Ratan Jyoti27
Q. #bitcoin laundering techniques are widely used by #Cybercriminlas. What do you think how can we tackle this?
Dez Blanchfield
- the research tracking down the Bitcoin washing has been very interesting to watch..
Tony Flath 🎙 Podcast
it's a good point how to block #bitcoin when its all about #blockchain
Ratan Jyoti
@TmanSpeaks @dez_blanchfield There should be strategy to use #blockchain, which is the digital database that can record #bitcoin transactions. This will help monitor, manage and track worldwide shipping #bitcoin transactions.
Tony Flath 🎙 Podcast
yes so better visibility of #bitcoin and pursuing cyber criminals but a while before #blockchain @dtapscott love to hear from you
Ratan Jyoti
Since the transactions made using the #cryptocurrency like #Bitcoin are completely anonymous and so #cybercriminals love to do this and hence #Cybersecurity needs to be built in.
Tony Flath 🎙 Podcast
this is so true how do you identify the bad guy here
Tony Flath 🎙 Podcast
this is why moving beyond port and protocol is so important and get beyond just the perimeter
Ratan Jyoti
@TmanSpeaks Solution lies in how miners verify transactions and find a block can accept the transactions. If they are "bad" or "malicious" miners, it can broadcast the bad block. Feels solution should be within the #Blockchain. ALL THESE ARE MY ASSUMPTIONS
Tony Flath 🎙 Podcast
yes but blockchain will certainly play a part here @dtapscott would love your insight
Kevin L. Jackson - (ISC)2 CCSP, Swansea, UK
#Blockchain has tremendous value as an e-commerce tool. Marketplace forces will weed out the bad actors @reach2ratan
Dez Blanchfield
@Kevin_Jackson any key names you can share who are already down this path Kevin?
Dez Blanchfield
@TmanSpeaks keen to get more insight here Tony, fire away .. what are the top 3x value points do you think?
Tony Flath 🎙 Podcast
@dez_blanchfield 1. #blockchain may have potential to be record of source but long time to adopt
Tony Flath 🎙 Podcast
@dez_blanchfield 2. the current environment is ripe for the picking for #cybercrime
Tony Flath 🎙 Podcast
3. need to follow a secure by design approach
Tony Flath 🎙 Podcast
check Kevin's suggestions out thanks @kevin_Jackson
Ronald Gruia
Blockchain can reveal all the transactions but there could be exploits to keep some of those hidden (I guess). Bitcoin has become popular in places like Venezuela to help solve the pain point of transferring cash out of that country.
Full auditability & transparency of #blockchain #bitcoin #cryptocurrencies you can track bad guys' payments IF you know the source.e.g. DAO attacker last year - the auditor of our Token Sale smart contract monitors those stolen funds even now
but with other #cryptocurrecnies such as #monero & #zcash it is harder as they tumble payments through ring signatures.