
Harness the power of flash
Join a discussion on improving data value, security and simplicity with the virtualization of flash
IBM Storage
Q12: If there was a silver bullet that would solve your #storage challenges today, what would it be?
Eric Herzog
A12 well these is never any silver bullets but the closest would be AUTOMATION of all the storage functions
Woody Hutsell
Flash storage is the closest thing IT has had to an application performance silver bullet in many years
Devoreaux Walton
A12a: Help me to integrate my infrastructure with solutions that are connected
Denver Hopkins
A12a Anything that 'sets data free'. Data does its best work outside of storage-- in the applications that need it.
Eric Herzog
A12 automated speed, automated management, automated reliability, automated resilency, automation of analysis
Devoreaux Walton
A12b: No silos in my data center
Andrew West Official
Flash storage has taken over the data center. From SAN to server, vendors have found creative ways to improve application performance using flash storage.
Andrew West Official
However, flash isn't a silver bullet for every performance challenge. Prior to throwing flash at a problem, you need to understand and define your true bottleneck.
Michael Sermersheim
A software defined storage architecture would eliminate a lot of todays problems - adding some flash to the existing environment then should eliminate most of the challenges
Matt Crigger
100 percent secure with no chance of a data breach
John Furrier
I think that #serverless trend is what we'll see #storageless a addressable programmable pool of fast durable storage
Shekhar Agarwal
A12 Whole range of IBM Spectrum portfolio @IBMSDI would well fit in there with further enhancements.
IBM Storage
Q11: How critical are performance and latency in storage solutions?
Eric Herzog
A11 that is what drives you to real time data and information for your buesinsss
Woody Hutsell
A11 My favorite quote…. Money can buy bandwidth, but latency is forever… John Mashey
Denver Hopkins
A11a If our customers’ expectations are any indication, the answer is ‘very important’. But…
Eric Herzog
A11 at the same time, need resilency and our storage solutions give you performance, reliability and resilency so you are always REAL-TIME
Denver Hopkins
A11b It varies by application and use case. So I wonder...
Woody Hutsell
@zoginstor an excellent observation speed without safety is only a risk to the enterprise
Denver Hopkins
A11c What are YOUR most demanding applications where hi-performance, low-latency matters?
Eric Herzog
A11 all about the right storage tool for the right job
Eric Herzog
A11 storage is a critical cog in your IT real-time infrastructure that allows apps to deliver management, insights, and analysis of Oceans of Data
Woody Hutsell
A11c we need to remember that while some data needs the best latency, some data does not. A storage tiering strategy can pay off
Eric Herzog
A11 if the storage is SLOW there is no real time, not reliable NO real time, not resilent NO real time
Eric Herzog
A11 in today's INSTANT business culture and highly competitive environment got to have real time access to that data 24x7x365
Alex de Carvalho
A11 to improve customer interactions with real-time insights, there should be no latency when accessing your most frequently used data
Eric Herzog
ADC absolutely
Andrew West Official
reducing latency will universally improve performance, making latency the first metric to look at when evaluating storage performance.
Andrew West Official
The real proof for how well a storage solution will meet your needs is to take a look at latency figures and, more importantly, do proof of concept testing to determine what kinds of latency figures you might see with your unique workloads.
Woody Hutsell
@alexdc no latency is an excellent target. The best storage read is the one you don't have to do.
vamshikrishna t
real time insights are possible only with low latency storage medium, so it is absolutely critical. The faster we retrieve the data , faster insights ..
Woody Hutsell
@vamshikrishna_t low latency is here now! Businesses should not wait to get the performance they need for real time analytics
IBM Storage
Q8: Why do you think real-time insights are important for businesses.
Eric Herzog
A8 real-time is the standard of today
Denver Hopkins
A8a Insights gained from data have temporal value that’s greatest when it can have the most impact…
Woody Hutsell
A8a Real-time insights are needed to personalize business interactions with customers
Devoreaux Walton
A8: Businesses that react swiftly to real-time data, not only win but dominate
Eric Herzog
A8 you don't wait for the Pony Express anymore or FedEx next day, you have to react today
Woody Hutsell
A8b Real-time insights are needed to identify failures before they happen
Denver Hopkins
A8b Like detecting/preventing fraud as it occurs instead of after...
Woody Hutsell
A8b Real-time insights are needed to identify failures before they happen
Denver Hopkins
A8c Or improving customer experience and engagement at the moment a customer interaction is occurring...
Eric Herzog
A8 if you can't get real-time insights on your data in many industries it can cost you 10's MILLIONS per day and in some even per minute
Woody Hutsell
@denverhopkins fraud detection and prevention is a great example.
Eric Herzog
A8 even small companies need to understand what is going on in real-time to make decsiions
Denver Hopkins
A8d If not in real-time these are lost opportunities w/ real consequences that can be measured as lost revenue.
Andrew West Official
Real-time insights allow #tech leaders to make data-driven decisions in the best interest of Infrastructure & the business.
Eric Herzog
A8 for your IT, data center, cloud if you don't understand its operations real-time your data can't be real-time and you LOSE $
Alex de Carvalho
A8 You’ve got to know your customers to provide them with quality experiences when you interact with them
vamshikrishna t
digital revolution taken businesses to the real time, It is utmost important to get a meaningful information of the data that they have.
Woody Hutsell
@alexdc thanks for joining and a great insight, know your customers!
Lauren Wendler
To have the ability to address business challenges in real-time as they come to the surface
IBM Storage
Q9: How do you see leaders in your industry leveraging real-time insights?
Denver Hopkins
A9a I’ve seen interesting use cases from fraud prevention to improving transportation logistics based on emerging weather
Woody Hutsell
A9a #1 Develop a culture that values analytics and data science
Woody Hutsell
A9b #2 Nurture and hire the right people to help that culture thrive
Eric Herzog
A9 almost all industries are going to real time
Woody Hutsell
A9c #3 Invest in an analytics environment (a suite of tools) to reach your analytics objective
They utilize #IBMSDI solutions! 😉
Denver Hopkins
A9b Endless possibilities: anywhere real-time insights yield competitive advantage, companies will find applications.
Woody Hutsell
A9d #4 Leverage low latency flash storage that matches your business needs
Eric Herzog
A9 think about the company whose public cloud failed this week and how it was all over the world in a few minutes after it happened
Devoreaux Walton
A9: Real-time insights can drive personalization, customer retention & CRM!
Andrew West Official
Business intelligence tools, automation technologies, & other large applications are becoming more sophisticated, taxing the capabilities of the data center infrastructure.
Woody Hutsell
@IBMSDI virtualizing the compute layer is an excellent complement to virtualizing the storage layer. Do both with Spectrum Compute
Denver Hopkins
A9c It’s IBM's privilege to help them realize their visions...
Denver Hopkins
A9d ... w/ solutions that don’t just satisfy reqmts but inspire wholly new use cases & capabilities.
Andrew West Official
Traditionally, business analytics applications have been able to draw information from a variety of sources inside and outside of the business, which has helped with strategic planning.
Andrew West Official
Today leaders employ business intelligence applications have cognitive abilities that create greater performance demands as they expand capabilities.
Alex de Carvalho
A9 Companies are saving time, money, and headaches by running their analytics right where the preponderance of their transactional data resides with #IBMz and Spark