Guy Clapperton 11 What can an ISV do to reassure prospects of the security of their code? (ISVs welcome to comment!)
Guy Clapperton 7 What are your concerns regarding EU General Data Protection Regulation and the Cloud?
Guy Clapperton 3 What are the security considerations of using Public Cloud Platforms?
Guy Clapperton 3 The Internet of Things will have its effect on security as objects can be hacked. Has anyone come up against this yet?
Guy Clapperton 2 What are your concerns regarding the Cloud threats from malware/Zeroday attacks?
PeterJopling 2 Most legacy IOT devices, ie process control, were never designed to be IP enabled/secured
PeterJopling 2 Look at the 3rd party compliance to Security and what's the DR plan
Guy Clapperton 1 The crowd has been relatively quiet but I hope the insights on offer have been valuable. The entire chat will be available online afterwards.
Mike Spradbery @ IBM 1 MEAP - mobile enterprise application platform, provides security and much more
Guy Clapperton 1 What can third parties do to reassure people about the security of their mobile solutions?