
Why Does Experience Matter?
Experience has emerged as sustainable source of growth and differentiation
   9 years ago
#CustExpChatCognitive Experience DesignDesigning Experiences for the Cognitive Era
Q7. What are some good examples of companies differentiating with design led experience?

Ram Panwar
Redesigned customer experience for Nationwide helps them with a 6-10% lead in customer satisfaction from the nearest competition
Harsimran S Labana
Apple definitely with its smooth mobile experience!
Ram Panwar
helped Global Furniture retailer realize approx 40-50% higher basket value when they used predictive analytics to deliver personalization and loyalty
Matthew Candy
Atom bank which is launching early next year has a very personalised design led experience e.g personalised logo for the brand!
Mary Wallace
Look at what Net-A-Porter has done with 'The Net Set' socially-powered app...completely attuned to the fashion pulse, designed with the fashion lover not just at the heart but driving the experience
Ram Panwar
there are many Taxi aggregator however Uber has differentiated on experience of the ease of booking
Nikhil Jaitly
Our work with Citi around the Apple Watch is surely commendable. A glance provides you with all your basic bank information.
Mary Wallace
And it's an experience that is not just beautiful & useful & fun - it's converting sales even quicker & creating new speed & efficiency across the N-A-P logistics chain
Matthew Candy
BMW 7 series is very interesting where they use kinetic for gesture base controls
Nikhil Jaitly
Netflix and Spotify in the entertainment industry are learning more about their users and using it for offering personalized suggestions.
Cassie Desens
I really love Citi - I went on vacation two weeks ago and I didn't even have to notify them of my travel plans, they already had it penciled in because I used my credit card to purchase the tickets. Amazing!
Cassie Desens
Plus, the user interface of citi's website is SO easy, and the Apple Watch banking app is completely seamless, making them my #1 bank for many reasons and great customer experiences
Richard McMurray
I find Google's overall experience is getting much tighter and integrated. Everything seems to work over different platforms.
Mary Wallace
In all of these examples - it's not just that the design is appealing and easy to use - it's that the value proposition is crystal clear to the customer too.
Matthew Candy
@njaitly18 it goes even further than that Nikhil. Netflix embed personalised trailers for house of cards into what you view on the app - they have filmed and made multiple versions which you see depending on their understanding of you as an individual
Q6. Which CxO roles in your organization are responsible to deliver great customer experience and how do they collaborate?

Trevor Sanford
I think many organisations are really struggling to understand where this needs to sit.
Matthew Candy
some brands have appointed head of customer experience
Ram Panwar
many organization have disjoint LOB which results in broken and suboptimal #custexp
Matthew Candy
customer experience is more than customer service
Mary Wallace
House of Fraser is 1 example - they completely redesigned their organisation & the new Chief Customer Officer replaced the role of Director of Multichannel
Ram Panwar
agree @trevor new roles being created Chief design, Chief Experience etc ..
Nikhil Jaitly
It has to be more than your marketing department. The right technology, tools, skill sets and the foresight to anticipate further.
Mary Wallace
HoF recognised that the customer - not product or org chart - is the driving force behind everything & redesigned their *business* experience AND customer experience to recognise this
Matthew Candy
@interactive Chief Customer Officer, Chief Digital Officer, Chief Marketing Officer - boundaries and resposibilities different in every organisation. And usually unclear where they have multiple of the above
Dele Atanda
Experience officers will become increasingly important and central to the strategic direction of a company.
Calum Murray
@maryjo @ibminteractive Agreed. Surely its every CxO and arguably every role that should have Customer Expereince as their primary objective
Harsimran S Labana
I think it will be more of sales org and CRM team integrated better.
Mary Wallace
You're right - it's not just CX - it's a fundamentally different business, tech & comms infrastructure, built around the connected customer
Matthew Candy
traditionally it has been a CMO's job function but CMO's who haven't forced themselves to be involved will ultimately fail to drive the customer experience
Matthew Candy
Agree @maryjo. And was with a client the other week where their Chief Customer Officer had responsibility for all channels and all of technology - so giving the role the ability to execute change, rather than trying to influence across silios
Calum Murray
@matthewcandy @ibminteractive Executing change should be down to everyone and in particular CxO's not just an individual CxO. Its worth bearing in mind, the rate off change jn technology today is as slow as it will ever be
Cassie Desens
I think its less about a specific role and more about an individual. Cross collaboration and innovation can challenging, so it takes a forward thinker someone interested in striving for the ultimate experience to champion change for great CX
Q5. ‘Digital revolution has been affecting every stage of the customer lifecycle and your business’. What actions have you taken to tackle this?

Ram Panwar
in IBM we are redesigning Marketing to Customer's Digital buying cycle
Dele Atanda
Having a brutal consumer centric focus is key
Matthew Candy
this tackles ways of working and forces companies to get out of their siloes
Nikhil Jaitly
Think the way the customer thinks and anticipate their next demand.
Dele Atanda
getting partners to work together to deliver compelling experiences
Matthew Candy
collapsing boundaries across an organisation and driving radical collaboration in order to get the outcomes. The problem is rarely about the 'what'... its more about the 'how' you get things done
Mary Wallace
I think that it's also blurred the lines between physical & digital - customers don't really care as long as they get good service, & the business has to organise itself around that ethos
Mary Wallace
So businesses should think community not commodity, services not product - digital enables this new way of thinking & doing
Matthew Candy
@maryjo but there aren't many organisations who drive metrics/KPIs and responsibilities across the silos to support this. Disruption then happens from outside...
Trevor Sanford
As already mentioned the biggest hurdle at moment is not thinking and working as one. Sales, Marketing, Customer Service etc can no longer think separate and have separate silod data
Matthew Candy
@trevor, what is the best example you have seen or worked with where they are thinking in this way?
Richard McMurray
you need to look at this from different levels, the employee, the department and the business. I've been changing my mindset from an engineer to a designer. Not easy and that is were it is difficult in business.
Trevor Sanford
Apple retail and Tesla are pretty good at this. I think you need a good mix of maturity and disruptive methods to do it 100%
Q2. ‘Design led innovations are changing the competitive landscape’. How do you foresee new age companies disrupting your market with design?

Ram Panwar
Design is the core to engaging experience today
Nikhil Jaitly
Design has become an integral part while choosing a particular service over another. A service/ product offering better design and ease to use, will gain more preference.
matt everitt
disruption thru mobile payments, cognitive search platforms, and video-based content are the disruptors 'traditional' co's are having to tackle today
Cassie Desens
Design is how you captivate a customer, and more specifically an individual, during an experience. Without great design its just another point of engagement that does not stand out from the crowd of competition
Matthew Candy
cognitive is key , combining design with intelligence
Matthew Candy
there has been waves of disruption happening in the market since 1995 but they are now getting closer and closer
Matthew Candy
@cdesens great comment. great design is not just a colour palette , it's data X interaction X context
Matthew Candy
good design = good engagement
Mary Wallace
New companies who were ‘born digital’ have actually designed their business organisations - not just the experience - with digital at the heart and putting the customer first.
Mary Wallace
This means that this disruption is geared around proving value and getting to market fastest.
Mary Wallace
So ‘design-led’ in this context is more about how fast you can get a product or message to your customer – speed and capability - rather than the size of your business and how many you sell.
Jayant Sinha
Changing content consumption pattern is leading to the disruptive market dynamics.
Matthew Candy
@maryjo great point Mary this will lead us to the next question
Cassie Desens
@Matthewcandy great point - cognitive is an exciting new era for design much opportunity to improve customer experiences
Trevor Sanford
It may sound counter to what we are talking about, but the experience that the customer doesn't even notice will also increasingly be the differentiation.
Ram Panwar
interesting point @trevor can you state an example on it
Trevor Sanford
@rampanwar its about seamlessness and also using data and analytics to identify and solve potential points of pain or confusion before they even appear in the customer experience
Darije Ramljak
@rampanwar Some extremists on user decision logic would state that the best UX is when a user doesn't even need to decide what to do next, the service/product should lead - so cognitive and good design/simplification would be the key