
Next-Gen CSPs: Opportunities
What must next-gen cloud service providers (CSPs) do to sustain customer momentum?
Peter Burris
Will cloud companies ensure that customers have the flexibility to enter – and exit – cloud partnerships?

Josha Stella
Not if they can help it.
Josha Stella
No one wants to be a commodity.
Shawn Douglass
The value added services of the CSP today are the lockin, hybrid management platforms are working to abstract those away but the CSP are not incented to be commodities
John Furrier
This is the lock in question is the way I understand this. Answer is no they won't they want lock in imho
Josha Stella
I think they will continue to innovate in unique and valuable ways to build greater loyalty and differentiation.
Enterprises are going multi-cloud in a big way. CSPs are going to need to support that through open architectures. No customer, for example, will tolerate have their data locked into one CSP.
yaron haviv
enter Sure, exit iS something else
John Furrier
Lock in will be scale and value based no proprietary
I am John White
No way! Lock-in is a good business model for them. Alas, there will always be companies that figure out another way and migration will be a good biz to be in.
Ben Woo
@jameskobielus at the same time.. moving between clouds will not be easy
Josha Stella
Agree - I don't think there's any sign of intentional proprietary lock in, but by innovating hard, each cloud looks different over time.
Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
Cloud companies? No. It's where players such as VMware, Pivotal,Datos and a slew of others hope to force. Lockin at the Data or PaaS layer and treat the IaaS as an interchangeable commodity.
John Furrier
@johna_white totally agree; however lock in looks different will it be data or apps or scale or all of it
Shawn Douglass
differentiation and incompatibility enable lockin which produces ARR and reduces churn so I agree with Furrier
yaron haviv
noticed AWS is the only one not member of CNCF? G, MS, IBM, ORA are
Josha Stella
Data gravity is very real though...
Ben Woo
@furrier definitely the data
Val Bercovici - 2020 Hindsight
nope, at the early stage of the Cloud market, lockin is the name of the game
No enterprise that can help it is going to give all their cloud business to a single CSP.
Josha Stella
This is the innovation period in cloud - better to have lots of unique approaches and have standards congeal organically over time as the tech matures.
Erik Kaulberg
Lock-in possibilities expand massively w/consumption of higher-level services with incompatible APIs. I see many enterprises talk about multi-cloud, but at best implement it on a per app basis due to implementation barriers
Shawn Douglass
Data gravity is absolutely real ingesting or pulling data out takes time and $
Ben Woo
@jameskobielus but when it comes to choice, I think first-to-market xSPs have the advantage... eg. AWS
Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
First question I ask an internal cloud business user is if they are using API's or just VM's. I love the later answer. It means I have value to add in brokering services.
Val Bercovici - 2020 Hindsight
we need to wait for more customer and provider #CloudMaturity before customer workloads and especially data (with higher gravity) will become mobile. Think T-Mobile vs Verizon. That took a while ...
Ben Woo
and Alibaba
yaron haviv
biggest challenge is data services due to gravity, apps can be abstracted e.g. W k8s
Ben Woo
@CTOAdvisor Keith.. I'm seeing a lot of cloud brokering in APAC and to a lesser extent EMEA
Val Bercovici - 2020 Hindsight
Cloud today is still a honeypot business model. Use loss leaders to get customer data, then add value via high-margin new services and increase data gravity
John Furrier
multi cloud is coming more from the business side (legal) vs tech folks love cloud value over any perceived lockin
Yes, first-to-market have the advantage in adoption and retention, but they tend to suffer customer ire if they try to lock in the early adopters.
Ralph Finos
@ralphfinos Public cloud today is a land grab so there is no incentive to give anything back that you've already taken
Moving between clouds will be as easy as moving between on-prem platforms. The target cloud/platform vendors will offer beaucoups migration utilities and professional services.
yaron haviv
no real multi cloud, cant call AWS VMs O365, Salesforce & Gmail multi-cloud
Sarbjeet Johal
data volume and Proprietary API consumption hinders portability of workloads, otherwise, in theory, all CSPs will always say that they embrace portability.
Peter Burris
Who will be the primary buyer of cloud services in 2022? Business? IT? AppDev? Other?

John Furrier
The buyer will be a Bot
John Furrier
Automation like autoscaling today will make bots emerge as the buying entity
Josha Stella
Mix of all - was almost all bottom up in the past, but now enterprises are seeing they need to take a strategic approach so purchasing decisions are headed up the org chart.
Ben Woo
I think the most interesting one to watch will be the DevOps and AppDev crowd.
John Furrier
COO will be more involved as the value shifts from IT oriented function to operational cost to revenue value model
Erik Kaulberg
Look at massive board-level cloud deals like $SNAP $2B GCP 5-year commitment
The primary buyer of cloud services in 2020 is whoever is trying to achieve some specific business outcome in most frictionless, accelerated fashion possible. That's business.
Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
Business. I don't readily see the value IT offers in the purchasing relationship today. That may change over the next couple of years. Today, I find it hard to define enough value for it to change.
Josha Stella
That said, lots of bottom up will continue, but in that more strategic context, which means there is risk of losing some of the benefit of cloud in speed to delivery.
John Furrier
@eneyberg Snap has same on AWS and are hedging cloud suppliers
IT won't be the primary cloud buyer because IT will resist "hiring their own replacement."
Ben Woo
@furrier which brings us back to the fear of lockin, multivendor resolution
Ralph Finos
@ralphfinos All of the above. Price elasticity and better/easier to use services brings everybody in.
Josha Stella
I've been hearing about CFOs driving CSP selection process already.
yaron haviv
Biz & Dev bypass IT, will buy serverless & AI Models & DBaaS
Josha Stella
And not on the size of the bill - on enterprise value for themselves.
Shawn Douglass
I see any new project going to the cloud first then as the business solidifies and companies seek to extract more margin they may migrate back to fixed in-house datacenters.
Ben Woo
@joshstella Josh, it doesn't surprise me. To them all CSPs are alike, so why pay more for the same.
Val Bercovici - 2020 Hindsight
there will be a lot of programmatic purchasing of Cloud Services by 2022, but they will be so ubiquitous that ...
Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
I'm thinking of something like AI and ML as a service. If the business user can get the data to CSP directly, it has huge and direct business value. Is there even a way to estimate the addressable market now?
John Furrier
Answer: see ML AI question bc the buying will be intelligent
Josha Stella
It's going to get really interesting as cloud markets become more fluid and scaling is also bidding dynamically.
yaron haviv
key Q is who will own E2E security
Val Bercovici - 2020 Hindsight
@valb00 the better question is who will be providing the abstracted and ubiquitous Cloud Services? - ala @joshstella
Shawn Douglass
there is so much value in spot markets, managing infra like fungible ephemeral livestock that the tide has already gone out on not having cloud infra in your mix
Val Bercovici - 2020 Hindsight
@yaronhaviv many will claim to. No one will actually do it because E2E includes Edge, which will be innovating too fast
Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
@furrier Someone pays for the buying decisions of the bot.
yaron haviv
@valb00 I'm all for edge :) think edge will be centrally mng via cloud