
Bluemix Private Cloud
Bluemix Private Cloud is the fastest path to private cloud in the market today.
Talk Cloud Events
How can customers try #Bluemix Private Cloud?
Jesse Proudman
We've got two options: Dedicated and Local. Dedicated runs on Bluemix Bare Metal in any of our global data centers. It requires no upfront expenditure and is pay as you go.
Mark van Oppen
You can reach out to me, or any of the IBM cloud sellers, or @Bluebox on Twitter. Just ask for #BluemixPrivateCloud
Jesse Proudman
Local is operated from any data center a customer can choose. The @IBMBluemixPCaaS team handles the end to end deployment and operations of the environment.
Mark van Oppen
The best part is that #BluemixPrivateCloud can be used on a month to month basis
Jesse Proudman
Our dedicated offering is the fastest path for users to go from 0 to a true OpenStack Private Cloud. We often find our customers start their and then add additional Dedicated or Local deployments.
Mark van Oppen
@jesseproudman and it's the same customer experience regardless of deployment model. A shared management team and code base makes for a consistent user experience between dedicated and local models
Robert Speller
What is PCaaS? Why is it different from public cloud?
Mark van Oppen
Think of public as shared hardware in a provider location, delivered aaS. Private being physically dedicated and also delivered as a service. PCaaS gives you all the public benefits and model, while preserving single tenant security and performance.
Jesse Proudman
Public clouds are wonderful and for organizations who want to ensure end-to-end single tenancy of both the control plane of the cloud, and the workloads, Private Cloud is the best alternative.
Mark van Oppen
And the kicker is that #BluemixPCaaS is powered by #OpenStandards preserving flexibility. No major public cloud does this today.
Robert Speller
What is Bluemix Private Cloud, and why do customers use it?
Mark van Oppen
Hi Robert - Simply put, Bluemix private cloud is private cloud as a service, powered by #openstandards
Mark van Oppen
It's the easiest way to get private cloud for your org, while using IBM's scale and expertise. Available in a local model and hosted model
Jesse Proudman
Organizations often find operating OpenStack difficult. We fix that. Private Clouds should drive efficiency, not cause pain.
Robert Speller
Is there a specific #openstandard strategy we delploy?
Mark van Oppen
The idea is helping to preserve customer flexibility by embracing standards that are NOT proprietary. #OpenbyDesign
Mark van Oppen
@MarkvanOppen in our case, #OpenStack delivered as a service
Robert Speller
How is it different from downloading and running OpenStack on hardware we already own?
Jesse Proudman
Bluemix Private Cloud is a complete end to end Private Cloud service. We've taken care of every detail for you, allowing you to focus exclusively on what will drive the most business value.
Jesse Proudman
Unfortunately, the notion that one can simply download OpenStack is a fallacy.
Jesse Proudman
In any given OpenStack deployment, the number of variables and decisions that need to be made are enormous. We want to eliminate that challenge.
Mark van Oppen
One monthly fee that encompasses #Hardware, #SLA, and long term upgrade path, and cloud OS management.
Mark van Oppen
@jesseproudman Yes! The biggest misconception we encounter with customers is that "it's easy" to download #openstack and run it.
Where do you see Bluemix headed in the new year?
Jesse Proudman
2017 will be the year of unification for Bluemix. Between Softlayer and Bluemix, we've had multiple user experiences from a UI and Billing perspective. That will no longer be the case. Bluemix will be THE single IBM Cloud Platform.
Mark van Oppen
Think of IBM Bluemix as the brand umbrella. Long term, customers will be able to get all cloud functions from one dashboard, and product group.
Benedetto Abbate
BlueMix is unifying the key offerings in our Cloud Platform catalog under one single portal. This includes traditional BlueMix, SoftLayer, BlueBox, VMware Cloud Foundations, and ICOS. Under one brand, one sign-on, and one centralized portal.
Benedetto Abbate
The unified portal will allow clients one place to perform all of the following actions for their Cloud Platform offerings. Including offering news, descriptions, documentation, live support, ordering, billing, monitoring, managing, and users.
Talk Cloud Events
Thanks for participating in today's #CrowdChat! For more information, be sure to visit these pages: https://www.blueboxc...

Mark van Oppen
Good morning!
Talk Cloud Events
How else can we get in touch?
Mark van Oppen
We look forward to speaking with all of you
Rachael Boucher
How does this work with Softlayer bare metal?
Jeremy Carrell
We have options for bare metal in both Dedicated and Local
Mark van Oppen
Typically, Bluemix private cloud dedicated customers connected to SL baremetal using vLAN spanning.
Jesse Proudman
Bluemix Private Cloud Dedicated runs on top of SoftLayer Bare Metal and has access to the SoftLayer private network. Customers can use the complete SoftLayer service catalogue with Bluemix Private Cloud.
Rachael Boucher
thanks Mark and Jeremy!
Mark van Oppen
customers can use virtualized resources for some workloads and bare metal for others. #choicewithconsistency
Robert Speller
Can Bluemix Private Cloud work with my existing infrastructure?
Jeremy Carrell
Yes, it lends well to a true hybrid cloud experience
Mark van Oppen
Absolutely! The most common use case is an small green field application deployment that wants/needs dedicated infrastructure.
Mark van Oppen
Customers often connect their private clouds back to on premise hardware or existing alternate infrastructure
Mark van Oppen
Then, they grow with #BluemixPCaaS because it is so easy, and grows linearly.