IBM Mobile78
Q6: What are businesses getting right and wrong about #mobile?
Jon Hassell
Right - having it. Wrong - not having specialized functions, bad UX, eating battery...
nihal mehta
.@ibmmobile businesses don't need an app just 'because.' focus on solving your utmost pain point and if it happens to leverage mobility, awesome. but don't force it.
Jason Keath ⚡️
A6 @ibmmobile Right: simpler mobile ecosystem by asking simple questions like “would you rather receive updates via email or text?”
Ronald van Loon
Wrong. So far businesses do not understand full potential of limitless new Customer Experience possibilities by combining several data sources and new cognitive possibilities
Olivier Sentucq
.@ibmmobile trying to replace their desktop experience to mobile devices.
Alisa Maclin
some apps such as airline apps are too slow in making improvements - a great app needs continuous innovation
warren tomlin
Q5 -Right - going mobile first - Wrong - leaving it as a separate "thing"
Stephanie Atkinson
Most CIOs/CTOs I talk with understand if they do not act fast and say ahead on mobile tech, then they will lose and be out of business #Borders #Blockbuster just a few retail examples
Ebong Eka
A6. Some businesses aren't tailoring their sales pages to mobile customers. Also, many aren't utilizing 'one click' opt ins for leads/sales.
Katey Hopper
.@ibmmobile what does everyone think about enabling location services? Good/bad? I'm still deciding which kinda of apps I'm okay with knowing where I am...
Bob Egan
Wrong - thinking mobile is to risky for key biz process. Right - starting to believe they've been wrong :-)
ease of use and integration. Users want instant gratification and do not want to have a system blocked to another company. #ibmmobile
Sandra Zoratti
not prioritizing mobile commerce above ecommerce
Michael Gilfix
Many business get distracted by the IT barriers to building mobile apps, or just doing the same thing they've done before in their new app experience. They need to focus on what drives better outcomes
Ken Bonifay
Getting it right means I would prefer to use the #mobile version. Wrong is when I am forced to choose or I'm driven to mobile.
Ebong Eka
@katey_hopper It's good for apps like waze/maps but not sure about other apps yet.
Jon Hassell
@katey_hopper I think location services enables a lot of cool stuff. I mostly turn it on.
Myriam Joire
walled gardens are driving me nuts! I'm looking at your Facebook and Snapchat...
Ciara O'Keeffe
.@ibmmobile wrong - deploying too many apps so employees are confused about which ones should be used for what purposes
Olivier Blanchard
Depends on the business. Not putting mobile at the center of their business model is probably the biggest mistake.
Harald Neidhardt
some businesses still think mobile doesn't move the needle, while their customers moved on - I fear enterprises underestimate still some of the elevated user expectations towards #mobile
@jghassell @katey_hopper I think if there is value (deals, useful info, etc) in turning location services on for the end user, they are less worried about potential privacy concerns.
Katey Hopper
@ebongeka I agree. Location enablement is great when I need help. Push notifications are still a grey area
Michael Gilfix
Do you all think that enterprises have the design skills in house to fully capitalize on mobile?
Olivier Blanchard
Businesses need to stop thinking about mobile as an add-on (or a separate strategy) and start thinking in terms of mobile first.
Make sure the site is as easy or easier than your desktop version. Your instant shoppers are purposely looking to purchase when visiting online #ibmmobile
James Cammarata
right is continually thinking about what customers want and constantly improving
Harald Neidhardt
I see some brands and companies driving #mobile and see the potential to reach the so far unconnected, be closer to their "hearts" and think IoT as an extension of mobile outreach at scale
Stephanie Atkinson
Also #mobile is sometimes seen as #expensive and vendors need to emphasize cost savings, efficiency, and other core benefits, mgmt is still an issue, security is a fear!
Craig Brown, Ph.D.
Business is still looking at mobile as an enterprise platform which to run large pieces of the business.
Chris Heuer
getting right: investing in mobile security and accessibility for their people to get more done
@warrentomlin can't agree more
Chris Heuer
getting wrong: not investing enough in CX/empathy and training.
Chris Heuer
also getting right: like @VW, creating 'off modes' where biz apps don't intrude on home life
Craig Brown, Ph.D.
DevOps and Mobile are now better partners so that is a great place to start the transformation for change. Just not happening quick enough.
Tracy Sullivan
@katey_hopper I'm very selective about which mobile apps I give access to my location. Privacy is very important to me.
Saul Berman
We are still in the early stages of the mobile revolution. What seems right today will often be wrong tomorrow!
Michael Gilfix
@bobegan Ensuring enterprises are educated to think of mobile as a "human factors engineering" problem as much as a technology problem is critical for their success whether or not they have the skills in house
Josie Baik
Wrong - copying and pasting a non-mobile version of their product into an app