
Digital Twin
Digital Twins in an Industrial Environment
Harsha Chachadi
Who in the organization is best suited to own and manage the digital twin infra and projects?
Chris Fangmann
Depends on the use case - but of course the respective process owner (e.g. production line manager) as well as (if existing) the CDO should be sponsoring the initiative
Kai-Uwe Hess
I see it the same way, there are already a lot of organizations which have dedicated CDO's
Harsha Chachadi
So the business leading this effort as against IT is a recommended approach?
Chris Fangmann
Very often we find in client situations that there is no interlink between business and IT (like e.g. Business-IT-Relationship-layer) or no interlink between IT & OT - this is required - and can be started with a Proof of Value
Chris Fangmann
Yes, business needs to lead - and IT needs to start understanding more business. The convergence of IT and OT is one of the most important topics for any CIO
Kai-Uwe Hess
it always should be a joint approach. only when business and IT is aligned you will have success
Chris Fangmann
Welcome to our session. Please post your questions here while we run the web session https://connect19.uc...
Harsha Chachadi
What are some of early stage use cases organizations can test for proof of value and early wins?
Harsha Chachadi
Are there quick start techniques / tools one can start with?
Chris Fangmann
A usually quite easy use case in e.g. shop floor optimization is evaluating and optimizing OEE in a selected subset of equipment.
Chris Fangmann
Techniques are way more important than technologies (as the latter are just there). It's about finding out where to start by bringing together the data scientists with the technologists and the business process owners
Chris Fangmann
As we're approaching the end of the session in a few minutes - Thanks again to all participants and contributors, we're looking forward to the next sessions soon
Chris Fangmann
Thank you for organizing, Harsha - we're looking forward to the next sessions
Chris Fangmann
And of course a real big THANKS to the team that helped to prepare!!!
Jerry Kim
Two worlds (virtual and physical world) are already out there, and many customers already use 3D simulation and collect the real data from various machines. I think a key challenge would be the interface between these two worlds.
Chris Fangmann
I agree, Jerry - but the expertise is growing, including leveraging e.g. machine learning to create such interfaces
Chris Fangmann
What would be on your private wish list for a Digital Twin? I'd love to have a Digital Twin understanding my behavior and responds to emails or creates documents based on my thoughts
Harsha Chachadi
I second that. And readily be able to access those ideas as required. A couple of additional pair of hands wont be bad either :)
Chris Fangmann
And it's coming - the first AI based virtual assistants are available (in pretty early maturity....but still....)
Harsha Chachadi
Can my digital twin do my work and i reap the benefit ;)
Chris Fangmann
If it's your digital twin you actually will reap the benefit - if it's not your IP it might be a bit more difficult....
Harsha Chachadi
How does digital twin align with six sigma and other process best practices?
Chris Fangmann
In most projects we leverage six sigma to understand the impact before we finally select the initial Use Case. Understanding impact and risk helps to involve the right people and of course reduces the threat of failure by being able to focus
Chris Fangmann
Have you started to dip your toes into simulation and digital twins before starting to swim? What were your initial business use cases?