
Multivendor Support Services
Exploring benefits of a single point of contact when managing your complex IT environment.
   8 years ago
#TechChatTuesIT as a Service Live from Gartner with presenter Mickey Iqbal, IBM Fellow and Master Inventor
IBM Global Technology Services
Q3 How can predictive and preventative maintenance optimize the life cycle of IT devices?
David W Messina
A3:Predictive maintenance can improve the availability of applications by predicting when a device or component should be replaced. This is on a plan instead of an emergency.
Martin Keen
A3. By planning for the future, IT departments can plan ahead for when maintenance will be needed, and assign the relevant resources to that task ahead of time
Kristin Busch
A3) Eliminates potential problems before they happen.
Mohtashim Nomani
IBM is providing it in the shape of Enhanced Technical support ( ETS ) and its doing very good ,It also enables more frequent interaction with customer which he likes the most .
Aman Vohra
A3: It would definitely help in allocating the right budgets and avoid any unforeseen expenses. Better planning of upgrading/replacing devices!
George Herbert
Wait I sense a car analogy coming on..... But just like with a car if you keep your IT equipment running up to specs it will extend the life and reduce the tech refresh.
Todd Kelsey
A3 Can prevent business downtime by replacing mission critical equipment before it fails.
Justine Milne
A3 reduce the risk, reduce the pain
John Furrier
research analyst at George Gilbert says its about #bigdata
A3. Handling and identifying maintenance issues ahead of time prevents large outages and further resource requirements required to handle emergency outages and repairs.
Nelson Kavatoko
Predictive and preventative maintenance can avoid interruptions in IT environment and incresse the availability, and proactively identify any component changes needs. This must add many value for customer.
John Furrier
when moving to the cloud non-disruptive operations becomes a big deal so this is important topic
Jens Rathgeber
A3: Finding the proper time to proactively maintain a component can prolong its lifetime
David W Messina
A3: Predictive Maintenance can also be used to find quality improvements the component manufacturer can introduce a new product. This will improve the availability in the data center and lower costs for the data center customers and OEM.
Nelson Kavatoko
Complementing my post...sharing an article about "Time is money and timedown is expensive"
Better to prevent than to fix
Lei Wang
A3, this could mean less cost and happier customers
Biliana B
Predictive & proactive maintenance allows to prevent a disruption before it occurs
IBM Global Technology Services
Q5 How do advancements in tech such as analytics, cloud, IoT impact the future of multivendor IT environment?
David W Messina
A5: Any device with an IP address benefits from knowing it's meta data as well as it's physical (environmental) or data state.
Martin Keen
A5. More choice. Enterprise consumers use an average of three cloud service vendors
David W Messina
A5: knowing if a device is operating with parameters allows us to know if the device needs to be fixed or if it is being overwhelmed (e.g. an ATM that is in constant use)
Nelson Kavatoko
With an online, centralized and predictive/preventative environment and a huge capacity of processing data it will be possible to reduce physical and logical cost, and as mentioned before, increase the environment availability.
George Herbert
Clients who stuck to one or two vendors are not opened up. The sky is the limit but they will need a trusted partner to help them manage. #IBM
Mohtashim Nomani
No paper environment to No hardware environment
David W Messina
A5: As predictive analytics requires a data store of history, the more "like" devices we can connect, the better the predictions.
A5 - Your support partner has to have the expertise and capacity to understand and react to the results of analytics
Kristin Busch
It's important to make sure support solutions keep track with technology advancement. Check out this article from the ITBriefcase.
Eduardo Andreotti
When I talked to the customers, I listen that they want to know how to reduce the armored cars costs and first line problems. Analytics and IoT could start by here.
Biliana B
Progress... More competitive market leading to more and various solutions
David W Messina
A5: One innovative area of Internet of Things is to add environmental sensors to a device. Too much heat? humidity? dust?
Jens Rathgeber
A5: We will get new insights from data that we have already but never used them before because of the technological limitations to cope with the volume, variety and velocity.
George Herbert
@George_Herb3 Clients who stuck to one or two vendors are now opened up.
Eduardo Andreotti
@JEAAndreotti I was talking about banks.
Lei Wang
A5 unexpected down time can be avoided in multivendor IT environment thanks to analytics
IBM Global Technology Services
Q6 What types of issues may an org experience in the future if they don’t implement multivendor IT support?
David W Messina
A6: Churning their data center too quickly, raising cost and expense.
David W Messina
A6: Vendor lock-in.
Martin Keen
A6. Escalating costs. Gartner says adding a 2nd networking vendor will reduce total cost of ownership by 15%-25% over 5 years
Lei Wang
A6: It is simply not possible to not use multivendor IT support!
Mohtashim Nomani
Support is like insurance you cannot live without it !
A6. RISK. Lack of coverage per vendor, no single trusted relationship for support, bouncing around different vendors for a converged infrastructure or cloud issue due to lack of problem ownership, differences in security policies and protocol
Jens Rathgeber
A6: They will need to carry the burden of managing and orchestrating all the involved parties.
Wasting money, time and resources
John Furrier
companies not practicing multivendor will be locked out of new capabilities in software and capabilities from backup/recovery to #cloudnative apps
Aman Vohra
Downtime is Expensive in a world of connected devices!!
Justine Milne
A5 To add to Martin's comment, finding a single point of contact #IBM to manage and support will further help reduce cost
Todd Kelsey
Companies are unable to quickly and successfully integrate acquisitions they make
George Herbert
Issues like longer down times, higher vendor costs and internal staffing increases will be common place.
Nelson Kavatoko
Difficult to integrate and expand services...There is a demand for quickly changes...
Biliana B
Resistance to adopt a multivendor support model may lead to a collapse of the IT infrastructure
David W Messina
@furrier I agree if the platform is a hypervisor. Would this B/R limit apply to hardware and middleware in your view?
Todd Kelsey
@tmkelsey Understanding the strategic value of IT in M&A: