
andreas villumsen
Q5: what disrupted your business the most in 2015?
Crowd Captain
cloud and mobile
andreas villumsen
Q4: what is on your personal/professional 2016 IT agenda?
Suhela Dighe
Hi guys, this is a test chat. The hashtag will be automatically appended to any tweets, but we'll want to add #EMC manually
Suhela Dighe
I'm showing a demo of Crowdchat to my colleagues. Log in using Twitter, LinkedIN or Facebook.
Suhela Dighe
Hi @andvillum ! Welcome to your first Crowdchat. :)
andreas villumsen
Hey Suhela, just reading through the correspondance...this could work great, though still a little uncertain how much work is expected of us (back home)
Suhela Dighe
It would require logging into this site or just checking 2 a day, I guess to answer questions.
Suhela Dighe
We would want to prepare discussion points in advance and then people just discuss under each thread.
andreas villumsen
that sounds easy; I'm in...
andreas villumsen
BTW: Is CrowdChat supported directly via the normal Twitter application?
Suhela Dighe
If you have ticked the "post to Twitter" box on the top or right of this window, then what you write here in Crowdchat is automatically tweeted via your Twitter handle.
andreas villumsen
Secondly, am I right that Gartner Symposium is taking place now in Asia? Think I saw some LinkedIn announcements coming this morning referencing GartnerSymposium...
Suhela Dighe
However, any tweets via or an app will NOT show up here in the Crowdchat discussion thread.
Suhela Dighe
@andvillum That I don't know. Only concerned with next week first..
andreas villumsen
of course focus is on next week, but if Gartner already have their show running in Asia we could very likely see some of the trends/research being promoted there for our preparation
Suhela Dighe
@andvillum You're right, they are in India today: http://www.gartner.c...
Suhela Dighe
I'll leave this test chat open for others to paly with and log in via LinkedIN, too.
Harri Kallioniemi
Next week in Barcelona
Suhela Dighe
We're at #GartnerSym all week, Join our chat here on Crowdchat.
Suhela Dighe
Testing Crowdchat with LinkedIN.
Suhela Dighe
Q4: What are EMC and VCE showcasing at the xxx event?
andreas villumsen
Q3: how do you address your legacy architectures?
Suhela Dighe
Q2: What are EMC customers most concerned about when it comes to IT Transformation?
Suhela Dighe
Q1: Of the top trends for 2016, which is getting the most buzz and why?