This leads to the augmented product and then ultimately to potential! Not just what differentiates the product but ways that it can evolve the present value of the product.
Data and agile development allows for fast shipping of features which in turn fuels the iteration model which in turn focuses on the value to the customer
Rapid technological changes, increasing competition, and exposure to macroeconomic cycles are among the many risks faced by business and developers; speed wins
The commoditization of computing systems causes the value to shift to the integration of development and operations, which Centurylink and cloud providers now better provides. IT shops are being replaced and their traditional suppliers disrupted
#cloud modularizes and commoditizes IT systems, allowing it to integrate development with operations and replace traditional IT departments. Legacy vendors suffer the fall out. #BOOM
But how to fund the #Bigdata initiatives?It can get really Big. Do we all agree that business need to initiate and fund and involve IT leaders to strategize and execute?
So as part of the quantitative -- there's a qualitative aspect. The machine will never take over human interpretation, of course until AI gets really strong... futurespeak
Welcome to the chat for "Building your Big Data Infrastructure and Culture." This will be a great place for discussion during the sessions. As you join introduce yourselves.