Mehta
@vibhakarbhushan You are spot on. Its a culture change in people ,process & technology. Challenging the Status quo
When you short term requirements or might get spikes during certain period, cloud is most ideal. You expand on demand and then shrink
Amit Mehta
@chikka2203 Elasticity is indeed big. Function Based Cloud Deployments are fast emerging the new reality.
Amit Mehta
@chikka2203 Automation is the #1 priority for customers in India as per an IDC research