Inside NFV
Discussing services and use cases for Network Function Virtualization (NFV).
Recep, maybe you could start by telling us what you think of the leading use cases. What are the first NFV use cases?
Recep Ozdag
vCPE is the most common. vFirewall, vEncryption and vRouter are the applications within the vCPE use case that are most commonly deployed
John Furrier
what do you guys expect this year from @vmworld ? NFV should be a hot topic
Recep Ozdag
We also are seeing interest in vIMS as the 2nd most common
Recep Ozdag
@furrier @VMware is definitely being aggressive on #NFV. We are happy to collaborate with them. They are deployed everywhere as a CMS.
Thanks Recep. And what would you say the top benefit of NFV is in these use uses?
John Furrier -- I expect to see a lot of partnerships as NFV goes to the next level
Craig Matsumoto
Telefonica is doing a virtual CPE trial that started in Q1, IIRC. To Dana's earlier point about telcos moving slowly - that's why vCPE is a good early use case - it's something that can be trialed in small doses.
Recep Ozdag
Benefits: 1) Moving up the chain from just connectivity to providing managed services..$$$ and quickly rolling out services... agility!
Recep Ozdag
exactly as @craigmatsumoto said. vCPE allows small, incremental, non-disruptive roll-outs of new technology.
small, incremental, non-disruptive roll-outs of new technology -- so not like my Adobe upgrades? ;-)
Recep do you think the service providers will see an uptick in revenues from managed services via #NFV?
Recep Ozdag
@CenturyLink and #colt are great examples of #vCPE use cases for #NFV.
Scott Raynovich @furrier what do you expect at @VMworld ?
Recep Ozdag
Absolutely. #vCPE use cases allow them to expand to adjacent markets and provide bundles services. Connectivity+functions
Recep Ozdag
But, I do expect to see competition. Particularly in Europe. Many of the @providers are looking a #NFV.
Any examples would be great..
dana blouin
I have been out of the provider side for a few years now, but I am seeing a lot of academic research on NFV and SDN being targeted to the provider side to assist in scalability and future services.
Thanks Dana
dana blouin
Though to be honest providers tend to be slow movers for adoption so it could take a while. Rolling new technology out on networks for that size takes a lot of planning.
It's clear many service providers are moving here. @centurylink has been a leader http://news.centuryl...
dana blouin
no doubt they want to get there, it just takes time when they networks are so large.
@telefonica also working with this technology http://www.lightread...
Q2: Next question. Has the lack of standards slowed NFV adoption?
Recep Ozdag
Good question. I definitely see #providers express frustration in this regard. I would say 70% of our customers have taken the wait and see approach.
dana blouin
A2: I think this is tricky, a lack of standards is good at the start but once a technology takes hold standards need to be agreed upon rather quick to help it grow and for those implementing to feel safe with it.
Recep Ozdag
The remaining 30% have decided to move forward with #NFV with the understanding that cloud technologies change frequently. It's a different game.
Recep Ozdag
By utilizing IT concepts, #providers have to realize that languages, tools and architectures change frequently. The leaders such as #centurylink and #colt get that.
Recep Ozdag
We are already seeing #NFV deployments in 2015 and 2016 this will accelerate.
Craig Matsumoto
Personal bias: I'm rooting with the 30%, Recep. I wonder if *fear* of a lack of standards is a bigger barrier than the actual lack of standards.
70% -- that seems high! Scaredy cats?
Recep Ozdag
@craigmatsumoto, you are absolutely right. It is the "fear". Because they are used to standards.
Recep Ozdag
haha... the 70% are still doing PoCs or trying to understand the landscape... but they are definitely taking their time.
Many technologies move forward without standards to become de facto. Example: Microsoft Windows and Android.
dana blouin
Yes, but they both grabbed massive market share that allowed them to work without standards and have some confidence.
My opinion is #serviceproviders need to move. Look at @Amazon and @MIcrosoft #azure -- moved faster and won
And #serviceproviders complaining they don't own cloud but that's cause they missed the opportunity
Recep Ozdag
#serviceproviders are also hiring engineers for #NFV. This also takes time.
This is a new opportunity for #serviceproviders to develop new applications and services.
The #serviceproviders that innovate fast here will win big
Recep Ozdag
We are seeing many #serviceproviders turning their COs and POPs into data centers for #NFV and content. Never too late?
Anybody here about @verizon 's #NFV strategy? I'm still waiting.
Recep: Yes, exactly what they need to do. Cloudify #communications.
Greetings everyone! Welcome to our #NFV chat.
dana blouin
Looking forward to it.
Anybody feel free to follow up with us afterwards at @rayno @DrOzdag and @cyannews. Thanks for joining!
dana blouin
Thanks for the great chat!
Before I toss some questions to Recep... I want to ask the crowd in the #serviceprovider and #cloud industries: Are you seeing this happen?
It’s clear that NFV and SDN strategies are taking hold. The results of an @Infonetics survey in 2014 said that 97 percent of providers are likely to deploy SDN and 93 percent are likely to deploy NFV.
The Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) movement shifts hardware costs from specialized network elements to standard gear.
John Furrier
be great to have @stu join
Feel free to join the discussion and pipe in with questions and comments!
The way this chat is structured --1) I'll do some short background on NFV, then Recep from @cyannews is going to join us for some questions!