
ITSM Holiday Horror Stories
Outages stink and they often strike during the holidays. Let's discuss!

How much does a data center outage cost per minute? Take a guess!

IBM Service Mgmt
Thank you everyone for joining us today, and thank you to our great moderators @RandlesTom and @b1stern ! Before we end, does anyone have any last questions or comments?
Tom Randles
Great chat everyone
David Metcalfe
Just to say Merry Christmas and a great 2016 to you all
John Philip
I would echo those sentiments. Looking forward to an interesting year
Amanda Tenedini
I look forward to working with you all for another great year. 2016 here we come!
Jeff Frick
> What happened to all those pagers?
Maureen Hannah
Have a great holiday and get those virtual and actual batteries charged. Happy 2016!
IBM Service Mgmt
Last question! Q7 - Now a fun question, what tech gadget would you want as a gift?
David Metcalfe
Not sure but get #Santa one of those driverless sleighs - give Rudolph and co a break this #Christmas
Amanda Tenedini
A swagway! If I worked in an office this would be the coolest way to arrive at meetings
Jeff Frick
> Keep your head down,..... Year of the Drone (have two unwrapped ones in the living room now)
Matt Rodkey
@davidmetcalfe12 #Santa. Talk about a guy who can't afford operational outages
Jeff Frick
@AmandaTene > Never seen a Swagway, sounds pretty cool
Amanda Tenedini
@davidmetcalfe12 Yup, those hoverboard like skateboards the glide around. I'd probably crash regularly!
John Philip
A device that would check all my sets of Christmas lights and replace all the bulbs or LEDs that have failed since I put them away
John Furrier
some good skiing is my wish this year
David Metcalfe
@AmandaTene Ah hoverboard - read those were banned as they explode!
Maureen Hannah
Oh,a multi-device keyboard and, since I've been good, I want another one: a portable printer
Tom Randles
Guitar effects - new and improved. Need all the help I can get!
Amanda Tenedini
@JeffFrick Are there any drones you recommend? I'd need a sturdy one because I crash things. Drone video is beautiful!
Jeff Frick
@AmandaTene > Hopefully not the ones with the battery fire problems
John Furrier
@AmandaTene @JeffFrick you have to register the drones with the FAA now
David Metcalfe
@ibmservicemgmt A golf club that hits the ball straighter than I do!
Jeff Frick
@furrier > I know, think it's triggered by a weight (implied size and power) number. Need to investigate.
Jeff Frick
@furrier >They are the kites of the younger generation
Amanda Tenedini
@furrier Good! Can't have bad people spying or flying dangerous material into planes/govt buildings.
Tom Randles
@furrier New drone regulations announced in Ireland just this week
David Metcalfe
@AmandaTene @JeffFrick my mate uses a #drone to take pictures of real estate really cool use of #drone and uploads so much easier
Jeff Frick
@davidmetcalfe12 @furrier > Amazing how different the world looks when you change the perspective by a bit from our normal 6' (+/- 1) off the ground view.
Good lesson on many fronts.
Jeff Frick
@shannonlmanley > May the force be with you!
IBM Service Mgmt
Next up, Q5 - What are your predictions for ITSM in 2016?
John Philip
There will still be loads of outages!
Tom Randles
Operations to get more complicated
Manzoor Farid
#ITOA for everyone (more a wish) ! Analytics and Prediction finding a home With IoT initiatives.
Tom Randles
Shadow IT becoming more of an issue
David Metcalfe
2016 - more adoption of #ITOA, more use of automation and more complexity driven by the #IoT which is a huge opportunity for #Netcool
John Philip
@GigaManz I agree more integration with IoT is vital
David Metcalfe
#ShadowIT will continue but I think the control will be better going forward in 2016
Tom Randles
More integrated ITSM - has to happen!
John Philip
#Netcool #OpsInsight have Node Red integration out of the box
Francesco Brillante
#Predictive #analytics will grow up in ITSM in 2016 and next years
Tom Randles
Especially IBM ITSM!
Tom Randles
The challenge of DevOps is increasing in the new Cloud/SaaS world
David Metcalfe
@cllrjohnphilip I need to catch up with you with what we are doing with #IoT opportunities!
Francesco Brillante
a lot of #ITSM products and services are investing a lot in #prediction because prevention is better than solving! :) I think that this will continue in future with integration and evolution of ITSM software
Matt Rodkey
#ITSM will continue to generate more and more operational big data. #ITOA will become even more critical to make data driven decisions.
Matt Rodkey
@GigaManz Completely agree #ITOA becomes about more than just servers and network devices. #IOT brings in so much more valuable data.
IBM Service Mgmt
Here we go! Q1 - What's the worst outage you've heard about and what caused it?
Tom Randles
Heard of a really bad outage recently, where the distributed disaster recovery had not been tested.
John Philip
That has to be the old Dallas Back-hoe through the STM-64 line and its "geographically separate" backup in the adjacent pipe
David Metcalfe
3 days a series of disasters staring with a JCB and a dodgy batch of fuel for the standby generator #doh
Amanda Tenedini
As a consumer, I experience lots of outages in retail sites around the holidays. Neiman Marcus missed 2 days entirely around #BlackFriday!
Tom Randles
Took a manual data migration to get the backup DataCenter up
David Strachan
Or another where an ops team started a service as the wrong user
David Metcalfe
@RandlesTom test test test and test again! #resiliency
Tom Randles
The original problem had to do with the DC generator diesel supply leaking all over the floor!!
John Philip
Surely the worst outage is always when you are responsible regardless of its public impact
Shannon Manley
Airline reservation system malfunctioning around the holidays. No family time!
Amanda Tenedini
We polled Reddit about bad outages and it seems like copper wire theft, fires and cryptoviruses are common issues around the holidays
Tom Randles
Network config adhoc changes cause lots of DC outages
Manzoor Farid
I lived through a malware event that took down multiple sites of an enterprise for days ..#codered
David Metcalfe
@AmandaTene yes thats common in Europe the price of copper is through the roof and its seen as a relevant easy target
Tom Randles
Changes made by the subject matter experts!
John Philip
Well a couple of sessions at #IBMInterconnect last year showed cases of #Netcool being used to address copper theft
Tom Randles
A bank here in Ireland had their entire transaction system went out of synch for two weeks!
Tom Randles
Caused by a poor upgrade
Tom Randles
Entire bank went into manual mode
Tom Randles
My colleague Steve Shuman blogged on outages earlier this year: http://servicemanage...
Tom Randles
The network shouldn't be making the front pages. This related to a United Airlines outage
Jeff Frick
> How is @Twitter changing the game in call centers? It's my "go to" way communicate issues.