
Vertical Analyst Conference
Vertical Industry Analyst Conference in Dallas,TX Feb. 10-11 2016
Ronald Gruia
Vertical now giving a demo of its Wave IP platform virtualized on a standard laptop... pretty interesting.
James Brehm
I appears as if they are looking at #workflows of their vertical customer base
John Furrier
is there a live feed from the event @blairplez u have periscope?
Ronald Gruia
VAppCenter_dot_com demo

Ronald Gruia
Vertical Cloud – network infrastructure: AWS; leveraging NodeJS #Vertical2016
John Furrier
should code bases run same on-prem and off-prem ?
James Brehm
#Vertical is doing interesting things to simplify the communication process for it's customer base. While many analyst here attempt to prove them wrong, #Vertical2016 presenters keep rebuffing and proving they are providing customers with the right stuff.
rob arnold
@Verticalcomminc product strategy: complete, integrated, simple, vertical-izable #Vertical2016
Jon Arnold
Rick Dell explaining how @Verticalcomminc has an edge with a direct sales model. CPE vendor sales pitches all look the same when made by dealers- can't differentiate this way. #Vertical2016 #ucoms #cloud #itchannel
Blair Pleasant
many vendors say We win thru engagement & vertical approach. @verticalcominc show how they really do this -not lip service. #vertical2016
Blair Pleasant
Dick Anderson says @Verticalcomminc is the Luke Skywalker to @CiscoCollab's Deathstar " #Vertical2016 > but w/o lightsabers
Blair Pleasant
.@verticalcominc leveraging #WebRTC for new conferencing capabilities - lots of new stuff at #vertical216
Ronald Gruia
Vertical Cloud – Deployment Architecture: Scalable, multi-tenanted core, Public or private cloud: hybrid ready, Application and updates delivered via cloud, WebRTC ready #Vertical2016
John Furrier
Is vertical cloud private or public or does it matter? who's software runs what?
Ronald Gruia
@furrier The call control on the private cloud, all the apps are on public cloud