
CenturyLink Elevate Boston
Building your Big Data Infrastructure and Culture
   10 years ago
#ElevateCenturyLink Elevate ChicagoBuilding Customer-Centric IT to Move at the Speed of Business
Thanks all for participating in the chat today!! Good dialog!
Katlen Tillman
Thanks for hosting!
CenturyLink Business
Yes, great chat today. Looking forward to our next event in Chicago! http://ow.ly/PE4uq
Brian Mistretta
Total Product Concept - every product has a generic and expected expectation
Brian Mistretta
This leads to the augmented product and then ultimately to potential! Not just what differentiates the product but ways that it can evolve the present value of the product.
John Furrier
Data and agile development allows for fast shipping of features which in turn fuels the iteration model which in turn focuses on the value to the customer
Katlen Tillman
Total product concept then can also refer to the quality and premium nature of the product. In tech, quality is critical.
John Furrier
We are living in an exciting time where "integrated" stacks aka solutions are the key to value. Data will play a big role
John Furrier
Rapid technological changes, increasing competition, and exposure to macroeconomic cycles are among the many risks faced by business and developers; speed wins
John Furrier
cloud and #bigdata is replacing IT shops and changing the vendor decision for customers.
John Furrier
The commoditization of computing systems causes the value to shift to the integration of development and operations, which Centurylink and cloud providers now better provides. IT shops are being replaced and their traditional suppliers disrupted
Wendy White
@furrier huge disruption in the VAR and ITO models?
John Furrier
@wendywhite delivery will be the key to success for VARs the solutions need to be turn key with services wrapped on top
John Furrier
#cloud modularizes and commoditizes IT systems, allowing it to integrate development with operations and replace traditional IT departments. Legacy vendors suffer the fall out. #BOOM
Srinivasan Sankar
But how to fund the #Bigdata initiatives?It can get really Big. Do we all agree that business need to initiate and fund and involve IT leaders to strategize and execute?
Katlen Tillman
that forecast of what you will lose if you don't fund will sober leaders up to invest in it
CenturyLink Business
Here is a great white paper about putting Big Data to work. There is a section on "What's at stake" that can prove helpful: http://www.centuryli...
John Furrier
Best way to fund is to build something fast to show the value then sell the results
Brian Mistretta
Great insight on retail success in fusing digital and physical and leveraging both to create meaningful experiences for customers
And Uber is all over it as well
Katlen Tillman
Excellent Brian, which retailer?
Brian Mistretta
Social sciences plays an important role in assessing data - understanding human interaction from a user group helps to put context to data
Katlen Tillman
So as part of the quantitative -- there's a qualitative aspect. The machine will never take over human interpretation, of course until AI gets really strong... futurespeak
John Furrier
Social Science is a huge point; Look at the decline of things like Reddit where anon forums are not a pleasant place; That is why we built Crowdchat
Brian Mistretta
Data EXPLOSION - 5 million TB in 2003; 8.5 billion TB in 2015
Wendy White
@joeweinman: Data EXPLOSION - 5 million TB in 2003; 8.5 billion TB in 2015
Tim Guillen
And 50 billion connected things by 2020
Tim Guillen
Nike technology helps improve your time and grow sales
John Furrier
can you explain what they have
Wendy White
that one lost me Tim - what is the example?
Thunk things like GE FlightQuest
Tim Guillen
The Nike example was about how they tie a chip in your shoe to your behavior patterns to sell you more apparel.
Great overview of the four digital disciplines - information excellence is first up--
Wendy White
Upcoming book is Digital Disciplines - all attendees will receive one http://www.amazon.co...
CenturyLink Business
Welcome to the chat for "Building your Big Data Infrastructure and Culture." This will be a great place for discussion during the sessions. As you join introduce yourselves.
Katlen Tillman
Good morning. Excited for this morning's chat!
John Furrier
Good morning everyone from Palo Alto
Tim Guillen
The biggest obstacle to adopting a data driven culture showing value and how the data is actually utilized. Insurance and retail vertical are ahead...