Thank you everyone for getting involved! Thoroughly enjoyed it and can't believe the hour is up! We'll be back again on the 28th of February for our next #TestChat
OK, the first question of the evening - What crossovers are there with current testing and testing AI? What existing testing methods can be used to test AI? #TestChat
I belive we still are able to use session-based testing for AI testing. It will be appropriate for first validation and for discovery the next test paths #TestChat
If the output is meant to mimic human intelligence - then surely something which satisfies a human would be the measure. But we have humans/people which have extremes of behaviour.
Exploratory for sure. I'm also guessing methods from usability testing might come in handy, as there will be a large grey area of what inputs can lead to useful outputs and an application should probably be able to guide the user to the effective ones. #TestChat
exploratory testing will be key. As I believe it will be very rare there will be a single repeatable answer. So we'll have to continuously be asking questions. #testchat
I think really depends on the AI application itself. Analytics could give us a lot of information about the system being well implemented and achieving its purpose. Also, user input.
Modelling is a key skill that will be in high demand. A lot of attempts at automated checks with have asserts against some model instead of a fixed oracle. So those models will need carefully designing
#TestChat If the AI is expected to learn, perhaps some lessons from teaching, as in good old IRL school methods to judge "quality characteristics" and progress, might prove applicable.
So exploratory testing would need to be inherently repetitive - running the same steps multiple times to assess that the results fall into a desired range or pattern?
@TheTestLynx I like this approach. Of course, it's usable only for existing solutions. However, it may provide a lot of usability issues or even incorrect modelling of the chat bot #testchat
Should stress testing an AI system result in it giving incorrect answers (as humans might under stress). I presume we do not want these human traits to be implemented.
#TestChat My teaching experience lies way back and is specifically related to language teaching but there are measurements or rather classifications for understanding texts, for example.
Some existing methods would still be valid (for testing the output of the app) But what about using AI to test an AI application (output)? Because, it would actually be possible :)
#TestChat So there would be ways to watch how the AI learns to react to natural inputs. Or text formulation, something along the lines of what Robert Ryan mentioned as cautious vs. risk-happy AI, can it express the answer in various ways depending on user "clues".
Exploratory testing and monkey tests that we need them to be smart enough to make random actions and have random results and assertions with different data that we add them for us to know which scenarios of actions would break.
@TheTestLynx Ah this was an interesting point from the masterclass. Depending on the app - some negative testing is needed, but should it be limited to prevent breaking? Or is it needed to make sure that the app doesn't fall over when it discovers a negative case? #TestChat
OK folks, last question. What skills do you believe are necessary to get a job as an AI tester? Is it a case of building on existing knowledge or exploring new emerging technology? Or both? #TestChat
I guess for some areas the skills will be hard computer science - on the training side (after all, the training inputs need to validated/organized as well). #TestChat
On the other hand I see a lot of room for crossover from psychology or humanities. Even if I don't really expect a strong AI, ever, if we want the little ones to emulate/enhance the human mind, the same ways of working could very well apply. #TestChat
@magda0s That's true. I'm guessing it's hard to know about it as it is such a new technology. It might be a case of finding projects and learning as you go at the minute #TestChat
I think it could be analytics, could be manual testing, could be AI knowledge, could be automation knowledge...same as with any other app, since it's basically a different way of implementing applications
@WotUpBiches I had that worry when I worked as a translator and automated translation was a scare. The I saw it in practice and as long as you don't make the entire chain perfectly clean and consistent, robots won't manage to take over ;) #TestChat
Perhaps using Specification by example (aka BDD) is appropriate - since we would be writing tests in domain language of the users. Perhaps there will be a need for training- and maybe it will be the testers role to confirm to the system what is right and what is