Bailey Caldwell17
#oeforum @furrier - good discussion. We still see every openstack cloud being just different enough to make life difficult. Looking forward to more consistency. Here @rightscale we still see the mix of DIY + OSS = complexity.
John Furrier
Great insight. You guys have been doing cloud from day one. What do you think is the migration status. full steam ahead or slowed down by complexity?
Bailey Caldwell Not only is it slowing things down on adoption, its creating a default reaction to do nothing, live with the status quo, avoid the risk.
Randy Bias
Agreed. Hence the need for a renewed focus on OpenStack based products. The DIY insanity needs to stop. It's causing more harm than good.
Dave Vellante
I thought the whole idea (at least one idea anyway) was interoperability b/tween openstack clouds - is that a pipe dream in your view?
Bailey Caldwell I can't name 2 openstack clouds that are interoperable. Without Rightscale (shameless plug)...but, we've done as much work as probably anyone to get two clouds to play together.
John Furrier Bailey: I can attest that we met when AWS was rolling out initially Rightscale has been there since the beginning.
HPE Cloud
Is the continuous releases an issue (every 6 months) or is it the upgrade process not being in place?
John Furrier
Bailey are they a big customer? I am quoting @bret_clement
John Furrier
#openstack 12 month trendline what you’re going to see over the next 12 months is a simplification of the OpenStack core pieces. And you’re going to see a consensus of the best practice how to roll this out.