
Cloud Security Chat
Let's talk Cloud Security- The benefits, the bias, and your burning questions.
   8 years ago
#InfoSecChatFox In The Hen House? (1 of 3)Could you spot the fox in your hen house? Protect your sensitive data from insider threats.
IBM Security
How would organizations determine if a cloud deployment is the right strategy?

I say, they should try it and see how they like it :) Sign up here to try IBM Security's Cloud Security Enforcer:
A7: You also want to understand what kinds of data the app is storing and why it's being stored.
@IBMSecurity @CyberSchlub They needs some Cloud Enforcer:
definitely, so they can say yes to Cloud Apps!
Mark Campbell
A10 The cloud is not for every business and every app. However most business can benefit from a transition to the cloud. First apps to go are typically email and CRM.
Would you say cloud is better or does it depend?
David Strom
it really depends on a lot of factors
A9: Step 1 is to figure out what cloud services are being used in your environment. Step 2: make sure those services are secure and easy to use. Identity-as-a-Service can help.
Q8: You almost need to start with Mobile these days. Everyone wants stuff on your phone. First decision is are you going to use Mobile Device Management #MDM
Mark Campbell
A7 Risk is determined by multiple factors, the data that is stored, how access is controlled, vulnerability to attacks, etc.
A6: It all starts with regular audits. You have to audit WHO has access and more importantly do they need access. This is true for on-perm and cloud.
David Strom
here is a link to a review of several mobile dev. mgr tools that I did for @NetworkWorld http://www.networkwo...
Review: Best tools for mobile device management
Mobile device management tools make sense when you are trying to control who can access your enterprise network and applications from particular phones and tablets. But to effectively evaluate these products, you should first identify what you're try...
Alex Wyllie
interesting read! Thanks for sharing
David Strom
A5 You want to employ some form of mobile device management tool that can strengthen PIN access, allow for remote locking and wiping of the device, and segregate data by app usage
A4: The end goal needs to be less passwords. SAML and Federation are standards that can help with this. It's all about having a strategy around access management.