Aspect Europe84

Let’s start by looking at the challenges companies are facing today. Let’s discuss digital transformation and how it affects all companies at all levels in their organization. What is happening? What are customers expecting? http://www.via-cc.at...

Stephen Ball
Digital Transformation forces companies to be creative in delivery of services ahead of their competition

Stephen Ball
Which is great for everyone, whether consumer or business

Stephen Ball
Agreed, culture is huge

Suhela Dighe
#DigitalTransformation is shaking all companies to their core. Everything is being reviewed: infrastructure, customer engagement, work culture and skills. Exciting times.

Stephen Ball
culture needs to be driven from the board, down throughout the entire organisation

@Aspect_EuropeIndeed, but if you don't getr the cultural changes underway first, the technpology may not deliver

Stephen Ball
lets not forget consumers are driving future company cultures

Aaron Carty
do companies fear they might be left behind by their competition that are quickly adopting to the changes?

Customers are using websites, blogs and social platforms before engaging with an organisation

Stephen Ball
@BloorResearch important point.
Colin Whelan
Can I ask the Panel? While it is important to be forward thinking in customer engagement, how to we ensure we don't leave existing (and old like me) customers behind?

Stephen Ball
@AaronCarty If they dont they should. Agility and speed are critical

Very important point, the existing legacy customers are probably paying for transformation.

Chris Streete
this is the essence of transformation. To use a cliche it is a destination and customer engagement is a challenge all companies face

Stephen Ball
consumers driving culture, is it just me or is that hugely exciting, and good for all

Aaron Carty
@aspectcolin I think it's the responsibility of the organisations to ensure there are enough lines of communication for all of their customers to engage with them - their has to be a choice for the type of customer you are
Jamie Dixon
As a digital team in a very traditionally phone-based call centre setup, we've had a responsibility to drive channel shift through excellent service on the digital platforms. That needs to be supported from the top within the company though I agree.
Stewart McCarthy
Customer engagement should be timely, and appropriate to the customers channel. Tools like Intercom scan all channels and allow you to respond via the same. It's about internal procedures too.

Chris Streete
@ColinWhelan this is the essence of transformation. To use a cliche it is a destination and customer engagement is a challenge all companies face

Chris Streete
@StewartMcCarthy you are right respond with context in the channel of choice. Also being able to allow customer to move channels through a single conversation is key