Brian Gracely7

Q6: What is the state of OpenStack in the Enterprise? Do you feel like the OpenStack Foundation is delivering the capabilities you need to deploy and operate OpenStack?

Brian Gracely
OpenStack seems to have gone in two directions: [1] focused on Telco/NFV and [2] delivering hosted OpenStack

Marcia Savage
I keep hearing about issues with the networking component

Brian Gracely
@marciasavage yes, OpenStack networking is still considered a challenge. What's the latest @mestery?

Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
Difficult question. With the exception of networking on paper it offers technology required. I think brand and brand awareness around OpenStack is a problem. One of it's failings may be marketing of all things.

Brian Gracely
@CTOAdvisor agreed, and it's often confusing about where OpenStack should stop and OpenDaylight should start in networking.
Susan Fogarty
We are going to have the Infrastructure Director from Walmart labs talking about how the company has doubled down on OpenStack at interop. I'm really interested to hear what he has to say

Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
@SusanFogarty I'm interested as well. So many questions around culture acceptance in addition to the technology challenges.

Marcia Savage
@SusanFogarty Me too. We just posted an article about Walmart's OneOps platform. Interesting project.
Susan Fogarty
@CTOAdvisor apparently they have a corporate mandate to become more technology-centric and go open source, and the IT folks are all on board