
Performance without Limits
A preview of the May 20 event, "Performance without Limits 3.0 on IBM Cloud."
IBM Cloud
First question: What’s the biggest hindrance to digital transformation right now, and how can that be addressed?
Joe Weinman
lack of vision, lack of IT skills, lack of willingness to take risk
Dr. Jeff Daniels
Mandraulic processes and lack of digital skills. Digital transformation with formal & informal processes is tough to do effectively.
Ben Amaba
Uncertainty and variability is a major hindrance to digital transformation. Increased knowledge will create improved technology; social behaviors, economic models and policies to secure trust from the public.
Joe Weinman
the skills issue has to be the biggest one
Amy Hermes
Leave it to @jeffdaniels to use a SAT word like "mandraulic" ;)
Dr. Angel Luis Diaz
No business process is an island - aligning the application to technology and to the culture is the journey.
Ben Amaba
. As we go through a digital transformation; we are learning from models and experiences to generate assets that have specificity, measurements that are traceable, auditable, and reusable, and governance processes that detect variability and lowe
Joe Weinman
because there is not only a global shortage but the major players can pay for the best talent
Ben Amaba
Discipline is improving in the digital era because we have more assets, empirical knowledge, and data to better understand what is needed for the digital transformation.
Dr. Angel Luis Diaz
@BenAmaba Really going point - clear metrics show both the value of transformation and can be used to accelerate projects down the road.
Joe Weinman
so it is more challenging for everyone else
Joe Weinman
due to mandraulicsupercalifragilisticexpialidociousness
Lack of vision and not understanding the cultural change that needs to go with it
Dr. Angel Luis Diaz
@BenAmaba With "Uncertainty" comes opportunity - leveraging cloud and process innovation helps target the opportunity side.
Ben Amaba
The human aspect and social sciences will play a major role in the transformation.
Dr. Jeff Daniels
Agree @cloudmunch cultural change might be harder than the technical solution!
@BenAmaba Absolutely. For most organizations, it is the bottleneck
Ben Amaba
Culture is hard to measure and predict.
Joe Weinman
for the average vertical, it seems like there is also a lack of IT-enabled visioning...after all, why didn't taxi companies do what Uber did before it existed
Amy Hermes
So glad I'm not the only one wondering what "mandraulic processes" are @IBMcloud @joeweinman, @angelluisdiaz, @JeffDaniels & @benamaba! :)
Dr. Angel Luis Diaz
@jeffdaniels Automation is key - but at the same we need to take care and (1) automate with multi-clouds in mind and (2) automate in a way that does not create new silos or black art.
Multi-Cloud, automation + no lock-in are the key mantra for the flexibility needed for continuous evolution
Fear. Security. Ideas that go beyond the limitations of our current technology.
IBM Cloud
A recent study found that 77% of users trust cloud computing more than they did a year ago, but only just 13% trust public cloud providers to secure sensitive data. Trust is growing, but what’s needed to turn around that 13% number?
Ben Amaba
Knowledge combined with discipline will improve trust for public cloud providers. The outcome will be better processes for prevention, isolation and remediation coupled with improved technology; social behaviors, economic models and policies
Joe Weinman
all the hackers need to go on vacation
Dr. Jeff Daniels
Demonstration, putting the cloud tools in the hands of catalysts in the organization.
Joe Weinman
the challenge is that cloud may be insecure, but so are private cloud and noncloud implementations
Ben Amaba
NIST has established a basic framework and definitions to establish a foundation for Cloud technology. The details are still developing and will continue
Dr. Angel Luis Diaz
Trust, data and security - loaded terms. I always boils down to the workload type, where to start and how to grow.
Joe Weinman
it's a fallacy to think that cloud is more insecure than internal...everything is insecure
Joe Weinman
and, cloud providers have numerous advantages, such as higher bandwidth to protect against DDoS attacks
Ben Amaba
professional licensing for software engineers may provide a baseline method, framework, and expertise that can be applied to cloud technology to grow adequate resources to manage a hybrid cloud environment.
Dr. Angel Luis Diaz
@joeweinman I agree - folks need to have a clear understanding of the application, constrains and needs. With that clear trust grows.
Amy Hermes
There's a great blog post looming in here @joeweinman --
Dr. Jeff Daniels
One barrier to entry for the cloud is data categorization, data governance, and risk's the uncertainty that @AngelLuisDiaz mentions
Joe Weinman
AND, better skills and security ops center coverage for zero-day vulnerabiliies, etc.
The key requirements to building trust in public clouds are 1) Transparency 2) Fine grained control to end users so that they can ensure their governance needs themselves
Dr. Jeff Daniels
concur on the software engineering baseline and framework @BenAmaba
Ben Amaba
Agree. Specificity, traceability and the ability to audit both the leading and lagging indicators of cloud performance.
Dr. Angel Luis Diaz
@joeweinman We should not be afraid to invite hackers to actually make applicatoins more secure - seen many clients do this.
@angelluisdiaz In fact, bounty programs should be a norm than an exception
Dr. Angel Luis Diaz
@jeffdaniels data categorization and segmentation - the world is hybrid - one can just send the pieces of the data that is needed.
Amy Hermes
"The world is hybrid" -- love it @angelluisdiaz
IBM Cloud
At our May 20 event in New York City titled “Performance without Limits 3.0” @AngelLuisDiaz & @JoeWeinman will both be delivering keynote addresses. Can we get a quick preview of what you’ll be discussing at the event?
Joe Weinman
I'll be overviewing my new book, Digital Disciplines
Amy Hermes
... autographed copies for all your friends @joeweinman :)
Joe Weinman
AND, thanks to IBM, most attendees will be getting an autographed copy of the book
Dr. Angel Luis Diaz
We will cover how cloud technology planets can come together in a constellation that delivers better business outcomes - that is what makes up a cloud without limits.
Amy Hermes
To register for "Performance without Limits" on May 20th in NYC, visit // @IBMcloud
Joe Weinman
briefly, it addresses the use of cloud and related technologies such as big data and analytics, mobile, social and the internet of things to develop unparalleled customer value
Joe Weinman
I will sign your copy of the book, @AngelLuisDiaz for a special fee
Dr. Angel Luis Diaz
@angelluisdiaz Specifically what's needed to have choice with consistency in a Hybrid world!
Joe Weinman
100 books will be handed out so get there early...see you Friday
Dr. Jeff Daniels
Great job!! glad to be a part of it #PerformanceCloud
IBM Cloud
If you’d like to hear more, @JoeWeinman and @AngelLuisDiaz appeared on a recent podcast to preview the event here:
Joe Weinman
I'll be doing a keynote the morning before in Shanghai...
Joe Weinman this will be the first time that I sleep through my own keynote
Joe Weinman
usually it's only the audience
Amy Hermes
First time I've heard of "sleep-keynoting" @joeweinman :)
Joe Weinman
It will be a hybrid of a cloudy mind and sleepkeynoting