The future of the IoT
Join us to discuss how cognitive IoT will transform business and change the world
Q9: What's the most exciting application of IoT that exists today? What do you think the most exciting IoT application will be in the future?
Local Motors
Today, it's remote devices in the home that you can access with mobile devices. Connected vehicle technology is next. (Mark)
Greg Gorman
Connected car is the early leader-for safety and convenience; home automation for the geek factor. Next is integrated supply chain/manufacturing, that's where the big $ is
Tim Crawford
The most exciting part of #IoT today? The potential opportunities are boundless.
Theo Priestley
The most exciting application for the future of IOT is connecting several industries together through the shared data to benefit individuals
Aylee Nielsen
I'm so excited to see smart cars becoming a reality!
Kal Gyimesi
in the future I'm really looking forward to the realization of everything we imagine with connected vehicles and transportation
Local Motors
There is a great benefit to the end user to monitor their own world. (James) Look at how the Apple Watch and got people genuinely excited about standing up and walking around.
Andy Thurai
The "real" skynet with automated decisioning to serve enterprise needs.
Theo Priestley
Home automation has poor value for average consumers, fragmented ecosystem, and will suffer from API/ Firmware incompatibilities for years
Zach Jory
@ITredux yes, #IoT goes beyond changing how business operates, to changing how we live our lives
Zeydy Ortiz, PhD
I just saw that a package I was expecting tomorrow will be delivered today. That visibility is still exciting! @IBMIoT
Ravi Patil
Future - I'm looking forward to on-demand delivery of fresh, locally grown produce via drone.
cristina bonaccurso
Looking forward to #Smartcity #interactions ! It will be mostly around the real human value: #UX
{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
i'm very excited to see how my new Apple TV (with apps and TvOS) and Apple Watch (all IBMers to manage their health in 2016) will affect my future. i'm optimistic at least.
Greg Gorman
One I just tried was unlocking my hotel room this week via an but scary!
Linda Seid Frembes
The ability to install sensors on almost anything, turning it into an #IoT device that streams data.
{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
the coolest #IoT innovation i saw this year was the @localmotors 3D printed cars. maybe it was seeing it in person but IoT got real - really fast - for me in 2015.
Aylee Nielsen
@gregorygorman I love having my boarding pass on my phone :)
{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
on a side note, i want to 3D print a Batmobile. @localmotors can we talk?
Mohamed-Amine LABIADH
to know if my favorite place at the corner in my favorite restaurant is occupied or not !
Q8: Which industry use cases present the lowest hanging fruit for the integration of cognitive and IoT technologies?
Kal Gyimesi
clearly operational optimization of maintenance, production and supply chain... its the easiest place to make transformation
Theo Priestley
Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Health care
Tim Crawford
Note: There is a big difference between who "will" benefit most from cognitive #IoT and who "could".
Local Motors
Supply chain. Using customer buying trends to have the right product at the right place. (e.g., Amazon) It could also help grocers and their suppliers assure perishable food freshness and reduce waste. (Mark)
Patricia Diaz
HEALTH. Our bodies have all the data, Cognitive and IoT can turn that into useful info.
Zach Jory
Germany leading the way in industry 4.0 seems to indicate a huge opportunity in smarter manufacturing
Aylee Nielsen
The automotive and healthcare industries are ripe for the picking
Local Motors
Any mechanical device that decays over time, or needs maintenance. (James)
Andy Thurai
Any and all regulated industries. Not transparent, heavily regulated, no insights, highly governed...drives everyone nuts!
Kal Gyimesi
once you move to business transformation with a new customer base that becomes a lot harder for the majority of companies
Greg Gorman
monitoring a fleet of engines for impending failure; correlating weather and geospatial data with device performance; help engineers write better requirements!
{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
could vs should vs would
Theo Priestley
If Telco has to think about IoT they're doing it wrong...
{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
i hope for healthcare, health IT, wellness, education to benefit from Cognitive #IoT (#WatsonIoT are you listening?)
Susan Visser
I'm waiting to see what can be done in #banking and #wealth industries! #IOT
Tim Crawford
@theRab Now you're hitting squarely in the "could" vs. will camps.
Aylee Nielsen
@uwekrieger Telco is a huge industry that's often overlooked, but it's allowing us to have this conversation right now, great point Uwe!
Tim Crawford
There is a different between leveraging #IoT for data integration and connecting it w/ #CX.
{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
could cognitive computing fix/repair politics? #butidigress
Greg Gorman
the simplest use cases will take advantage of tech already deployed-like smart phones-to find quick revenue and competitive advantage.
Andy Thurai
With Bob Dillon + Watson's help, the music industry? :)
Theo Priestley
Banking/ FS will use Cognitive Computing but not IoT other than for operational efficiencies in the short-med term
Tim Crawford
@theRab Keep dreaming! We need more of that. Especially WRT #IoT and data.
cristina bonaccurso
from #factories , from operations to equipment optimization to #retail , as for automated checkout
Andy Thurai
@AndyThurai Make that Bob Dylan*
Patricia Diaz
@theRab Hah! Maybe integrated lie or intent detectors in each prez candidate?
{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
so follow-up question Q8b: who can and will influence the successful use cases? i mean who are the influencers in terms of roles and literally, who exactly is going to make a difference doing this in the near term?
Tim Crawford
@theRab How about who they are not? They are not the ones that are restricted in their views and potential.
Kevin Suttle @IBM
Airlines. So much of their internal processes are archaic, and the travel experience has been the victim of that. I know the folks at @UniversalMind have been looking into this as well.