
Let me start with a general question: How can #CloudAI help improve the performance of online applications?

Jim Metzler
Scott, to answer that we need to acknowledge how difficult a problem that is and why traditional solutions have deficiencies

Torsten Volk
a) make the IT infrastructure aware of application requirements and business goals, b) "observe how the application is used and how that impacts the infrastructure then c) make placement and optimization decisions on that basis.

@AshtonMetzler Thanks Jim -- what are the biggest deficiencies, in your opinion?

Torsten Volk
Key is to understand that best practices cannot just be blindly applied, but need to be viewed based on their impact on business goals and other applications that will be influenced by a placement or optimization decision.

intelligent software algorithms are used all the time in anomaly detection (credit cards). Helping people troubleshoot can save time / money. Customers tell us cloud is complex, helping them find a faster means to performance issues is valuable

Jim Metzler
So many apps are highly distributed and so multiple pieces of software need to be monitored. Also, the infrastructure is comprised of physical and virtual resources, and or course, software can move around.

@TorstenVolk Are these best practices being applied, in your opinion?

Torsten Volk
At a conceptual level, the value of AI and ML for optimizing app performance is huge, as AI and ML help you uncover correlations between app performance and infrastructure utilization and configuration, even across enterprises, that you'd miss witho

Jim Metzler
Also important to realize that machine learning is being widely used in many disciplines, notably to improve sales and marketing. Point being, this is not some untried or unproven approach.

Torsten Volk
Yes, the problem is that they aren't context aware. They don't know the consequences of blindly applying them and they don't know how important these consequences are to strategic or tactic business goals. Example: It may be OK for a certain

Torsten Volk
application to be slow, in favor of another set of key applications to hold up to the pressure of highly strategic key customers. Once these customers are done, the lower prio app can be taken care of

Jim Metzler
I won't call Ml a mature technology, but it is building a track record.

Torsten Volk
Customers mostly aren't aware of it and vendors are only now starting to think about it. There isn't typically even a clear definition of how CloudAI and ML differ from traditional Ops management.

@AshtonMetzler thanks Jim

Torsten Volk
#ZeroStack comparing CloudAI to a self driving car is exactly right. We strongly believe that cars will be self driving in a few years, but by far not enough thought went into the Business Centric Self Driving Hybrid Cloud.

Jim Metzler
And Amazon does offer ML as a service - so it is certainly available

@AshtonMetzler Jim we agree, we have a crawl, walk, run mentality, we are rolling out capabilities in phases