John Furrier69
Q: What are your final thoughts for #IoT? Open thread. Share your vision or comments
George Gilbert
every device becomes a part of a larger ecosystem
George Gilbert
every device becomes potentially as smart as the entire cloud that's behind it
John Furrier
I'm loving this trend for global #iot for all devices and people; the thing I think the most about is the developer role and open source.
John Furrier
and the definition of what I call the "True Edge of the Network"
George Gilbert
#opensource pricing becomes even more critical because data volumes grow by several orders of magnitude beyond today's #bigdata
Muddu Sudhakar
Consumer IOT and Industrial IOT are separate use cases and markets
Manickam Anandan
when d connectivity on d places existed the iot growth ll increase... The application made fa health purpose d reach of iot ll increase...
Muddu Sudhakar
it is not clear if there is good business model for Consumer IOT market and who/what way can vendors drive revenue
Sanjeev Kumar
@ggilbert41 some leading indicators are - CEP / stream programming model, sliding time windows, stats based analytics and models
Insurance gets cheaper, fitness improves, things break down less often, customer support gets less dumb. In short no one will notice!
Dave Vellante
The big industrial giants are not working together today (e.g. GE, IBM, Hitachi...) and they will realize to advance the market they must collaborate
Manickam Anandan
finally wind up wit tis...iot s the future world Bt wen tat is mingled wit people like daytoday life things... It get much fast to reach the people...
George Gilbert
@smuddu what about B2B2C model - like wearables that feed medical devices and healthcare providers and then consumer advice
Muddu Sudhakar
Fitbit is in good position to monetize consumer IOT for healthcare, insurance markets. The market has not evolved yet in this space to drive new business models and help consumers
Sanjeev Kumar
@ggilbert41 yes IoTs would mainly be a B2B2C or B2B2B model
George Gilbert
@smuddu @dataplumbers insurance underwriters can become providers of b2c prescriptive analytics by, for example, providing diet advice or route guidance when trying to avoid bad neighborhoods
Crowd Captain
Ron Bodkin @ronbodkin said to @furrier #IoT value will be in the analytics - directly observing what's happening will go from behavioral insights to data science action
Muddu Sudhakar
@dvellante good that big industrial giants are NOT working together otherwise this will slowdown adoption and creates unnecessary standards. IOT is in early days and the best way new products/solutions delivered is by focusing on problem/use case
Sanjeev Kumar
@smuddu at the same time you can get "walled gardens" supported by GE, 3M ... which might make the life of their customers quite miserable