
Chief Data Officer
Public open conversation about the trend for the need for Chief Data Officer or CDO
John Furrier
question for group: Will the #CDO role report to #CIO or #CEO of the enterprise (or other maybe General Counsel). Discuss.
Richard Lee
If you really need to go with a #CDO then it must report to the CEO for Accountability, with #CIO Responsible for technical facilitation. Line of sight to #Risk and #Boardroom critical as well.
Tim Crawford Might make sense theoretically...but would be challenged in practice.
Tim Crawford
Depends on the nature of the biz: Typically #CIO or #CMO.
mike d. kail
if there are (Cloud) Infrastructure requirements, which there are, then report to #CIO.
Brian Fanzo .@mdkail Is the CIO becoming more of a CCO.. (Just like to add Acronyms as I miss them from my government job).. Chief Cloud Officer?
Tim Crawford @iSocial_Fanz No! #Cloud is just a delivery mechanism. Nothing more.
Brian Fanzo
Curious what is everyone thoughts on the CIO really being the Chief Innovation Officer making room for a Chief Digital/Data Officer to pick up the other CIO roles and also work closely with the #CMO?
mike d. kail
CIOs just need to figure out how to scale themselves and hire a great supporting leadership team
Tim Crawford This has always been the case (not just for CIOs).
Brian Fanzo .@mdkail What is the "new" skill set that CIO's must be looking for in the great leadership that reports to them so they can embrace the Data & Digital change?
mike d. kail
Intellectual Curiousity is what I value most
Tim Crawford Exactly! That's always been one of my hiring criteria. ...along with continual learning.
Brian Fanzo Curiosity and Connectivity are the skills that will separate those who have done stuff & those that are getting stuff done today!
Tim Crawford
Leveraging #data across an org is more important than creating silos of functionality (i.e.: #CDO).
John Furrier
what was interesting was @pmarca was talking about this this week about healthcare for instance that innovation is a Yes we can conversation not NO we can't
Tim Crawford I agree w/ @pmarca. But the issue is 'how' to change that. Easier said than done.
Tim Crawford People need to stop talking about change and start engaging it. #CIO (cc: @pmarca)
Brian Fanzo I agree but still too many people saying "it is the way we have always done it.." rather than embracing change.. Companies need to teach change and become more agile to support change.. I like Zappos idea of a more flat org structure!
Brian Fanzo
Companies struggle to leverage a content management system or a #SocBiz tool across the company because of poor communication practices or bad organization development.. Won't data have the same struggle?
Scott Gunther
agree. It's the change in business mindset on how to gather actionable insight from all the piles of data. And then using this to make fast & intelligent business decisions. The customer insights & analytics inside the business
Brian Fanzo Glad to see you joined Scott! Agree.. Data & analytics tied to business needs!
Tim Crawford
Counterintuitive statement: As the importance of #data for a company increase, the need for a #CDO decreases. #CIO
Brian Fanzo
We know that enterprises are just now understanding the value of the #cloud... do they understand the value of #data enough today to make it a high priority company wide?
Tim Crawford It has more to do w/ the maturity of the org & #CIO.
Richard Lee
But true nonetheless. As #data becomes baked into the Culture for the Org then it adapts accordingly to use in appropriate & exploitative manner i.e. #CompetitiveAdvantage.
Brian Fanzo How do you get data "baked into the culture" is it having data scientist in each org or do you focus on leadership having visibility and a strategic opinion on the data collected?
Tim Crawford
FTR: I'm not a proponent of the #CDO role. But am suggesting that a stronger focus on data is needed.
mike d. kail
CIO role really needs to be CxO where x is Info/Data, Innovation, Integration, Involvement
Tim Crawford Yes! Let's not get caught up on the Acronym...just the value/ function of the role.
Brian Fanzo I like to believe that if the #CIO & #CMO embraced collaboration & were great communicators this would be easy but in most organizations the structure and culture aren't prepared for that... Thoughts?
Richard Lee
I completely agree, but see focus as two-fold; Data and Information must be treated as Business Assets with Strategy & Stewardship owned by the business in partnership w/IT & Risk Management.
Tim Crawford How do you handle correlation of data across business units? I believe the #CIO should be involved here.
Brian Fanzo
In the article back in Feb (I printed it out) they had some interesting quotes
Brian Fanzo "CIO should have already been setting up the tech needed for such a digital transformation" said George Westerman MIT Center for Digital Business
John Furrier
I've always said that innovation organically has to be a mandate not some info governance BS role
Tim Crawford
One also has to consider the maturity of the organization (leadership team) and the individuals.
Richard Lee Organizational Dynamics must be factored into how your achieve full Information & #Analytics exploitation in any type of org. Culture trumps everything!
Tim Crawford @InfoMgmtExec But culture is one of the core changes needed within IT. Not easy.
mike d. kail .@tcrawford @InfoMgmtExec Culture in many IT Orgs is changing, and #CIOs would be served well by reading #Netflix Culture Deck
mike d. kail
#Cloud Tech should help #CIO unlock the value of data in an agile way and new EDW stacks will enable that further
Tim Crawford
Are CIOs ready to make the change? I want to say yes...but see challenges.
mike d. kail forward-thinking CIOs are already making the change and understand the huge value of data
Brian Fanzo @mdkail curious if the CMO is also prepared to make change understand value of data & not only general data but data that has never been provided to them before..
Tim Crawford @mdkail fwd-thinking CIOs are making the change. My concern is that it's not happening en-masse fast enough.
Tim Crawford
The elephant in the room is: How do we get the #CIO to embrace and engage #data and remove need to discuss #CDO?
Brian Fanzo
or maybe what roles/responsibilities do we remove from the CIO so they feel they have time for data?
Tim Crawford To @mdkail's pt: fwd thinking CIOs are already doing this. My Q is how to chg in mass.
Richard Lee
That would be a very good first step. Need Biz Leadership in tandem to accept Accountability and drive strategic direction and plans.
Richard Lee
#CIO has been relegated to junior exec role at operational level. Does not have enough leverage to own Accountability for #data. Business must step-up and treat like other Assets within Org. #CEO and Board have their roles here as well.
Tim Crawford
When discussing #data culture #CIO #CDO, it is important to separate theory from reality. They are very different beasts.
Brian Fanzo
Yes!! #BigData scares people because they don't think data for strategic decision making... Theory then gets in the way.. Give me the data I want and then let me make a decision based on that!
Tim Crawford
Kicking off the #CDO crowd chat w/ @mdkail #CIO #CMO
Brian Fanzo
.@tcrawford Excited for this topic in #Crowdchat after weeks of great discussions in twitter conversations!
Brian Fanzo
With Data, Digital, Cloud & Big Data it seems like the focus might need to shift from do we need a #CDO to... How much we change our company culture & organizational development to support this change & become more agile! Am I wrong?
Tim Crawford
As the maturity and focus of the company changes to emphasize more on data, the need for a #CDO decreases. It becomes everyone's responsibility.
Brian Fanzo Agree.. Leadership across the companies must understand the value of data & also have a voice into what data is important to them and how it will help them make more strategic decisions