Mark Browne23

Question: What's the most important things new customers should know about EHC on VxRail?

Mark Browne
What are the reasons for customers to look for Hybrid Cloud? Why not just go to the public cloud?

Mark to the question on what's important to know , there are two levels of unmatched automation being brought together here. There is the HCI automation, Day I , Life cycle of an ESXi Cluster, expansions etc. all Automated.

Rodrigo Gazzaneo
go Hybrid for choice of workload placement. Best strategy.

Colin Gallagher
It is not public or private but both - hybrid will be the new MO going forward depending on the workload characteristics

Rodrigo Gazzaneo
Cloud is not WHERE you run your apps, it's HOW. Hybrid is the way to go.

Paul Young
Also many folks are finding that public cloud isnt as cost effective as they hoped. great article from @TechTarget http://searchdatacen...

Bill Reid
Full automation of the IaaS components with Cost Transparency, Lifecycle Management, Security, Performance all play into the Public vs. Private

Colin Gallagher
For long-term workloads with fixed requirements on prem HCI can be more cost effective http://www.emc.com/c...

Bill Reid
Enterprise Hybrid Cloud extended the Core IaaS capabilities to include Data Protection, Application as a Service