
the Croud Native & KubeCon
parallels & reports on live coverage of the conference on #theCUBE
Bert Latamore
@AWS VP Cloud Architecture Strategy @AdrianCo Cockcroft live now on #theCUBE from CloudNative & KubeCon @Furrier @Stu http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
siliconANGLE - Extracting the signal from the noise.
Bert Latamore
This week we have to be here. After #re:Invent last week everybody just wanted to sleep. @AdrianCo @AWS #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
We have the engineering teams & r engaging with clients to get to know them better. A little hiring. @AdrianCo @AWS #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
We didn't have a team focused on OpenSource, so I started one last year. @AdrianCo @AWS #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
I have several people mostly from the #OpenSource community. @AdrianCo @AWS #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
Engaging with an #OpenSource community is a little different from a standard client. @AdrianCo @AWS #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
Basically doing #Kubernetes as a fully upstreamed experience. @AdrianCo @AWS #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
Just announced bare metal as-a-Service. & #Setargate, which is a container that U can deploy an app to. @AdrianCo @AWS #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
the other thing we did was move to per-second billing. Lambda is per 300 miliseconds. @AdrianCo @AWS #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
#EPS is very large scale, multi-tenant container system. Much larger & older than #Kubernetes but misses some features. @AdrianCo @AWS #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
It operates 100,000+ clusters. Hundreds of millions of new containers are launched weekly. @AdrianCo @AWS #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
Run things like #Expedia. Some users run 10s of thousands of containers in a single cluster. @AdrianCo @AWS #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
#Kubernetes is doing something very different. So which U use depends on what U r trying to accomplish. @AdrianCo @AWS #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
The other 2 key project areas are deep learning frameworks, Apache MX Net. 30% is AWS contribution. @AdrianCo @AWS #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
A lot of things going on here- #Gluon, #Onix - that we work with other companies like #MSFT on . @AdrianCo @AWS #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
@CNCF Ex Dir @DanKohn1 live now on #theCUBE from CloudNative & KubeCon @Furrier @Stu http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
siliconANGLE - Extracting the signal from the noise.
Bert Latamore
#GitHub has made a big commitment to #Kubernetes & is moving everything to it. @DanKohn1 @CNCF #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
#Uber contributed a project. it had to grow from nothing to large scale & wanted to share how it solved the problems of that growth. @DanKohn1 @CNCF #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
We provide services to the project teams & help them market the products, but they manage themselves. @DanKohn1 @CNCF #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
We have #AWS, #Azure, #IBM, #Google, #Alibaba all at the table. They are fierce competitors but don't want to compete in this technology area. @DanKohn1 @CNCF #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
Our philosophy is moving to cloud native & the continuous development thast goes with that is the most important thing U can do to support Ur enterprise. It allows U to go to dozens of updates/day. @DanKohn1 @CNCF #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
The 4,100 folks here are more than the last 4 conferences combined. It really is exciting. @DanKohn1 @CNCF #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
@Google Engineeering director @GoldbergChen live now on #theCUBE from CloudNative & KubeCon @Furrier @Stu http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
siliconANGLE - Extracting the signal from the noise.
Bert Latamore
Regardess of what company they r from, all the speakers have the same vision, know where they r going, have the same goal. @GoldbergChen @Google #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
Need to be pragmatic. When we started we supported 100 nodes because most users didn't need more. Now it's 5,000 nodes. @GoldbergChen @Google #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
Our goal is to bring everything we know from #Google into the community. @GoldbergChen @Google #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
I do believe in containerization & #Kubernetes. But it is important to acknowledge that not everything will be containerized. @GoldbergChen @Google #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
One value of #Kubernetes is users can have it on prem & have a hybrid environment. @GoldbergChen @Google #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
We allow the vendors to make sure they have a good foundation to run #Kubernetes. @GoldbergChen @Google #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
I talk about consistency & freedom of choice. @GoldbergChen @Google #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
Where we spend most of our money & time is in education & mobility of engineers. @GoldbergChen @Google #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
Customers want to move to cloud, maybe more than 1 cloud. #Kubernetes gives them that. @GoldbergChen @Google #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
The amt of innovation on top of #Kubernetes makes me super happy. @GoldbergChen @Google #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
we have to keep up with everything going on in the community. @GoldbergChen @Google #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
Something we forget is we should be boring. There are other ways to make the world better. I would like to solve those problems. @GoldbergChen @Google #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
@Lyft Software Engineer @MattKlein123 live now on #theCUBE from #CloudNative & #KubeCon @Furrier @Stu http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
siliconANGLE - Extracting the signal from the noise.
Bert Latamore
#Lyft was built on Open Source. Starts with a Big Data app on #MongoDB. @Lyft Software Engineer @MattKlein123 @Lyft #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
Lyft grew a lot & outgrew some of thast original software.@MattKlein123 @Lyft #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
As organizaations grow the go from 10 developers sto hundreds. @MattKlein123 @Lyft #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
We have a lot of people trying to edit code & at some point they can't all work on the same code base. That's when people go to #Microservices. Then u have problems with data and network scale. @MattKlein123 @Lyft #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
So #Envoy is a platfaorm to fix that. Now people r going to supporting many languages. @MattKlein123 @Lyft #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
What we saw at #Lyft 3 yrs as go was that the #microservices journey was stopped by latency problems & they didn't know how to debug it. So they went back to the monolith. @MattKlein123 @Lyft #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
There are 15 or more talks on ServiceMesh. It's super fantastic. @MattKlein123 @Lyft #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
It is so compelling because people want to build in 5-6 languages. The confusion is Service Mesh is split between the data pane proxy & the control plane. @MattKlein123 @Lyft #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
#Envoy is a data plane proxy that is built into several control planes. @MattKlein123 @Lyft #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
This is a popular paradigm, so others will get in there. The competition will push everybody to be better. @MattKlein123 @Lyft #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
Sometimes we push people toward complexity that we don't yet need. @MattKlein123 @Lyft #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
I advise companies in the complexity they need. I think Service Mesh, tracing are important if U have the skills to have a microservice real time architecture. Not everybody needs that. @MattKlein123 @Lyft #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
As you bring on more complexity it has a snowball effect. More complexity creates even more complexity. @MattKlein123 @Lyft #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
Those who have full microservice environments have problems with networking, data services & need to fix those complexities. @MattKlein123 @Lyft #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
As u manage more things with more people it becomes more complicated. @MattKlein123 @Lyft #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
I'm a software engineer. I lead our networking team. Our team endes the end-to-end pipe from all our back end services to the client. @MattKlein123 @Lyft #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
I also help a lot with infrastructure. We r moving to #Kubernetes. We started with VMs on @AWS. @MattKlein123 @Lyft #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
We're doing a lot wit h#ServiceMesh & leading with 3Envoy. Trying to get off a lot of bespoke stuff. @MattKlein123 @Lyft #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
We are in a unique time. When U look at the services just coming online. In 10 yrs people will be putting business logic in their apps & not have to worry about all the intermediary systems. @MattKlein123 @Lyft #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
Most of what's happening in infrastructure is to get back to a place where developers can focus on business logic without worrying about the plumbing. @MattKlein123 @Lyft #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...
Bert Latamore
Companies have moved to a devops approach, but we aren't teaching people how to be on call, make dashboards, etc. @MattKlein123 @Lyft #theCUBE http://bit.ly/2BCzgw...