IBM iX14
Q3. How are IoT and wearables transforming the customer experience and engagement across industries? What are some examples?
Cassie Desens
I love my fitness wearables, the #applewatch and #nikefuelband are making my workouts a totally new and exciting experience
Paulette Chafe
Automotive industry is ripe with great examples from locking to unlocking cars, biometrics/hearbeat at key
Gaurav Gupta
agree with Ruchi....Services
provide the
key for
Charles Joel
wearables which enable safety are aready deployed in the building sector..
Ram Panwar
The weather co delivers updates every 15 mins and is making a difference across industries and lives
Sumeet Kad
#healthcare can be transformed with #iot It can improve the patient outcome significantly.
Gaurav Gupta
Check this are some cool examples across industries
Charles Joel
Would you share your health data to enable a better insurance premium?
Elizabeth Kiehner
IoT in fashion is something I love. http://mobilefuture.... @ibminteractive
Paulette Chafe
Health is another area where wearables are making great strides...#IBMiXIoT
Cassie Desens
@sumeetkad Yes, also consider wearables that send vitals to your doctor for at risk patients..completely transformational and life saving
Paulette Chafe
People have already begun to share this data for better health premiums and their car's data for better insurance premiums #IBMiXIoT
Cassie Desens
@pchafe Doctors without boarders
Charles Joel
@pchafe would you?
Nikhil Jaitly
@sumeetkad Healthcare is leading the wearable tech revolution. Wearables will be like a second skin for humans in the future
Ram Panwar
@sumeetkad agree, healthcare has been a premier industry with use cases in personalized usage of IoT
Cassie Desens
I sure would!
Elizabeth Kiehner
Transportation, Healthcare and Energy will be impacted too. http://www.iotsworld...
Gareth Mackown
@pchafe And I think the logical next stage on this for Insurance is how we evolve the insurance model not just to improve premiums, but also allow insurers to provide a fuller service and level of care to their customers based on the data gathered
Nicola Rosa
with our Apple+IBM products we created apps for the AppleWatch that allow hospital nurses and engineers to be always connected and receive contextual information in real time even when their hands are busy increasing quality and safety.
Paulette Chafe
My personal fav is not having to take my phone out of my pocket for my boarding pass when I am juggling bags #IBMiXIoT Air Canada has great app
Cassie Desens
@njaitly18 I think they're already making those second skins =)
Paulette Chafe
Yes, I would :-)
Daniel Guse
the IoT will glue three industries together: mobile, automotive and architecture.
Cassie Desens
How about banking? The new #citi app for #applewatch makes checking my credit card balance SO easy..something I never was able to do even from my mobile