Dez Blanchfield14
Q1: What is delaying NFV adoption?
#EricssonNFV #EricssonDigital #NFV #SDN @EricssonDigital @Dez_blanchfield https://www.crowdcha...
#EricssonNFV #EricssonDigital #NFV #SDN @EricssonDigital @Dez_blanchfield https://www.crowdcha...
Kevin L. Jackson - (ISC)2 CCSP, Swansea, UK
A1: #Cloud orchestration and management presented a technical challenge to #NFV success. #SDN #EricssonDigital #EricssonNFV @EricssonDigital
Evan Kirstel
operator mindset! Need a 21st century cloud native attitude, mentality and skill set!
Ericsson Digital
A1. The operational changes needed for the Telco #cloud are difficult but needed - why not join us for more at #EricssonNFV twitter chat
#EricssonDigital #NFV #SDN #EricssonNFV
#EricssonDigital #NFV #SDN #EricssonNFV
oscar gestblom
A1: Delay is due to a number of aspects, e.g. lack of standards, integration problems and general complexity with new technology. Read more in on #EricssonNFV
Peter Linder
@evankirstel Going beyond what was done in IT and taking it to a new level for networks
Beverley Eve
There’s also more info available on the interactive #NFV eBook series downloadable here:
#EricssonNFV #SDNWorldCongress #EricssonDigital #EricssonInfluencer
#EricssonNFV #SDNWorldCongress #EricssonDigital #EricssonInfluencer
Diana Adams
@oscargestblom So many aspects, right? :) #EricssonNFV
oscar gestblom
@adamsconsulting Yes, I guess every operator is facing different problems.