
Future of Mobile & Cognitive
A look into how cognitive services are impacting mobile.
   8 years ago
#ibmwow@theCUBE Coverage of #ibmwowAnalyst coverage of IBM World of Watson. Live Streaming from
IBM Mobile
Q9. How would you combine cognitive and #IoT? #IBMWoW

Gregory Lowe II
#ibmwow I would create cognitive fitness wear with @rebeccaminkoff that improves every aspect of a users workout.
Aviv Canaani
Self Driving cars that would know where I want/need to go
Jesse Squires
A9. Instead of manually scheduling your wifi lights to turn on and your wifi toaster to make you a bagel, apps will predict and learn when to do these things for you
Make everything "smart". My refrigerator won't open for me unless I finish that expense report!
Katie McWilliam
A9. speaking of adulting.... I would love to have a #cognitive app that helps me save money on the expenses of owning a home. Are there insurance risks in my home that I'm not aware of? Can I save money on my utilities?
Gregory Lowe II
Shout out to @KateMac3 for the great concept of cognitive fitness wear!
Felix Flores, Jr.
A9 can we get a device that tells you why your 7yo daughter gets mad at you and how to fix it? #dadlife
Katie McWilliam
@gregoryloweii all in a day's work πŸ˜‰
Alisa Maclin
#GM and @IBM 's cognitive mobility platform partnership to enhance OnStar GO is a great example to automate driver interaction
Hillary Andrews
I want some cognitive solutions for Myrtle, my dog! I want sensors that will detect when she wants to go outside, unlock and open the door so when I'm at the office she can still go play if she wants to!
Aviv Canaani
IoT Kitchens that would make me the lunch I need to eat based on my diet, rather than my immediate desire
Resh Sidhu
A9. The marriage of the internet of things and cognitive is a beautiful relationship waiting to happen - it’s going to make everything in our lives smarter than we imagined giving us more time to do the things that are important.
Chris Downey
cognitive can be combined with weather data, ocean sensors, phine sensor data and more to help correct global warming.
Jennifer Klinger
A9: We'll all pretty much live in an episode of Black Mirror. But it won't be as weird.
Tracy Sullivan
A9: Beyond an intelligent, self-driving car, I'd love for my car to start heating up when I use my coffee machine in the morning so the Boston winter isn't as painful.
CyberCode @IBMwow
innovating fields where iot cannot do alone in solving the most humane issues 🌏
Aviv Canaani
Love black mirror! Especially the one about the political candidate that is coming now to life...
Patricia S.
A9 Hello dynamic environment - make living/work space efficient and eliminate waste. A seamless living experience.
Tracy Sullivan
I would also combine cognitive with my kitchen pantry & refrigerator so when I browse recipes, I'll know immediately if don't have the right ingredients and then can have them delivered to my house! Or an auto-chef. Whichever. :-)
IBM Mobile
Q7. What is the greatest impact that #cognitive computing will have for the mobile worker? #IBMWoW

Felix Flores, Jr.
A7. Automatic, personalized life-changing advice to those who use "reply all" unnecessarily
Katie McWilliam
A7. I would love to pass off all the administrative aspects of my job to a cognitive assistant. Watson, please complete my #ibmwow expense report for me
Jesse Squires
For a developer: hopefully the machines can start writing code and creating mobile apps for us so we can just eat burritos and drink coffee.
Chris Downey
Death to email jail! Never again will we sort through 100s of emails. Ask Watson for summary and action items? I'm in!
Hillary Andrews
Wouldn't it be neat if you were on your way to a meeting and your phone told everyone that you were running late because of traffic without you having to actually send a text or email?
Aviv Canaani
Your mobile mail client will notify you only when you get a really important email and not for every single one (especially not newsletters...)
Resh Sidhu
A7. Cognitive will bringΒ man and machineΒ together, collaborating, learning, adapting and changing the way we behave and interact as a society. Location will become immaterial.Β Kiss goodbye to the office people!
Katie McWilliam
@jesse_squires those good SF burritos! 🌯
James Cammarata
A7. Automatic briefings to prepare for meetings - suggestions on approach to take, presentation, background, etc.
Hillary Andrews
@jesse_squires Sign me up. I'll go back into development for burritos!
Gregory Lowe II
Cognitive computing will change the way companies approach maternity leave for woman globally. #ibmwow
Chris Downey
@KateMac3 No expense reports? Yes!
Aviv Canaani
@ChriDowney what's Katie's twitter account? :-)
Kristina M. Smith
A7: There is definitely potential for robots/machines to automate/complete many tasks and thus make mobile work easier... In fact, we may be competing w/ robots for jobs in the near future. #ibmwow
Pete Teigen
A7. Cognitive will remove the need for me to know what "app" I need to work with. I'll just converse and execute/solve
IBM Mobile
Q11. If you could have Watson assist you in your daily living, what would it be? #IBMWoW

Hillary Andrews
I'm already a huge fan of Chef Watson! I use it all the time!
Aviv Canaani
Clean up my apartment and understand how I want it all to be organized
Alisa Maclin
review my calendar and suggest how I can get the most out of every appointment, activity
Gregory Lowe II
Watson would stop all drunk text from going out after 12am.
James Cammarata
A11. Would live on my mobile phone. Always with me - offering advice - unobtrusive if need be.
Ian Karnell
incorporate it into Alexa so that it can learn from my shopping list, music interests, etc to make smart recommendations.
CyberCode @IBMwow
want it to tell you on your progress, what can you do more and help you utilize your network and resources on how to create more great changes to your communities and to the 🌐 #ibmwow #tech #community
Chris Downey
I would like Watson to make me a sandwich. I heard that after curing cancer it still had time for that.
Felix Flores, Jr.
A11 Parenting. Take info from tests scores, upcoming homework assignments, standardized reading/math levels, confidence in the classroom, and then recommend styles of coaching during homework.
Josie Baik
Help me utilize my time better!
Aviv Canaani
tell me when my baby would probably wake out so I could plan my sleep accordingly
Resh Sidhu
Watson will be seamlessly integrated through every moment of our lives, I imagine a world where it will be the invisible magic that makes every thing work smarter and faster
Gregory Lowe II
Watson would change all of my iMessage typos before they send
IBM Mobile
Q8. How is cognitive computing changing enterprise #appdev? #IBMWoW

Alisa Maclin
Raises expectations of what an app should be able to do - not just pull in info like weather or location, but predict and learn
Gregory Lowe II
cognitive computing is forcing larger companies to think outside of the box to create enterprise solutions that compete with start ups that are ahead of the curve.
Felix Flores, Jr.
A8 i feel like companies will really begin to KNOW and LISTEN to their audience, not just anecdotally predict. Then, hopefully, we can get less photo apps.
Resh Sidhu
A8. It's making it more human by understanding, learning and putting the end user needs at the heart of everything.
Patricia S.
A8 Empower people to make better decisions.
Chris Downey
cognitive will help developers identify needs for specific types of apps in the market they might have overlooked.
Aviv Canaani
Developers need to think a few steps ahead about how the app would change after the machine learning phase
Utilize data to build apps to help the employees work more efficiently by not simply building a copy/paste version of their current product(s)
James Cammarata
A8. Will bring developers and business (non-devs) closer - will encourage deeper collaboration @ibmmobile #ibmwow
CyberCode @IBMwow
changing the enterprise experience where startups want to try this out too as it can fit into their company enviroment as well.